String access operations.
Q: 9.7 Create a CircularList class method named reverse that allows you to reverse the order of any…
A: A method called reverse that changes the list in-place may be created if we wanted to reverse the…
Q: 10.5 LAB: Implementing StaticSet using HashSet Java HashSet overview The java.util package contains…
A: Explanation of Methods :Union MethodCombines all elements from the current set and another set.Uses…
Q: 8.2 LAB: Max of 2 Write a program that takes in two integers and outputs the larger value. Ex: If…
A: Python code to print larger of 2 elements is given below.
Q: 11.10 Write the compareTo method for a class that is to be ordered by a field, key, which is a…
A: Given, Write the compareTo method for a class that is to be ordered by a field. Write the compareTo…
Q: Rearrange the following lines of code to produce a program that finds the second uppercase letter in…
A: I have provided PYTHON CODE along with CODE SCREENSHOT and OUTPUT…
Q: Given an input file (numbers.txt) that contains one integer on each line. Read all the numbers and…
A: When we consider C++ program , it can be defined as a collection of objects that communicate via…
Q: 5.9 LAB: CSS practice You are to create a web page for the following poem/song, entitled…
A: Step 1:- Note:-I am using internal CSS in this code. Internal CSS is added to the style tag in this…
Q: 7.16 LAB: Breakout room activity - Interactive Menu Learning Goals use a dictionary to…
A: The complete python Code is below:
Q: 26.7 LAB: How many dice rolls? Given a GVDie object and an integer that represents the total sum…
A: 1. Import Module: - Import the `random` module for generating random numbers.2. Define GVDie…
Q: 15.8.1: Quicksort. zay7 Jump to level 1 Given numbers = {15 77 84 21 64 52 45), i = 0, k = 6 What is…
A: - We need to get the midpoint and pivot in the numbers array.
Q: Assignment 2: Lost Fortune 2.0 *Program must be executed using NodeJS* Introduction: In this…
A: The ask is to write the given program using NodeJs doing the following tasks: 1. Create a new file…
Q: Print either "Fruit", "Drink", or "Unknown" (followed by a newline) depending on the value of…
A: This is multiple type question, hence only first question has been answered. The question is to…
Q: Create an object called game in the script.js file. Add 2 properties: lives - initially 3, and…
A: Below I provided the code and output of program
Q: Declare a Boolean variable named valid Password. Use valid Password to output "Valid" if passwordStr…
A: Step-1) First, initialize a boolean variable validPass to false.Step-2) Then, taking a password as…
Q: CHALLENGE 6.16.1: Report country population. АCTVITY Write a loop that prints each country's…
A: According to the Question below the Solution: Output:
Q: Write a program that first reads in the name of an input file and then reads the file using the…
A: Step 1 : Start Step 2 : Import the csv module and declare the freq dictionary. Step 3 : Take user…
Q: 4.4 Exercise 1 Composition :
A: public class Date{ //declaring instance variables private int day; private int month;…
Q: Write a program that reads a person's first and last names, separated by a space. Then the program…
Q: E7.11 Implement the strncpy function of the standard library.
A: The function strcpy() and strncpy() is used to copy the whole/part of one string to another string.…
Q: 15.8.1: Quicksort. zqy7 Jump to level 1 Given numbers = {42 54 63 43 70 64 50), i = 0, k = 6 What is…
A: Introduction: Quicksort is a sorting algorithm that uses a divide-and-conquer approach to sort an…
Q: 18.3 LAB: Max of 3 Write a program that takes in three integers and outputs the largest value. Ex:…
A: Start input three numbers num1 , num2 and num3 check if (num1 >= num2) and (num1 >= num3)…
Q: 4.9 LAB: Sorting TV Shows (dictionaries and lists) Write a program that first reads in the name of…
A: Solution: First, file is read using readlines and all strings are stripped for extra spaces using…
Q: 6.12 LAB: BST validity checker Step 1: Inspect the file Inspect the class declaration…
A: Step 1: To address the requirements for the 6.12 LAB: BST validity checker, let's break down the…
Q: Two tables are created: Horse with columns: ID - integer, primary key RegisteredName -…
A: The Queries for all the 3 tables are given below along with output screenshot Demo Data has been…
Q: 11.9 LAB: Course Grade Write a program that reads the student information from a tab separated…
A: Python Program of Above code is given below:
Q: You will be building a linked list. Make sure to keep track of both the head and tail nodes. (1)…
A: #include "ContactNode.h" int main(){ //Variables for input read string name, ph; //Linked list…
Q: 8.8 The following operations are performed on a stack: PUSH A, PUSH B, POP, PUSH C, PUSH D, POP,…
A: The data structure, based on the LIFO principle, is stack. The stack is opened from one side…
Q: 12.10 LAB: Working with Files This exercise is designed to give you experience looping over files…
A: Working with files in Python involves using the built-in modules and functions to open, read, write,…
Q: Explain the differences between 2, 2.0, '2', "2", and "2.0".
A: Introduction A data type is a classification of data that tells a program how the programmer intends…
Q: Python 3.7.4 Write a statement that associates d with a one-entry dictionary that maps the str…
A: The required statement is as given below:d = {'answer':42}
Q: 1.16 LAB: Input: Mad Lib Mad Libs are activities that have a person provide various words, which are…
A: According to the question Coding, language is not mentioned to write a particular programming…
Q: 4314.3640684.qx3zqy7 In the code below, we compute the sum of integers in a file by reading them one…
Q: 7.17 LAB: Medical device vulnerability scoring In this lab, you will complete the implementation of…
A: Algorithm: Medical Device Vulnerability Scoring1. Start2. Add event listeners to all radio buttons:…
Q: Given a GVDie object and an integer that represents the number of rolls as parameters, complete…
A: Algorithm: 1. Start 2. Define a class called GVDie 3. Inside the class, define a function called…
Q: Create a conditional expression that evaluates to string "negative" if user_val is less than 0, and…
A: In this question we have to write a python code for conditional expression which prints negative or…
Q: Write code that uses the input string stream inSS to read input data from string userlnput, and…
A: Please find the answer below :
Q: : Make a File Reader For this step, you will only need to modify, and thus focus on, the following…
A: package com.javatpoint; import; public class FileReaderExample {…
Q: 4.14 LAB: JavaScript game object Create an object called game in the script.js file. Add 2…
A: Step-1) First, creating an object called game.Step-2) Then, initialize lives is 3 and coins is…
Q: 5.13 LAB: Password modifier Many user-created passwords are simple and easy to guess. Write a…
A: Algorithm: 1. Input word 2. Run through for loop. 3. Print the output
3.37.1: String access operations.

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- CHALLENGE Feedback? ACTIVITY 2.15.1: Reading and outputting strings. Write a program that reads a person's first and last names separated by a space, assuming the first and last names are both single words. Then the program outputs last name, first name. End with newline. Example output if the input is: Maya Jones Jones, Maya 345154.2174782.qx3zay7 1 #include 2 #include 3 using namespace std3; 4 5 int main) { string firstName; string lastName; 6. 9. 10 11 return 0; 12 } MacBook Pro11.9 LAB: Radioactive decay Complete the functions in the template to implement the formulas shown below. The formula to calculate how much of a radioactive isotope with half-life T will remain after time t is: Nt=N0e−0.693tT The formula can be rearranged to calculate the half-life of an isotope given how much remains after decay: T=−0.693tlnNtN0 The notation used in the formulas is: e = Euler's number accessible as math.e. t = the length of time (in years) during which an isotope decays T = the half-life (in years) of the isotope N0 = the initial amount of the isotope Nt the amount of the isotope remaining after time t Then, complete the main program to: Read a choice Read 3 numbers from one line: Choice N: N0, t, and T Choice T: N0, Nt, and t Call compute_Nt() if the choice is N, compute_T if the choice is T Output the result with four digits after the decimal point. code I have so far: import math def compute_Nt(N0, t, T): return N0 * (math.exp(-0.693*t /…CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 4.16.3: Conditional expression: Conditional assignment. Using a conditional expression, write a statement that increments num_users if update_direction is 3, otherwise decrements num_users. Sample output with inputs: 8 3 New value is: 9 Code writing challenge activity demo 461710.3116374.qx3zqy7 1 num_users = int(input()) 2 update_direction = int(input()) 3 4 num_users = ''Your solution goes here *** 5 6 print(f'New value is: {num_users}') Run
- 4.6.2: Convert a height into inches. Write a second convertToInches() with two double parameters, numFeet and numInches, that returns the total number of inches. Ex: convertToInches(4.0, 6.0) returns 54.0 (from 4.0 * 12 + 6.0) """ File: Project 7.11 Defines and tests a function to enlarge an image. """ from images import Image def enlarge(image, factor): """Builds and returns a copy of the image which is larger by the factor.""" def block_copy_pixel_to(image, row_index, line, pixel_to_copy, factor): for x in range(factor): for y in range(factor): image.setPixel(row_index + x, line + y, pixel_to_copy) old_height = image.getHeight() old_width = image.getWidth() new_height = old_height * factor new_width = old_width * factor new_image = Image(new_width, new_height) nhi = 0 # new height index for ohi in range(old_height): # original image height index # new left & right indices nli = 0 nri = new_width - 1 # original left & right indices oli = 0 ori = old_width - 1 # Copy blocks of the same pixel to the new image while oli < ori: old_left_pixel = image.getPixel(oli, ohi) block_copy_pixel_to(new_image, nli, nhi, old_left_pixel, factor) old_right_pixel =…4.29 LAB: Quote web API (XMLHttpRequest) In this lab, you will use a web API to fetch and display quotes on a selected topic, as shown below. Quote web API A quote web API returns a collection of randomly selected quotes related to a given topic. The API supports two query string parameters: topic - Specifies the requested topic. Valid topics are love, motivational, wisdom, and humor. count - Specifies the number of quotes requested and must be a number from 1 to 5. Ex: The API request: returns 3 quotes about love, formatted in JSON: [ { "quote": "If I know what love is, it is because of you.", "source": "Hermann Hesse" }, { "quote": "The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.", "source": "Elie Wiesel" }, { "quote": "Suffering passes, while love is eternal.", "source": "Laura Ingalls Wilder" } ] If the topic is not given or not recognized, the API returns an error message. Ex: The request for a "success" quote:…
- CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 4.9.2: Boolean operators: Detect specific values. Write an expression using membership operators that prints "Special number if special_num is one of the special numbers stored in the list special_list = [-99, 0, 44]. Sample output with input: 17 Not special number Code writing challenge activity demo 461710.3116374.qx3zay7 1 special_list = [-99, 0, 44] 2 special_num= int(input()) 3 4 if Your solution goes here "'': 5 print('Special number') 6 else: 7 print('Not special number')Need help with Zybook JavaScript Lab 6.19. Not sure how to start this off and instructions are confusing to me. Code: function calcWordFrequencies() { }1. 3 Strings, 1 Word by CodeChum Admin This'll be the last time that I, the neighborhood English teacher, would bother you in your home, I promise! So, can you please code one last game for my students? This game is still a guessing game, but this time, the program will be giving three phrases that describe one particular thing, separated by spaces in one single line. You think you can handle this task for me once again? Output A single line containing a string with the three phrases "Sugar", "Spice", and "Everything Nice" in 1 line. Sugar, Spice, Everything Nice
- 3.13 LAB: Extracting Passwords (files and lists) The Linux operating system is a very popular server OS. A network administrator has to protect the login/password files stored on the servers. In Linux there are two important files: /etc/passwd And it contains rows that look like this: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/sbin/nologin adm:x:3:4:adm:/var/adm:/sbin/nologin ftp:x:14:50:FTP User:/var/ftp:/sbin/nologin user1:x:15:51:User One:/home/user1:nologin user2:x:15:51:User One:/home/user1:nologin user3:x:15:51:User One:/home/user1:nologin This file contains login information. It's a list of the server's accounts that has userID, groupID, home directory, shell and more info. And the second file /etc/shadow, contains rows that look like this: root:$1$TDQFedzX$.kv51AjM.FInu0lrH1dY30:15045:0:99999:7::: bin:*:14195:0:99999:7::: daemon:*:14195:0:99999:7::: adm:*:14195:0:99999:7::: ftp:*:14195:0:99999:7:::…LAB 20.14.1: LAB: Count characters 0/10 АCTIVITY 1 import java.util.Scanner; 3 public class LabProgram { 4 public static void main(String[] args) { /* Туре уоиr code here. */ } 5 6 7 } Insertion sort. zqy7 Jump to level 1 Given list {20 25 29 31 33 34 37 39 30 26), when i is 8, how many swaps will be performed in the inner loop? Ex: 8