A Walk to Remember: Key Quotes and Analysis
“When I was seventeen, my life changed forever.”
—Prologue and Chapter 13
The novel begins with this line by Landon. In the last chapter, Landon says this line again, underlining the journey that he’s had. This line also highlights an important theme of the novel: growing up and transformation. When the novel starts with this line, readers are intrigued to learn about that one event that has had such an impact on Landon’s life.
“First you will smile, and then you will cry—don’t say you haven’t been warned.”
Sparks uses this line to prepare readers for the range of emotions they will experience in the novel. This line underlines that the author is appealing to the emotions of the reader. Since A Walk to Remember is largely classified as a love story, it is natural to expect these opposing emotions as the story unravels. The line worked well to entice readers who prefer sentimentality.
“With that, Jamie and Hegbert started moving again, and I felt my heart surge with pride. It was, I remembered thinking, the most difficult walk anyone ever had to make. In every way, a walk to remember.”
These lines reference the title of the novel, “a walk to remember.” These lines show the importance of Jamie’s walk down the aisle. It was a moment that Jamie had always dreamt of. Even though she was weak, she gathered the strength to walk down the aisle with her father. This walk is a symbol of hope for many, a triumph of Jamie’s will and determination.
“You have to promise not to fall in love with me.”
This line is spoken by Jamie when Landon asks her out for the homecoming dance. This intrigues the reader because it hints at the fact that there is a secret that Jamie is keeping from everyone. Landon takes it as a joke at this point. Later, it is for Jamie’s love that Landon becomes more self-aware and kind.
“It was the best Christmas I’ve ever had.”
This line is spoken by Jamie after Landon and she have distributed gifts at the orphanage. Landon is touched by Jamie’s gift for him: the Bible that belonged to his mother. Jamie, too, is overwhelmed by the gift Landon has gotten for her. In this instance, they both prioritize the other’s preference.