Week 3 DQ 2
Post the link for your educator blog from the previous topic. Choose one blog from two of your colleague’s to comment on. Describe how you could use one of the suggested technologies to differentiate instruction for the group of students.
William Minton: Prodigy Prodigy is an online platform that I want to use with my students. I researched Prodigy and enjoyed its features, like creating assignments, assessments, or providing a fun way for students to learn. Prodigy can be used by my early finishers or as a fun way to review before a formative or summative assessment.
Yoshika Middlebrooks:Nearpod
Nearpod is a technology-based program that I will use. I appreciate its differentiation, including activities such as draw it, group collaboration, and VR experiences for interactive learning. Additionally, it allows you to post videos and add questions to promote ongoing understanding checks for students, rather than waiting until the end of the video.