Joshua Stokes
GEB 5212
Who is the audience and which CPP-communicator type are they?
I’m using LinkedIn to broaden my network and search for further employment. I am between employment because I work contracts and my contract has ended. I need to display to my audience that I have professional capabilities. Most of the managers in higher positions are going to relate well to the action-oriented communicator type. Objective:
How will you change the reader, and which CPP-communicator type are you? My CFP type is action and people oriented. I need the reader to see that I am well versed in people skills but I also can narrow down the details and give them the “meat and potatoes” of what they need to hear. I can reach them with the action oriented.
What do you want the reader to do?
I want the readers to read my profile and be able to relate to me and see that I have a very special set of skills that can be used within their organization. iMpression:
What will the reader think of you? The readers will see me as a leader within my previous careers and can translate my military experience into a promising candidate, a diamond in the rough, you could say. Headline:
Project Coordinator leveraging his military experience to build strategic teams
Until the late 1991 there was no transitioning program for military members. Members would separate and their skills of leadership, training, respect, timeliness were lost through transition. Leaders are forged through the rigorous trainings that pushed throughout the years of the military. From professional writing to team building, we are all forged for leading countless teams through various projects. In October 2021, I separated from the military with a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Southwestern College. I had nowhere to go. The military released me with no plan and no career. I did not let that stop me from forging myself forward into project coordination and management. As a project coordinator, I have been able to harness my team and lead them through the various stages of projects. Utilizing the military experience that I gained throughout my tenure I
was able to lead a 54 million dollar project. This project was in support of the SEAL teams and the SEAL Delivery Vehicles.