It is important to understand sexuality across history as sexual behavior and sources of sexual information have varied from culture to culture over the decades. One can see that throughout most of history that has been recorded on sexuality, most information has been obtained through religion. It wasn’t until well into the late 1800s with the work of Edmund Freud
and others had discovered the connection between human sexuality and the human psyche. They had begun their work in the Victorian era in both the United States and Europe. In the 20
century, major breakthroughs were found by Alfred Kinsey and his colleagues through his investigations on sexual disorders and the physiology of the sexual response. From all of the studies that have been completed by many researchers in this area, we have found significant changes from a lack of understanding of human sexuality and almost anonymity to sexuality almost becoming commonplace in all forms of media (Hyde, 2019).
Doing studies about human sexuality across cultures is important because it shows that there is a huge variation among cultures and their sexual behavior, and it also allows one to put their own standards and behaviors toward sexual behavior into perspective. It also is important in
showing that sexual behavior is not determined by just one factor or variable such as biology or drive. There are many factors that affect human sexual behavior (Hyde, 2019).
In looking at counseling today, one would have to get to know the client’s cultural background and gain a better understanding of their human sexuality preferences (homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, trans) and what that looks like for them in order to counsel them because what is “normal” for one couple may not be “normal’ for another. By being able to better understand this aspect of the lives of your clients you are better able to empower them to help themselves work through such intimate problems that they may have (Hyde, 2019).
Hyde, J. (2019). Understanding Human Sexuality (14th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US).