A Walk to Remember: Discussion Questions
Why does Hegbert write The Christmas Angel?
The Christmas Angel is a play that is performed annually on Christmas eve. The play is written by Hegbert, Jamie’s father. The play is important to Hegbert because it is based on his own life. The play is about a grief-stricken man whose wife dies during childbirth. He is so consumed by his grief that he does not pay attention to his child. An angel appears before the man and reprimands him for not being a better father. Later, on Christmas, he performs a miracle for the family. Hegbert, like the protagonist of the play had lost his wife during childbirth. Given that his daughter was severely ill, he, too, hoped for a Christmas miracle. This play signifies hope and gives Hegbert comfort in these difficult times.
What are some of the ways in which Landon slowly begins to admire Jamie as a person?
Initially, Landon, like the rest of his classmates, did not admire Jamie. He finds her odd for remaining aloof and always carrying a Bible with her. He asks her out for the homecoming dance only out of compulsion. After the dance, his friends tease him about Jamie but he still does not like it. Later, during the rehearsals of the play, Landon gets annoyed at the work he’s required to put in and blames Jamie for it.
Landon begins to appreciate Jamie only after he visits the orphanage with her and becomes aware of Jamie’s love for the orphans and of her efforts to better their lives. Finally, during the final performance, Landon is able to see Jamie’s beauty. Soon after, they begin to date. Jamie’s selflessness, her kindness, and her ability to remain optimistic in the face of adversity makes Landon respect and admire her more.
When Landon learns about Jamie’s illness, he begins to love her more. He does not decide to marry her out of pity but out of love. Jamie’s simplicity and honesty attract Landon to him.
Why do other teens think Jamie is strange?
Jamie is considered odd and weird by others around her. Unlike her classmates, she remains aloof and rarely socialises with anyone. She is always seen with a Bible, which she reads while having lunch all by herself. She chooses to dress in simple clothes, which do not differ from day to day. Her father has a good reputation amongst the people of the town. Since Jamie was so different from her classmates and so unlike people her age, she was labeled weird. Jamie spent most of her time helping others and was mostly invested in her studies.
Why does Landon want to marry Jamie?
Even after Landon learns about Jamie’s illness he decides to marry her. He goes to Hegbert to seek his permission, who is hesitant at first but finally agrees. Landon dismissed claims that he wishes to marry Jamie out of pity. On the other hand, he says he wants to marry Jamie because she’s made him the man he has become. Landon undergoes change and transformation after meeting Jamie. His love for Jamie is honest and unconditional, which is why he proposes marriage to her.
What does it mean at the end of the novel when Landon says that he now believes that miracles can happen?
The ending of the novel is ambiguous and can be interpreted in many ways. The “miracle” that Landon mentions could refer to different things. It could be that Jamie recovered to some extent. It could simply refer to his own growth and transformation. Some critics also believe that it could mean that Jamie is still alive. Sparks kept the end ambiguous so the reader is filled with hope.