Objects First with Java: A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ (6th Edition)
Objects First with Java: A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ (6th Edition)
6th Edition
ISBN: 9780134477367
Author: David J. Barnes, Michael Kolling
Publisher: PEARSON

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Chapter 4, Problem 48E

Add a close method to the Auction class. This should Iterate over the collection of lots and print out details of all the lots. Use a for-each loop. Any lot that has had at least one bid for it is considered to be sold, so what you are looking for is Lot objects whose highestBid field is not null. Use a local variable inside the loop to store the value returned from calls to the getHighestBid method, and then test that variable for the null value.

For lots with a bidder, the details should include the name of the successful bidder and the value of the winning bid. For lots with no bidder, print a message that indicates this.

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Objects First with Java: A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ (6th Edition)

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