Chapter 7
The rehearsals are ongoing and the community is excited to watch the play this year. Jamie requests Landon to walk her home after the rehearsals because they finish late. Landon agrees because he does not want any awkwardness between them during rehearsals.
During one of their evening walks, Jamie reveals that she doesn’t plan to attend college. Landon is surprised to hear this considering Jamie was the brightest student in their class. Landon asks her about the Bible she carries, and she reveals that it belonged to her mother. Her mother carried it everywhere and also had it with her in the hospital when she died. Jamie says that she misses her mother and feels connected to her through this Bible.
One night, Eric and Margaret see Jamie and Landon walking home together. Eric quickly tells everyone at school about the after-rehearsal walks, and Landon is teased by everyone. Frustrated and annoyed, Landon withdraws from everyone and has his lunch alone. That night, Landon tells Jamie that he cannot walk her home. Mrs Garber overhears this conversation and insists that Landon must escort Jamie. However, Landon maintains a distance while walking. Jamie understands that Landon is in a bad mood and asks him for the reason. Landon becomes angry towards her, and she is deeply hurt by this outburst.
This is an important chapter since it marks the beginning of transformation in Landon’s life. In hurting Jamie, he hurts himself. Landon is annoyed with everything around him: his involvement in the play, the teasing at school, having to walk Jamie home, etc. But, perhaps, he is most annoyed because he has realised that Jamie is more than what he had imagined and with each passing day, he’s getting more involved with her.