ENGINEERING DESIGN PROCESS - 3rd Edition - by HAIK - ISBN 9781305253285

3rd Edition
Publisher: CENGAGE L
ISBN: 9781305253285


Book Details

Clearly outline the engineering design process in five basic stages  -  requirements, product concept, solution concept, embodiment design, and detailed design  -  with ENGINEERING DESIGN PROCESS, 3E. The authors take a unique approach, distinctively describing how these five stages can be seamlessly integrated. The book illustrates how the design methods can work together coherently while supporting exercises and labs to help designers efficiently navigate the design process. The book leads the beginner designer from the basics of design with very simple tasks  -  the first lab involves designing a sandwich  -  all the way through more complex design needs. This effective approach to the design model equips students with the skills to apply engineering design concepts not only to conventional engineering problems, but also for other design problems.

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

Engineering Design Process
2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780495668145
MindTap Engineering for Haik/Sivaloganathan/Shahin’s Engineering Design Process, 3rd Edition, [Instant Access], 1 term (6 months)
3rd Edition
ISBN: 9781305638914

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