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Jun 12, 2024





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6/24/22, 9:36 PM Final Exam - June 21-24, 2022: ARCH100 OL01 Ancient Peoples and Places 1/32 Final Exam - June 21-24, 2022 Due Jun 24 at 11:59pm Points 60 Questions 60 Available Jun 21 at 12am - Jun 24 at 11:59pm 4 days Time Limit 60 Minutes Instructions Attempt History Attempt Time Score LATEST Attempt 1 56 minutes 49 out of 60 Score for this quiz: 49 out of 60 Submitted Jun 24 at 9:36pm This attempt took 56 minutes. Instructions: 1. This examination is worth 34% of your final grade. 2. You have 60 minutes to write this exam. 3. There are 60 multiple choice questions 4. The following activities are prohibited and will be considered cheating: Looking at or copying from another student’s exam or materials while writing the exam. Conferring with other students regarding the exam, including online chats. Having someone else take the exam in your place. Distributing the exam materials in any way. 5. If you encounter technical problems, please refer to my announcement about the exam. 1 / 1 pts Question 1 Elongated human skulls, like that illustrated and discussed in the article The Racism Behind Alien Mummy Hoaxes are the result of___________________.
6/24/22, 9:36 PM Final Exam - June 21-24, 2022: ARCH100 OL01 Ancient Peoples and Places 2/32 Natural birth of children with deformed skulls, likely due to interbreeding of humans and an unknown source of DNA. The burial of deceased extraterrestrial aliens, viewed as deities in ancient cultures. Intentional modification of skull shape in human infants as part of ancient society. Correct! Correct! The deliberate ancient modification of skull shape in deceased individuals, through the practice of adding other bones to make these look unusual. The burial of an individual who had suffered from hydrocephaly (water on the brain) during life, likely dying as a result. 1 / 1 pts Question 2 Occam’s razor states that “Entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity.” Essentially, this means that________________. Any explanation not couched in scientific terms can be rejected immediately. When assessing competing explanations, the most complex is the best.
6/24/22, 9:36 PM Final Exam - June 21-24, 2022: ARCH100 OL01 Ancient Peoples and Places 3/32 We must be cautious when assessing competing explanations, because there is a fine line between correct and incorrect. Any explanation requiring more than 5 steps can be rejected immediately. When assessing competing explanations, the simplest is the best. Correct! Correct! 1 / 1 pts Question 3 Studies of Neandertal DNA suggest that modern humans may have received a number of traits from interbreeding with these “cousins”, including which of the following? Antibodies against viruses Correct! Correct! Vocalizing abilities A degree of night vision ability Problem-solving logical abilities Protections against skin cancer 0 / 1 pts Question 4 In the article New Study Claims We Probably Didn’t Wipe Out the Neanderthals After All it is suggested that Neandertals became extinct as a result of ___________________.
6/24/22, 9:36 PM Final Exam - June 21-24, 2022: ARCH100 OL01 Ancient Peoples and Places 4/32 Immune systems that were too specialized to deal with an influx of new diseases Lower overall populations orrect Answer orrect Answer Higher overall populations Simply being genetically inferior to modern humans Generally weaker immune systems than modern humans ou Answered ou Answered 0 / 1 pts Question 5 The article New Artifacts Suggest People Arrived in North America Earlier than Previously Thought offers recent evidence in support of the __________________ model of how humans came to live in the Americas or New World. Solutrean hypothesis All of these None of these Ice-free corridor ou Answered ou Answered Coastal migration route orrect Answer orrect Answer 1 / 1 pts Question 6
6/24/22, 9:36 PM Final Exam - June 21-24, 2022: ARCH100 OL01 Ancient Peoples and Places 5/32 The pottery associated with early Pacific Islanders is referred to as ____________. Aurignacian Lapita Correct! Correct! Moai Rapa Nui Tahitian 1 / 1 pts Question 7 What artistic motif features prominently at the site of Çatalhöyük? Bulls Correct! Correct! Sheep Eagles Male deities Gazelles 1 / 1 pts Question 8 People of the Natufian Culture were not full-time farmers, but did practice________________
6/24/22, 9:36 PM Final Exam - June 21-24, 2022: ARCH100 OL01 Ancient Peoples and Places 6/32 Horticulture Correct! Correct! All of these Silviculture Pastoralism Agriculture 1 / 1 pts Question 9 At the time of European contact, coastal villages in British Columbia were made up of as many as 80+ _____________________________. Elite families Great houses Cedar plank houses Correct! Correct! Pit houses Kivas 1 / 1 pts Question 10 When authority is described as “centralized”, this means that ____________________. There is a slave-class within that society
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