Joshua Stokes
BUS 5421
MR 6 First
, please choose any company you would like and analyze its CSR initiatives. Please include a link to any references you review (i.e., company web site, annual report, etc.). Then respond to the following questions.
What do you think are this company's reasons for engaging in the particular CSR initiatives that they do (pragmatic, ethical, strategic, or some combination)?
I think ethics and strategy were the primary approach. I think Nike knows how important inclusion has become in our current climate. Ethically, Nike ahs created a program that utilizes inclusion and diversity.
Who are the key stakeholders that are being addressed by their CSR initiatives?
I think Nike has historically appealed to such a diverse population. From apparel for runners, to Jordan brand shoes, to some of the most expensive shoes on the planet for collectors. Nike has always done a great of appealing to everyone from athletes to soccer moms. I think Nike is using this CSR strategically to push for inclusion for minorities and minority groups like the LGBTQ group. Second
, please consider the conversation around leading in an outrage or cancel culture as covered in Mini-Lecture 6.2. Then respond to the following questions:
Generally speaking, do you believe the American culture's tendency to "cancel" a leader or an organization over certain things is a good or bad thing and why?
I think it can be both. There are certain things that should involve action from an American cultural perspective. I think we saw this most recently from Bud Light brand
and Target Corp. The fallout from their strive to push LGBTQ initiatives caused them to lose Billions of dollars in revenue. I think in this case, America made the right move and use the power of multiples to let these corporations know that it is not okay
to shove controversial ideals down consumers throats.
Describe a time when you have personally acted in a way to avoid being "cancelled" or you have witnessed someone else do so. What was the cost of this decision for you or them?
I think the Christian church has a hard time addressing the hard topics. I had an occasion where I was hanging out with a church friend and he was drinking (I am non-denominational so alcohol by itself is not a sin). At the time, I thought nothing of it until one beer turned to 4, turned to 6, and this caused fellowship to turn to him getting wasted. I didn’t address it because it is a tough spot to tell a grown man that what he is doing is wrong. The issue occurred when he assumed that because I was “cool” with how much he drank that he associated me with his drinking buddies. I was
invited to hang out with him after and had to leave early because I was surrounded by temptation. Third
, consider how you need to grow as an ethical leader who is willing to take a stand despite public backlash. Then respond to the following questions: