“Vanished” – RACE Questions
Respond to the following questions using the RACE strategy:
R – restate question
A – answer question
C – cite text evidence
E – explain text evidence
*I began the first one for you.
1. Why do you think Carro included the information about the Great Depression? Carro likely included the information about the Great Depression to help readers
understand why Amelia Earhart was so beloved at the time and why her
disappearance was to devastating.
During the Great Depression, many people
were suffering and, as Carro states, “For them, Earhart’s glamorous life and
trilling adventures were a welcome distraction from the struggles of their daily
lives.” These details show that if Amelia Earhart had lived during the Great
Depression, she may not have been as famous and beloved during her lifetime.
2. Why would Amelia Earhart be described as courageous? Amelia Earhart would be described as courageous because circumnavigating the
globe would have been extremely dangerous during her time
. Carro writes that
“in Earhart’s time, flying was still new, and planes had many flaws.” Carro goes
on to explain that flying at all was risky, it was common for parts of planes to
stop working, fall off, or catch on fire, and that flying over the ocean was
particularly dangerous because there was nowhere to make an emergency
The countless risk involved with flying airplanes during this time show
just how courageous Earhart must have been to attempt a circumnavigation.