Name Field Experience: Interview about Learning Standards
Directions: Interview your mentor teacher or a teacher in a classroom other than your classroom if teaching by asking the following questions. NOTE
: If you are not
teaching and are not
yet placed with a mentor, attempt to complete as you volunteer. If this is not possible, complete once you are placed with a mentor. Once placed, remember to return and complete this assignment, and place in the appropriate Dropbox.
What training have you received on teaching the content learning standards?
My mentor, Cassidy Russell, is a second-grade teacher. Recently, the state of Illinois has revamped learning standards. Since then, Cassidy has received online instruction and resources as training. She has also
had a full professional development day on how to teach the current content learning standards. 2.
What process do you follow to unpack or dissect the learning standards
before writing unit lesson plans?
New curriculum came to the Harrisburg, IL school district as a result of the
changes to learning standards. Cassidy has been teaching for close to 15 years, and this change came shortly after her switch from kindergarten to
second grade. The new curriculum is a fantastic standards-based curriculum that has manuals with breakdowns. Learning and following the
curriculum is the best way to unpack the learning standards.