Review your professor’s video feedback from last week’s assignment, and explain how helpful the feedback was to you, in what ways you can use this type of feedback in general, and how you will specifically use this feedback as you continue to revise your Personal Statement from Week 1 for the CV assignment in Week 7. (You may review the instructions for the Week 7 CV assignment here as a reference.)
Review the Beginning Graduate School video
embedded below.
Describe any fears, roadblocks or concerns you might have experienced as you began this program as you reflect on the Academic Success Center and Dissertation Center support mechanisms you have already explored in
this assignment.
Explain how you will use these institutional resources, including your professor, to assuage your fears, empower you to be more confident, and aid you in being successful in your scholarly work in this course and throughout the program.
Review the Being Perfect and Asking for Help video embedded below.
Discuss whether or not you suffer from perfectionism, and how you can let go. (Why it is critical to shift your view of faculty feedback as constructive with the intention of helping you to succeed? Consider how you might even ask questions and solicit the feedback of your
professor within your assignment. You are the student for
a reason, so be sure to reach out and ask questions as you go.)