Problem 4.1P:
Suppose we have a capacitance C discharging through a resistance R. Define and give an expression...Problem 4.2P:
The dielectric materials used in real capacitors are not perfect insulators. A resistance called a...Problem 4.3P:
The initial voltage across the capacitor shown in Figure P4.3 is vC(0+)=10V . Find an expression for...Problem 4.4P:
A 100F capacitance is initially charged to 1000 V. At t = 0, it is connected to a 1k resistance. At...Problem 4.5P:
At t = 0, a charged 10{ F capacitance is connected to a voltmeter, as shown in Figure P4.5 . The...Problem 4.6P:
At time t1 , a capacitance C is charged to a voltage of V1. Then, the capacitance discharges through...Problem 4.7P:
Given an initially charged capacitance that begins to discharge through a resistance at t = 0, what...Problem 4.8P:
The initial voltage across the capacitor shown in Figure P4.3 is vc(0+)=0 . Find an expression for...Problem 4.9P:
In physics, the half-life is often used to characterize exponential decay of physical quantities...Problem 4.10P:
We know that a 50F capacitance is charged to an unknown voltage Vi, at t= 0. The capacitance is in...Problem 4.11P:
We know that the capacitor shown in Figure P4.11 is charged to a voltage of 10 V prior to t = 0....Problem 4.12P:
The purchasing power P of a certain unit of currency declines by 3 percent per year. Determine the...Problem 4.13P:
Derive an expression for vC(t) in the circuit of Figure P4.13 and sketch vC(t) to scale versus time....Problem 4.14P:
Suppose that at t= 0, we connect an uncharged 10 F capacitor to a charging circuit consisting of a...Problem 4.15P:
Suppose we have a capacitance C that is charged to an initial voltage Vi . Then at t=0 , a...Problem 4.16P:
A person shuffling across a dry carpet can be approximately modeled as a charged 100- pF capacitance...Problem 4.18P:
Consider the circuit shown in Figure P4.18. Prior to t = 0, v1=100V , and v2=0 . Immediately after...Problem 4.19P:
List the steps for dc steady-state analysis of RLC circuits.Problem 4.20P:
Explain why we replace capacitances with open circuits and inductances with short circuits in dc...Problem 4.21P:
Solve for the steady-state values of i1, i2, and i3 for the circuit shown in Figure P4.21. Figure...Problem 4.22P:
Consider the circuit shown in Figure P4.22. What is the steady-state value of vc after the switch...Problem 4.23P:
In the circuit of Figure P4.23, the switch is in position A for a long time prior to t=0 . Find...Problem 4.24P:
The circuit shown in Figure P4.24 has been set up for a long time prior to t = 0 with the switch...Problem 4.25P:
Solve for the steady-state values of i1 , i2, i3, i4 , and vc for the circuit shown in Figure P4.25,...Problem 4.26P:
The circuit shown in Figure P4.26 is operating in steady state. Determine the values of iL, vx, and...Problem 4.28P:
Consider the circuit of Figure P4.28 in which the switch has been closed for a long time prior to t=...Problem 4.29P:
For the circuit shown in Figure P4.29, the switch is closed for a long time prior to t = 0. Find...Problem 4.30P:
Consider the circuit of Figure P4.30 in which the switch has been closed for a long time prior to t...Problem 4.31P:
Give the expression for the time constant of a circuit consisting of an inductance with an initial...Problem 4.32P:
A circuit consists of switches that open or close at t = 0, resistances, dc sources, and a single...Problem 4.33P:
The circuit shown in Figure P4.33 is operating in steady state with the switch closed prior to t =...Problem 4.34P:
Consider the circuit shown in Figure P4.34. The initial current in the inductor is iL(0)=0.2A . Find...Problem 4.35P:
Repeat Problem P4.34 given iL(0)=0A .Problem 4.36P:
Real inductors have series resistance associated with the wire used to wind the coil. Suppose that...Problem 4.37P:
Determine expressions for and sketch is(t) to scale versus time for 0.2t1.0 s for the circuit of...Problem 4.38P:
For the circuit shown in Figure P4.38,, find an expression for the current iL(t) and sketch it to...Problem 4.39P:
The circuit shown in Figure P4.39 is operating in steady state with the switch closed prior to t =...Problem 4.40P:
Consider the circuit shown in Figure P4.40. A voltmeter (VM) is connected across the inductance. The...Problem 4.41P:
Due to components not shown in the figure, the circuit of Figure P4.41 has iL(0)=Ii. Write an...Problem 4.42P:
The switch shown in Figure P4.42 has been closed for a long time prior to t = 0, then it opens at t...Problem 4.43P:
Determine expressions for and sketch vR(t) to scale versus time for the circuit of Figure P4.43. The...Problem 4.44P:
What are the steps in solving a circuit having a resistance, a source, and an inductance (or...Problem 4.46P:
Solve for vC(t) for t > 0 in the circuit of Figure P4.46.[Hint: Try a particular solution of the...Problem 4.47P:
Solve for v(t) for t > 0 in the circuit of Figure P4.47, given that the inductor current is zero...Problem 4.49P:
Consider the circuit shown inFigure P4.49. The voltage source is known as a ramp function, which is...Problem 4.50P:
Consider the circuit shown in Figure P4.50. The initial current m the inductor is is(0+)=0 . Write...Problem 4.51P:
The voltage source shown in Figure P4.51 is called a ramp function Assume that iL(0)=0 . Write the...Problem 4.52P:
Determine the form of the particular solution for the differential equation 2dv(t)dt+v(t)=5tsin(t)...Problem 4.53P:
Determine the form of the particular solution for the differential equation dv(t)dt+3v(t)=t2exp(t)...Problem 4.56P:
How can first-or second-order circuits be identified by inspecting the circuit diagrams?Problem 4.60P:
Sketch a step response for a second-order system that displays considerable overshoot and ringing in...Problem 4.61P:
A dc source is connected to a series RLC circuit by a switch that closes at t = 0, as shown en...Problem 4.62P:
Repeat Problem P4.61 for R = 40 .Problem 4.63P:
Repeat Problem P4.61 for R = 20 .Problem 4.65P:
Repeat Problem P4.64 for R=50 .Problem 4.66P:
Repeat Problem P4.64 for R=500 .Problem 4.67P:
Solve for i(t) for t > 0 in the circuit of Figure P4.67,, with R = 50 given that i(0 +) =0 and vc(0...Problem 4.71P:
Use MATLAB to derive an expression for vc(t)in the circuit of Figure P4.13 and plot vc(t) versus...Problem 4.73P:
Consider the circuit shown in FigureP4.50 in which the switch is open for a long time prior to t =...Problem 4.76P:
Use MATLAB to solve for the mesh currents in the circuit of Figure P4.76. The circuit has been...Problem 4.1PT:
The switch m the circuit shown in Figure T4.1 is closed prior to t = 0. The switch opens at t = 0....Problem 4.3PT:
Consider the circuit shown in Figure T4.3. Figure T4.3 a. Write the differential equation for i(t)....Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - IntroductionChapter 2 - Resistive CircuitsChapter 3 - Inductance And CapacitanceChapter 4 - TransientsChapter 5 - Steady-state Sinusoidal AnalysisChapter 6 - Frequency Response, Bode Plots, And resonanceChapter 7 - Logic CircuitsChapter 8 - Computers, Microcontrollers And Computer-based Instrumentation SystemsChapter 9 - DiodesChapter 11 - Field-effect Transistors
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