Ecology Post-Lab Assignment



University of Texas, San Antonio *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Biosciences II - Ecology - Face-to-Face Laisha Martinez Lab Section: 14 Date: 22-Mar Group Members: Rachel, Summer, Zain Complete all questions, graphs, and tables on the six tabs following this Title page. Answers to questions must be written in complete sentences. Upload to Canvas by 11:59 P.M. by the due date. Name :
FF0000Quadrant Sampling 000000 Table 1. Quadrant Open Area Plot Size Longitude/Latitude Date Time 29*34'55'' N, 98*36"41'' W 3/20/2024 2:41 PM Abiotic Conditions Light Conditions 5 Temperature 64* Wind 7 mph Humidity 75% Soil Moisture moist Does the Ground Slope? yes Is there Organic Litter? no Signs of Human Activity? yes Plant Species Frequency Texas Bluebonnet 1 random Dakota Mock Vervain 4 uniform Astragulus Bibullatus 2 random 1 random Subtribe Conyziane 1 clumped Total Plant Individuals 9 Animal Species Frequency Number of Individuals or Percent Coverage Distribution: Random, Uniform, or Clumped Desmanthus Pernambuchas Number of Individuals or Percent Distribution: Random, Uniform, or
FF0000Quadrant Sampling 000000 Animal Species Frequency Lygus lineolaris 1 random Total Animal Individuals 1 Evidence of Vertebrates yes Table 2. Quadrant Shaded Area Plot Size Longitude/Latitude Date Time 29*34'55" N, 98*36'43'' 3/20/2024 2:50pm Abiotic Conditions Light Conditions moderate Temperature 64* Wind 7 mph Humidity 75% Soil Moisture moist Does the Ground Slope? yes Is there Organic Litter? no Signs of Human Activity? yes Plant Species Frequency Opuntia lindheimer 1 random 1-Jan Stellaria medior 2 random 0.29 Coverage Clumped Number of Individuals or Percent Coverage Distribution: Random, Uniform, or Clumped
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FF0000Quadrant Sampling 000000 Texas bluebonnet 1 random Genus Duron 2 random Thymophylla tenuliboa 1 random Total Plant Individuals 7 Animal Species Frequency Gryllus lineaticeps 1 random 1 Total Animal Individuals 1 Evidence of Vertebrates yes Number of Individuals or Percent Coverage Distribution: Random, Uniform, or Clumped
Quadrant Sampling Table 3. Calculations for Sim Open Area All Species Number (n) n(n-1) 8, 1,2, 7, 3 420 3, 4, 5, 12, 10 1122 14,36 2450 13 156 5 20 4 12 1 1 1 1 12 132 8, 2 90 1, 1 2 1 1 4 12 10 90 2, 12 182 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 5 20 1 1 3 6 TOTAL (N) ∑ n(n-1) 196 Texas Bluebonnet ( Lupinus texensis ) Mock vervains ( Glandularia ) Rabbit Tobacco ( Diaperia prolifera ) Bladderpods (Genus Physaria) Southwestern bedstraw ( Galium virgatum ) Rough buttonweed ( Hexasepalum teres ) Pigeon Bundleflower ( Desmanthus pernambucnas ) Tarnished plant bug ( Lygus lineolaris ) Cloth of gold ( Physaria gracilis ) Vetches (Genus vicia ) Eastern crystal millipedes ( Tribe aniulini ) dung beetle(Subfamily Scarabaeime ) Clovers ( Trifolium repens ) Silverleaf nightshade ( Solanum elaeagnifolium ) Straggler Daisy ( Calyptocarpus vialis ) Beetle (Order coleoptera ) Monarch Butterfly ( Danaus plexippus ) Scarlet Hedgnettle ( Stachys coccinea ) Cricket ( Grylloida ) Termite (Genus Tenuirestritermes ) Broad-nosed weevil ( Tanymecus confusus ) Oxeye daisy ( Leucanthemum vulgare )
Simpson's Diversity Index Question 1: Question 2: Question 3: Based on the data from Table 3, the species richness for the open are Question 4: Based on the data from Table 3 , which plant species is most abundant in numbers? Were both areas r Based on the data from Table 3, the Rabbit Tobacco ( Diaperia Prolifera) was the most abundant with 50 in number. I believe that both the sun and less hydrated soil whereas the shaded are had more species that d Based on the data from Table 3 , which animal species is most abundant in numbers? Were both areas r Based on the data in Table 3, The most abundant animal species in numbers with 27 counts was the Texas Oval (Patera roemen), I be shaded and open area, although there seems to be more species in the sha Based on the data from Table 3 , what was the species richness for the open are What evidence did you see of plant-animal interactions? If none, wh
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There was evidence of pollination and seed plantation, there were bees getting pollen from flowers and different animals like Question 5: There was competition for sun and soil as well as root interactions where every p Question 6: Question 7: There was competition for Light, those plants in the shaded area were competing to survive with minimum light, t Question 8: There might be pollination mutualism this can be where plants rely on an What evidence did you see of plant-plant interactions? If none, wha Identify three different plant species you found in the two areas and describe specific ad The bladderpods are drought-tolerant and adapt to desert conditions in Texas heat it's very dry, There are also Southwestern bed (Calyptocarpus vialis) can survive in shady areas with little to no water they survive What type of competitive interaction s did you notice while surveying this communit What type of mutually beneficial interactions migh
Question 9: I believe the open area was more diverse this is because there was more number of species in Question 11: Which of the two areas (open or shaded) was more diverse ? What observ Question 10: Provide an explanation for why a group of organisms might have the following spatial distribution patterns: Ra explanation. The random distribution indicates an individual's position in independent of the others. A uniform distribution usually results from som resources are distributed in patc Provide a hypothesis statement in the " If... (independent variable), then... (dependent variable), because …" form in an environment where water is only found in small patch If the animal species is dependent on water availability for survival, then the spatial distribution patterns will show a co for their habitat selection and resourc
g mpson’s Diversity Index Shaded Area All Species Number (n) n(n-1) 2 2 2,3,3 56 1 1 3 6 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 27 702 2, 1, 2 20 1 1 2 2 4 12 1 1 2 2 17, 1 306 22 462 1 1 1 1 Ashe juniper ( Juniperus ashei ) Greenbriers ( Smilax ) True sedges (Genus Carex ) Cedar elms ( Ulmus crassifola ) Pennsylvania pellitory ( Parietaria pensylvanica ) Southwestern bedstraw ( Galium virgatum) texas bluebonnet ( Lupinus texensis ) Texas Prickly Pear ( Opuntia lindheimeri ) Chickweed ( Stellaria media ) Gall wasp ( Druon ignotum ) Bristleleaf pricklyleaf ( Thymophylla tenuliboa ) Field Cricket ( Gryllus lineaticeps ) short horned grasshopper (Family Acrididae ) texas oval( Patera roemen ) Roly Poly; Common pill woodlouse ( Armadillidium vulgare ) Moth ( Digrammia pallidata ) Clovers ( Trifolium repens ) Evergreen shrub ( Berberis trifoliolata ) Largessed Forget-me-not ( Myosotis macrosperma ) Anemone berlandieri ( Tenpetal Anemone ) Slender Vetch ( Vicia ludoviciana ) Creeping Woodsorrel ( Oxalis corniculata ) Calyptrate Flesh Fly ( Sarcophagidae ) Rustic Wolf Spider ( Trochosa ruricola )
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1 1 5 20 3 6 TOTAL (N) ∑ n(n-1) 121 Simpson's Diversity Index ea was 196 and the shaded area was 121. Land snail (Genus Helicina ) Texas Live Oakd ( Quercus fusiformic ) Netleaf hackberry ( Celtis reticulate ) relatively even or uneven for plant species evenness ? Explain your response . h areas were relatively uneven this is because the species in the open area seemed to be more adaptive to did not rely on the sun and have more hydrated soil. relatively even or uneven for animal species evenness ? Explain your response . elieve both areas were similarly even because mostly all the animal species were hidden under rock in both aded area under rocks because of the moisture. ea? What was the species richness for the shaded area? hat might you expect to see in an area like this?
e lizards and butterflies going to every pland with and depositing seeds from their digestive tract plant in the same area that merge their roots together. there was also space competition so that there was enough space for plants to grow. nimals such as bees and birds for pollination. at might you expect to see in an area like this? daptations they have for helping them survive in their environment. dstraw (Galium virgatum) that do best in direct light which is why they survive in Texas, Straggler Daisy e in dry soil which is how they survive their environment. ty? If none, what might you expect to see in an area like this? ht there be in this community?
this case the open are allowed for many plants to receive sunlight. vation(s) and calculations led you to this conclusion? andom , Uniform , and Clumped . Include an example scenario with organisms for each me form of negative interaction among individuals, Clupmed distribution occurs where suitable habitat or ches. mat to predict the spatial distribution pattern for an animal species that aggregates together hes during most times of the year. oncentration of individuals closer to the small water patch, because proximity to water is crucial ce utilization.
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Mark and Recapture Sampling Table 4. Mark and Recapture Sampling Trial M C R N 1 27 25 3 225 2 27 25 2 337.5 3 27 25 3 225 4 27 25 9 75 5 27 25 7 96.4 Average N 191.78 Standard Deviation 96.1 Population ID G1 Actual Population Size 118 Question 1: I think we underestimated the population size, a bigger bin to shake. Question 2: Question 3: Did you overestimate or underestimate your population size? What experimental improvements would make your results more accurate? If migration occurred in a natural population being studied, how would this influence the reliability of the estimate of population size you determined by using the mark-and-recapture technique? Would your population estimate be too high or too low, or would you not be able to predict how your estimate would be biased? ( Remember : Migration consists of both immigration and emigration.) If migration occurs in a natural population (inward migration) the population size estimate would be too high. The failure to consider migration can lead to biased estimates, either overestimating or underestimating the true population size. What are some advantages and disadvantages of the mark and recapture method? Some Advantages are its relatively simple and applicable to mobile species, some disadvantages are missed recaptures and limited to certain species.
Question 4: Provide two assumptions of the mark and recapture method as stated in the lab module. There is closed population assumptions and marked individuals mix randomly with unmarked individuals.
Analysis of Soil Samples Table 5. Soil Sample Analysis Sample A Sample B Volume of clay deposit 5 5 Volume of silt deposit 5 3 Volume of sand deposit 10 3 20 11 Percent clay 10% 70% Percent silt 10% 15% Percent sand 80% 15% Soil Texture Class Loamy sand Slit Question 1: Question 2: Volume of total soil deposit Which sample do you think would be best for plant growth? Explain your answer. Sample A is best for plant growth this is because it has equal amounts of sand, slit, and soil which provide surface area for the adhesion and retention of minerals and water. Assuming you had three different soil samples in front of you with soil texture classes of silty clay , clay loam , and loam , which sample would have the highest holding capacity for water retention? Explain your answer . the silty clay soil has the highest water retention capacity due to its finer texture and smaller particles which allows it to retain more water, could also be loam because of the equal amount of sand, slit, and soil. Take a picture of the two soil samples after about 48 hours for the soil composition procedure. Your picture should include both samples with clearly labeled group members' names, date, and section.
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Insert your picture of both soil samples in the area below.
Bald Eagle Population Growth Table 6. Analysis of Bald Eagle Recovery What is the shape of the curve? Year Exponential trendline equation 1963 Doubling time (years) from 1,000 to 2,000 1974 Doubling time (years) from 2,000 to 4,000 1981 Doubling time (years) from 4,000 to 8,000 1984 Average doubling time (years) 1986 1987 How many years to reach 50,000 pairs? 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2005 2006 Doubling time increases, decreases, or remains the same? Graphing Hints: The observed data will need to have separate columns in the data series. You should use a scatter plot with an exponential trendline to best fit the data. Use this area to insert your graph that represents the bald eagle breeding pair population. Plot the observed data. Insert an exponential trendline for the data set. Display the equation for the trendline. Label your axes, units and title the graph. 8000 10000 12000 Chart Title Number of Pairs
Question 1: Question 2: Question 3: Based on how data was collected, what do you think were some assumptions for this study? What is the equation for your observed data trendline ? Provide the equation and calculation for how you determined the approximate number of years for the population to recover to 50,000 breeding pairs based on the observed data trendline . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 0 2000 4000 6000 Year Number of Pairs Year
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Question 4: Question 5: What is biomagnification , and how does this relate to what happened to the bald eagle populations? Also, provide some other birds of prey (or other tertiary consumers) that are affected by this issue in your answer. Include at least one source or citation in your response. Do you believe that this population will continue to grow exponentially indefinitely? If not, what will cause it to slowdown in growth? Explain your answer .
Number of Pairs 587 791 1150 1456 1832 2297 2358 2781 3021 3288 3891 4119 4786 4816 5094 5371 5661 6377 6656 7112 9789