SCI 100 Module Two Activity Template: Scientific Approaches and Questions
Jordan Gum
Address the following about your chosen scientific news story. Replace the bracketed text below with your responses. Use the module overview and resources for assistance. You do not need to conduct outside research.
Part One
Identify an approach to scientific research
addressed in the chosen news story.
This topic will require me to do some more research into krill numbers and their decline in recent years. Krill feed on algae and this will be another approach is to look into the decline of algae concentration which leads to smaller and less numerous krill. Another interesting thing to look at is how exactly to weigh these large animals. The weight is attained by measuring the animals via photos taken by drones.
Part Two
Draft two research questions you are interested in asking about the main idea of your news story. Ensure that both of your questions are measurable
and focused
Is there a correlation between the diminishing population and size of whales in the Southern
Indian Ocean and the decline of krill population and size in the area?
When the ice melts in the Arctic, whales begin to travel North. Is the scarcity of food coming
from the arctic or their travel to the Southern Indian Ocean?