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Chapter 1 - Basic InformationChapter 2 - Skeletal SystemChapter 3 - Articular SystemChapter 4 - ArthrokinematicsChapter 5 - Muscular SystemChapter 6 - Nervous SystemChapter 7 - Circulatory SystemChapter 8 - Basic BiomechanicsChapter 9 - Shoulder GirdleChapter 10 - Shoulder Joint
Chapter 11 - Elbow JointChapter 12 - Wrist JointChapter 13 - HandChapter 14 - Temporomandibular JointChapter 15 - Neck And TrunkChapter 16 - Respiratory SystemChapter 17 - Pelvic GirdleChapter 18 - Hip JointChapter 19 - Knee JointChapter 20 - Ankle Joint And FootChapter 21 - PostureChapter 22 - Gait
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The sternum is also known as the breastbone. It is a long flat bone present in the center part of...Difference between the axial and appendicular skeleton is listed below: CriteriaAxial...The joint that allows little or no motion is termed as a fibrous joint. Fibrous joints are the...The shoulder flexion and extension are an osteokinematic type of motion. This is because the...Insertion is the name that is used to describe the distal attachment. Insertion does move toward the...The spinal cord of adult is around 45 cm long and width is roughly 14 mm. It is not as long as the...The heart is divided into four chambers (two atria on the top and two ventricles on the bottom) and...Reasons for the correct answer: Option a. is given as “Cuff positioned at the wrist”. Putting the...The structures that make up the shoulder girdle are as follows: Articulation between the clavicle...
Shoulder abduction or adduction occurs in the frontal plane around the sagittal axis. Abduction is...In forearm, the bones radius and ulna participate in the joints and in the elbow, the bones involved...The bones of the wrist from the lateral to the medial on the proximal row are listed below:...There are motions of the finger that occur around the axis that is sagittal and on the frontal...The two bones that make up the zygomatic arch are zygomatic bone and temporal bones. The prominent...Lateral bending of the neck and the trunk takes place in the frontal plane around the sagittal axis....The bony structures that make up the thorax are given as follows: Sternum Ribs Thoracic vertebrae...When the front of the pelvis drops in association with the back of the pelvis, moving the anterior...The pelvis is composed of the following bones: Two innominate bones, the coccyx, and the sacrum.The knee joint is uniaxial but the patellofemoral jointdoesnot haveany axes. The knee joint is...The ankle joint is formed of the distal tibia, fibula, and talus. The ankle joint is also called as...The splenius capitis and the splenius cervicis are the neck or cervical extensor muscles. Lumbar...There is no period of support in running, whereas longer of periods of double support is in walking.
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3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780803626331
5th Edition
ISBN: 9781719644549
Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy
3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780803623903
Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy
5th Edition
ISBN: 9780803623637
5th Edition
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Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy
7th Edition
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Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy
6th Edition
ISBN: 9780803694231
Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy
6th Edition
ISBN: 9780803658233
6th Edition
ISBN: 9781719661201
Laboratory Manual for Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy
4th Edition
ISBN: 9780803658257
Pkg: Clin Kines & Anat 6e & Lab Manual Clin Kines & Anat 4e
2nd Edition
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4th Edition
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