Starting Out with Python (4th Edition)
Starting Out with Python (4th Edition)
4th Edition
ISBN: 9780134444321
Author: Tony Gaddis
Publisher: PEARSON
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Chapter 3, Problem 8AW
Program Plan Intro

“if” statement:

“if” statement is used to make a decision structure, which permits the program to hold more than one path of execution.

  • • The indented statement is executed only when the condition is “true”.
  • • If the given condition is “false”, it skips the indented statements.


Turtle graphics is a method which is used to simulate a “turtle” to draw a simple graphics based on the given commands.

  • • It provides numerous functions that use decision structures which determines the state of the turtle and performs actions according to the conditions.

Import turtle:

A turtle is the predefined module in a program and in order to use the turtle in a program the turtle module must be imported.

  • • To import the turtle module use “import turtle” in the program.


Algorithm to determine whether the turtle’s heading is within the degrees “0” to “45”.

  • • Check whether the degree is within the range through “0” to “45”.
  • • If so, raise the turtle’s pen up using the function “penup()”.

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Chapter 3 Solutions

Starting Out with Python (4th Edition)

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