Modern Physics, 3rd Edition - 3rd Edition - by Raymond A. Serway, Clement J. Moses, Curt A. Moyer - ISBN 9780534493394

Modern Physics, 3rd Edition
3rd Edition
Raymond A. Serway, Clement J. Moses, Curt A. Moyer
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9780534493394

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Book Details

This text presents an introduction to relativity, quantum mechanics, and statistical physics as well as applications of these theories to molecular physics, condensed matter physics, nuclear physics, particle physics, and cosmology. Writing in a student-friendly and accessible manner, the authors strike the perfect balance, mixing relevant applications (many new to this edition) with the appropriate level of theory. A new Web-based simulation software package, QMTools, complements the text and provides modeling tools to help students visualize abstract concepts. Icons are provided throughout the text to highlight areas in which this software can enhance understanding.


  • NEW! Former Chapter 1, "Relativity," has been extensively revised and divided into two chapters. New Chapter 1, "Relativity I," contains the history of relativity, new derivations of the Lorentz coordinate and velocity transforms, and a new section on spacetime and causality. New Chapter 2, "Relativity II," covers relativistic dynamics and energy and includes new material on general relativity, gravitational radiation, and the applications GPS (Global Positioning System) and LIGO (the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory.)
  • NEW! While the most important facts about Superconductivity are included in Chapter 12, "The Solid State," the entire Superconductivity chapter from previous editions has now been made available at the Book Companion Web Site. Various appendices and optional derivations also have been moved to the Companion Web Site.
  • Worked examples of varying difficulty aid students in understanding important concepts, while exercises following the examples immediately test students comprehension of worked examples and problem-solving techniques.
  • End-of-chapter problems, color-coded by level of difficulty, challenge student understanding and problem-solving skills.
  • Optional SPECIAL TOPIC sections offer the student more in-depth treatment of chapter concepts.
  • NEW! Ten to fifteen NEW APPLICATIONS have been added to help students understand how abstract concepts apply to the real world, primarily in engineering scenarios. Some of these include CCD's (charge coupled devices), optical fiber communication, mosfets, chips, fabricating nanostructures, the Mossbauer effect, MRIs, and determining the age of the Earth.
  • NEW! The previous edition's Modern Physics Desktop Software Package has been replaced with new, online (platform-independent) simulation software: QMTools. Icons in the text highlight the examples and problems designed for use with this software, which provides modeling tools to help students visualize abstract concepts and practice problem-solving. All instructions about the general use of the software as well as specific instructions for each problem are contained on the Book Companion Web Site.
  • NEW! Approximately 30 new end-of-chapter problems have been developed for this edition.
  • NEW! Chapter 3, "The Quantum Theory of Light," contains new information about black holes. Chapter 5, "Matter Waves," includes new applications on scanning and transmission electron microscopes.
  • NEW! Chapter 6, "Quantum Mechanics in One Dimension," features a new application on CCD's (Charge Coupled Devices). Chapter 8, "Quantum Mechanics in Three Dimensions," includes a new discussion on the production and spectroscopic study of anti-hydrogen.
  • NEW! Chapter 10, "Statistical Physics," provides new information on the treatments of Bose-Einstein and Fermi condensations showing experimental results. Chapter 11, "Molecular Structure," now includes material on useful types of scattering and spectra such as Raman, Raleigh, fluorescence, and phosphorescence.
  • NEW! A completely updated Chapter 15, "Particle Physics," includes material on the experimental confirmation of neutrino oscillations, mass, and experimental attempts to detect wimps. Significantly revised Chapter 16, "Cosmology," features a new and complete treatment of cosmology, including expanded coverage of the Big-Bang theory, inflation, the age of the universe, missing mass, and the recently observed repulsion between most distant galaxies.
  • NEW! The majority of the guest essays included in the Second Edition and written by specialists in the field to provide an insider's view of physics, are now available online at the Book Companion Web Site.

Sample Solutions for this Textbook

We offer sample solutions for Modern Physics, 3rd Edition homework problems. See examples below:

Write the expression for momentum in S frame, p=mu(1−v2/c2)1/2 (I) Here, p is the momentum, v is the...The formula to calculate energy of the first fragment is, E12=p12c2+(m1c2)2 (I) Here, m1 is the mass...Planck made two assumption the first one is the oscillator energy is quantized and the second one is...Write the given equation for the relation between electric field and magnetic flux. ∮E.ds=−dϕBdt (I)...Write the expression for the number of modes of vibration of waves which is confined by a cavity...Write the expression to calculate the change in wavelength. Δλ=hmec(1−cosθ) (I) Here, h is the...Write the equation for the final energy, E′=hcλ′ (I) Here, λ′ is the final wavelength, h is the...Write the formula for Compton shift, λ′−λ0=hmec(1−cosθ) (I) Here, me is the mass of the electron, c...The assumptions of Bohr’s model are given as follows: Electrons in an atom orbit around the nucleus...Chapter 4, Problem 5PWrite the expression for the radius of the oil drop in the Millikan’s experiment. a=9ηv2ρg (I) Here,...Write the relation between the number of α particles and the scattering angle using Equation 4.16....Write the expression for the conservation of angular momentum of the electron. mevr=nℏ Here, me is...Write the expression for the frequency of the revolution of the electron in the Bohr model of the...Experimental evidence shows that light can acts as both a wave and a particle that means dual nature...Write the expression for the diffraction condition for a crystal. nλ=dsinϕ (I) Here, n is the order...Write the relativistic expression for the kinetic energy. K=(γ−1)mc2 Here, K is the kinetic energy,...Write the expression for the spectral content of the rectangular pulse, g(ω)=12∫−∞∞V(t)e−iωtdt (I)...Write the expression for the matter wave pulse shape. f(x)=12π∫−∞+∞a(k)eikxdk (I) Here, f(x) is the...To represent the wave function of a particle the symbol ψ is used. The probability density at any...Write the expression for potential energy. U=kq1q2r (I) Here, q1 is charge1, q2 is charge2, r is the...The sketch of wave function is plotted below. The sketch of probability density is plotted below....Write the expression for normalization constant. 1=∫−∞∞|ψ(x)|2dx (I) Substitute C[ψ1(x)+ψ2(x)] for...Write the expression for average position. 〈x〉=∫−∞∞x|Ψ|2dx Substitute C{ψ1e−iE1t/ℏ+ψ2e−iE2t/ℏ} for ψ...Write the expression for relation between transmission probability and reflection probability....Write the expression for transmission probabality. ` 1T(E)=1+[U24E(U−E)]sinh2αL (I) Here, T(E) is...The location of electrons can be described using quantum number. Quantum numbers describes energy...Write the expression for momentum given by de Broglie relation. |p|=ℏ|k| (I) Here, p is the...Hydrogen atom is in the 2s state. Take r=a0 Write the expression for normalized wave function for 2s...To compute uncertainty in distance, first calculate average distance and average square distance...The orbital angular moment of an electron arises due to the motion of the electron about its...The existence of magnetic moment and orbital angular momentum leads to the spin obit coupling which...Consider an electron present in the 2p state revolves in a circular orbit or loop of radius r. The...The particle placed in a cubical box is a well-known model in the field of quantum mechanics which...Assumptions of Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution are given below. Physical properties of particles are...The molecule covers d distance in t time with the speed of v. Write the expression for angular...Write the expression for number of particles. ni=gifMB (I) Here, ni is the number of particles, fMB...The modes in which diatomic molecules store energy are – Translational kinetic energy, Rotational...Ionization energy is the energy needed to remove an electron from the atom and electron affinity is...Chapter 11, Problem 9PMetals can absorb visible light. Again, visible can be scattered by the free electron inside the...The total potential energy stored in the solid object is, UT=−kαe2r+Brm (I) Here, k is the coulomb’s...Write the expression for the current density, J=nevd (I) Here, J is the current density, n is the...Write the equation for the drift speed. vd=μE (I) Here, vd is the drift speed, μ is the electron...Write the ideal diode equation for the current through the diode. ID=Is(eeΔV/kBT−1) Here, ID is the...A heavier nucleus is formed by the fusion reactions, in which there is electrostatic repulsion...Write the equation for the nuclear radius. R=R0A1/3 (I) Here, R is the nuclear radius, R0 is...Write the expression for neutron to proton ratio. neutron to proton ratio=A−ZZ (I) Here, A is the...Write the expression for the binding energy of the nuclei. Eb=[ZM(H)+(A−Z)mn−M(ZAX)]Eb(in...Write the semiempirical binding energy formula. Eb=C1A−C2A23−C3Z(Z−1)A13−C4(A−Z)2A Here, Eb is the...According to the conservation of momentum for the masses of daughter nucleus and alpha particle,...Write the equation to find the disintegration energy. Q=(minitial−mfinal)(931.5 MeV/u) Here, Q the...Write the expression for the decays reaction, n→p+e−+ν¯ (I) Here, n is the neutron, p is the proton,...dN2(t)dt the time rate of change of daughter nuclei. It is equal to the difference of production...In a nuclear reactor moderators are used to control the speed of the neutrons produced as the end...Consider the CM frame. Draw the diagram showing direction of a and X. Write the equation for kinetic...Write the equation for the efficiency of the reactor. e=PdeliveredPout Here, e is the efficiency,...Write the equation to find the number of Pu nuclei in one kilogram. n=NA(1 kgMPu) Here, n the number...Write the first reaction in proton-proton cycle H1+H1→H2+e++ν (I) Here, H1 is the hydrogen, H2 is...Write the expression for the net power output, Pnet=Poutput−Pinput (I) Here, Pnet is the net power...The number of fissions in 1st, 2nd, 3rd …. nth number is according to the series given below....The fundamental interactions are also known as fundamental forces. They are the interactions that do...Consider table 15.2 and refer equation 15.1, The missing neutrinos in pion are Muon-neutrino....Consider the reaction, p+p→n+Σ++K0+π+ (I) Write the expression for the threshold for production of...Write the expression for ντ(t). ντ(t)=sinθν2e−iE2t/ℏ+cosθν3e−iE3t/ℏ (I) Here, ντ(t) the time...Write the given reaction of beta decay n→p+e−+v¯ (I) Here, n is the neutron, p is the proton, e− is...Write the expression for the momentum of Σ+ particle. pΣ+=eBrΣ+ (I) Here, pΣ+ the momentum of Σ+...Write the expression for the distance. R=vH=0.55cH (I) Here, R is the distance, H is the Hubble’s...Write the Hubble’s law equation. v=H0R (I) Here, v is the speed of galaxy, H0 is the Hubble’s...

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

Modern Physics
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Modern Physics
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