Problem 1A:
Distinguish between pressure and force.Problem 2A:
What is the relationship between liquid pressure and depth of a liquid? Between liquid pressure and...Problem 3A:
a. By how much does the water pressure on a submarine change when the submarine dives to double its...Problem 4A:
How does water pressure 1 meter below the surface of a small pond compare with water pressure 1...Problem 5A:
If you immerse a tin can with a small hole in it in water so that water spurts through the hole,...Problem 9A:
How does the volume of a completely submerged object compare with the volume of water displaced?Problem 10A:
When an object is said to be immersed in water, does this mean it is completely submerged? Does it...Problem 12A:
a. Does the buoyant force on a submerged object depend on the weight of the object itself or on the...Problem 13A:
When the buoyant force on a submerged object is equal to the weight of the object, how do the...Problem 14A:
When the buoyant force on a submerged object is more than the weight of the object, how do the...Problem 15A:
When the buoyant force on a submerged object is less than the weight of the object, how do the...Problem 17A:
Does the buoyant force on a floating object depend on the weight of the object itself or on the...Problem 18A:
What is the buoyant force that acts on a 100-ton ship? (To make things simple, give your answer in...Problem 19A:
According to Pascals principle, what happens to the pressure in all parts of a confined fluid when...Problem 20A:
When the pressure in a hydraulic press is increased by an additional 10N/cm2, how much extra load...Problem 21A:
Calculate the amount of pressure you experience when you balance a 5-kg ball on the tip of your...Problem 22A:
Calculate the water pressure at the base of Hoover Dam. The depth of water behind the dam is 220 m....Problem 23A:
Calculate the water pressure in the pipes at the bottom of a high-rise building that is fed by a...Problem 24A:
An 8.6-kg piece of metal displaces 1 liter of water when submerged. Calculate its density.Problem 25A:
A 4.7-kg piece of metal displaces 0.6 liter of water when submerged. Calculate its density.Problem 26A:
Stand on a bathroom scale and read your weight. When you lift one foot up so you're standing on the...Problem 27A:
Which is more likely to hurt—being stepped on by a man wearing loafers or being stepped on by a...Problem 28A:
Why are persons who are confined to bed less likely to develop bedsores on their bodies if they use...Problem 29A:
The sketch shows a reservoir that supplies water to a farm. It is made of wood and is reinforced...Problem 31A:
In a deep dive, a whale is appreciably compressed by the pressure of the surrounding water. What...Problem 32A:
Which teapot holds more liquid?Problem 35A:
If liquid pressure were the same at all depths, would there be a buoyant force on an object...Problem 36A:
If a 1-L container is immersed halfway in water, what volume of water is displaced? What is the...Problem 37A:
How much force is needed to push a nearly weightless but rigid 1-L carton beneath a surface of...Problem 38A:
Why will a volleyball held beneath the surface of water have more buoyant force than if it is...Problem 39A:
A barge filled with scrap iron is in a canal lock. If the iron is thrown overboard, does the water...Problem 40A:
Would the water level in a canal lock go up or down if a ship in the lock were to sink?Problem 41A:
A ship sailing from the ocean into a fresh-water harbor sinks slightly deeper into the water. Does...Problem 42A:
Suppose you have two life preservers that are identical in size, the first a light one filled with...Problem 43A:
When the block of wood is placed in the beaker, what happens to the scale reading? Answer the same...Problem 44A:
When an ice cube in a glass of water melts, does the water level in the glass rise, fall, or remain...Problem 45A:
In the hydraulic arrangement shown, the larger piston has an area that is 50 times that of the...Problem 46A:
Hydraulic devices multiply forces. Why does this not violate the law of conservation of energy?Problem 47A:
Which produces more pressure on the ground, an elephant or a woman balancing on high heels? Assume...Problem 48A:
A hole of area 12cm2 is made in the bottom of a barge 1.5 m below the freshwater surface. A board is...Problem 50A:
A dike in Holland springs a leak through a hole of area 1cm2 at a depth of 2 m below the water...Problem 51A:
When a 1.8-kg wrench is suspended in water from a spring scale, the scale reading is 1.6 kg. What is...Problem 52A:
A 13.5-kg block of metal displaces 5 liters of water when submerged. What kind of metal is likely to...Problem 53A:
Phil can support 100 N of iron =78,000kg/m3 in water. How many newtons can he support in air?Problem 54A:
A 1-kg rock suspended above water weighs 10 N. When the rock is suspended beneath the surface of the...Problem 55A:
A merchant in Katmandu sells you a solid gold 1.000-kg statue for a very reasonable price. You...Problem 56A:
A prospector desires to know if a nugget is pure gold. The nugget has a mass of 380 grams on a...Problem 57A:
Consider a friend of mass 100 kg who can just barely float in fresh water. Show that the volume of...Problem 58A:
A gravel barge, rectangular in shape, is 4 m wide and 10 m long. When loaded, it sinks 2 m in the...Problem 59A:
A rectangular barge 5 m long and 2 m wide floats in fresh water. a. Show that the barge will sink 5...Problem 60A:
A circus elephant weighing 18,800 N is taken on board a barge of length 6.2 m and breadth 3.0 m,...Problem 61A:
In the hydraulic pistons shown in the sketch, the small piston has a diameter of 2 cm and the large...Problem 62A:
Try to float an egg in water. Then dissolve salt in the water until the egg floats. How does the...New
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Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - About ScienceChapter 2 - Mechanical EquilibriumChapter 3 - Newton's First Law Of Motion-interiaChapter 4 - Linear MotionChapter 5 - Projectile MotionChapter 6 - Newton's Second Law Of Motion-force And AccelerationChapter 7 - Newton's Third Law Of Motion- Action And ReactionChapter 8 - MomentumChapter 9 - EnergyChapter 10 - Circular Motion
Chapter 11 - Rotational EquilibriumChapter 12 - Rotational MotionChapter 13 - Universal GravitationChapter 14 - Satellite MotionChapter 15 - Special Relativity-space And TimeChapter 16 - Relativity-momentum, Mass, Energy, And GravityChapter 17 - The Atomic Nature Of MatterChapter 18 - SolidsChapter 19 - LiquidsChapter 20 - GasesChapter 21 - Temerpature Heat, And ExpansionChapter 22 - Heat TranferChapter 23 - Change Of PhaseChapter 24 - ThermodynamicsChapter 25 - Vibrations And WavesChapter 26 - SoundChapter 27 - LightChapter 28 - ColorChapter 29 - Reflection And RefractionChapter 30 - LensesChapter 31 - Diffractioon And InterferenceChapter 32 - ElectrostaticsChapter 33 - Electric Fileds And PotentialChapter 34 - Electric CurrentChapter 35 - Electric CircuitsChapter 36 - MagnetismChapter 37 - Electromagnetic InductionChapter 38 - The Atom And The QuantumChapter 39 - The Atomic Nucleus And RadioactivityChapter 40 - Nuclear Fission And Fusion
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