DSMN 500 Disciple Making Plan Part 2
Liberty University *
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Feb 20, 2024
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What Church Structure and Systems Will Accomplish Your Vision?
God has called me to be an evangelist, to travel not be in one place. As I mentioned above
in this paper under the section, under model my church is based on the TAHO Chart from above, I listed that my disciple walk model falls into an Organic church model. I believe that this type of
church model will help me be able to fulfill the vision God gave me. Organic church model is basically a collection of groups that meet out in the community…. The cell or house church fulfills all the functions of the church. It does relational evangelism, follow up, and discipleship of new believers. It enables the believers to discover and use their spiritual gifts in the context of the body…It does hands-on development of Great Commission leaders…It has the ability to accomplish the Great Commission, the Great Commandment, and the New Commandment at the same time.
This definition of an organic church definitely fits into the vision that God has given me. In the organic church, it believes that within each discipline (a result of internalizing and activating/obeying the gospel) and is the most important part of being organic. The DNA is Divine Truth (relating to God—the Great Commandment), Nurturing Relationships (relating to one another—the second greatest command), and Apostolic Mission (relating to the world—the great commission).
Loving God (relating to God), loving one another (nurturing relationships), and loving our neighbors (apostolic mission) is the DNA of a follower of Jesus.
This is what I want my disciples to be like, having the DNA of a follower of Jesus. I am praying that the disciples of mine can make other disciples using that quote above. The definition of what
a disciple is “a disciple is a person who has trusted Christ for salvation and has surrendered completely to Him. He or she is committed to practicing the spiritual disciplines in community and developing to their full potential for Christ and His mission.”
28 This is what I am striving for Footnotes
26. Disciple Making How to Live Great commission, 260.261 27 100-101 spiritual formations
28.28 Disciple making great commission
to make disciples who will fully commit to Christ and allow His DNA to take over them, so that they can fulfill His mission, because they can not do it on their own strength. They need God in their lives helping them to fulfill Jesus’ mission.
The vision that God has given me is to go out and speak the Gospel of Christ and my story of how He restored me, so to be able to bring the lost/hurting ones to Christ. God has shown me that I will be traveling around spreading His Word and to set up small groups of people to continue the work of developing those who heard me into disciples of Christ. So, that
God’s Work will continue on through them and He will be glorified. Above in this paper under the section of under my ministry goal, I stated that my goal for my ministry work is to an evangelist. As being an evangelist, I will be going around telling the lost/hurting ones about how to come to Christ, so that God can restore them, to have the life He has promised those who come to Christ. While I am out speaking God’s Word, I will be setting up small groups of people who will hopefully become disciple of Jesus and have similar vision as I have. These small groups will be helping the lost/hurting people in their community who have heard me speak and want to come to Jesus. These small groups will continue the work of helping them become disciples of Christ, so that they can continue spreading how God can restore.
Church/Organization Structure
Small Groups
The organization structure of my ministry walk is that I will go out into the communities around the world and speak God’s Word and my story of restoration and to set up small groups in
those communities to be able to help those lost/hurting one become disciples of Christ. The main
structure is forming these small groups of followers of Christ and to support them. The focus of
these small groups is to make disciples like Jesus tells us to do. I will continue to help these small groups by teaching them God’s Word, supporting them, and encouraging them.
The focus for the small groups and me is to be God focused on all we do. To be listening to the Holy Spirit that God has given us and to do what He says to do. Everything that the small group and I will do is to allow the Holy Spirit influence in every aspect of our lives. First, for leadership to be authentically Christian our relationship with God—Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit—must influence every aspect of leadership. Our being as a leader must flow from our relationship with God through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our doing as a leader must flow from our lives as disciples of Jesus Christ, led by the Spirit as children of our heavenly Father. Second, for leadership to be authentically Christian the Bible must govern everything in our leadership as the Word of God.
This will be what I teach the small groups and will be doing in my own walk with God. I will rely on what Scripture 2 Peter 1:3 states: “by his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who Footnotes
27. Freed to lead 66
called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.” This will be what I will be
speaking to the small groups that God has given them everything and they are capable of being disciples of Christ. Ephesians 2:10, also, reenforces this. “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” These
will be the focal point of the structure of the small groups. Jesus declares that the disciples will receive power when given the Holy Spirit to carry out the mandate of Christ…God again grants divine authority over His creation to subdue
the earth for His glory…The essence of Christian leadership is that God gives mankind authority to execute influence in all of creation by carrying out the divine mission of God to make disciples of all nations all for the glory of God.
This is what I will be doing, giving God all the glory. This will be what is the focus of the small group to go out and make disciples by relying on God’s guidance.
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A way that this is done is to instill biblical intelligence into the followers of Christ in the small group, so that they may be sure how to make disciples and to worship God. “Developing biblical intelligence involves understanding and embodying what the Bible teaches on being a true worshiper of God, defining a clear plan for making disciples, and carrying out the authority to execute the plan.”
Having this part in the structure of the small groups will help them to be able to fulfill Jesus’ mission.
Small Group Philosophy (With/Of/Is)
My small group philosophy follows the “Is” group category. “…as a church that “is” small groups, an organic model seeks to empower and simplify. It has a much flatter organizational structure and seeks to equip everyone in the body to be involved in the Great Footnotes
28.christian leadership 116
29 Christian 120
30 of the characteristics of a “is” group are: Leaders equip the saints to accomplish the Great Commission, community focused—
“…we are His body in the community, church’s goal: transformed lives…transformed 1society, evangelism: member’s share their life with lost, discipleship: doing life together
in community with other believers, missions: people are encouraged to live as missionaries and go across the street and across the world, and leadership development: need “missional leaders” who care for and develop God’s people.”
My ultimate goal for the small groups that I form in the many different communities within this world is to begin to “evangelism, discipleship, spiritual gifts, pastoral care, counseling, leadership development”
doing in their small groups. I am wanting them to continue on doing Jesus’ mission which is to make disciples and help them to obey Him. Having these things happening in small groups, it will fulfill this.
Spirit-Empowered Church
For my disciple walk, I will be a spirit-empowered evangelist. This will be the foundation
of my disciple walk. In the book, A Spirit-Empowered Church: an Acts 2 Ministry Model,
it describes five functions involved in being spirit-empowered. The five functions are “connect: fellowship and evangelism, grow: discipleship, serve: ministry gifts, outreach, building up the body, caring for the community, go: discipleship, evangelism, missions, and worship: corporate praise, prayer, teaching, and singing.”
I am going to base my disciple walk on these five functions.
Connect focuses on the vertical and horizontal relationships in life. It begins with the Footnotes
30. disciple making great 280-281
31. same 280
32. samt281
33. spirt empowered 25
process of salvation and continues through building spiritually strong relationships
Vertical relationships focuses on the process that connects people to God in all aspects of life. Horizontal relationship creates and atmosphere for relationship building person-to-
I will continue to work on my vertical relationship with God, by reading His Word and listening to the Holy Spirit inside of me. Then, I will continue to work on the person-to-person relationship in my life. I will instill this concept in the small groups that I form. Grow
“Grow is about discipleship. It’s how your church promotes spiritual formation in the lives of individuals, ministry teams, and the congregation.”
Here, in this function, is where I will begin to focus on discipleship. This will be a focus of mine, but not where I will devote all my time. I will help guide the small groups and encourage them to make disciples. I know that
Jesus tells us to make disciples, but God has shown me that I am going to be speaking the Gospel
of Christ and my story, so to bring the lost/hurting to him. I will be focusing on getting the lost/hurting ones to come to God and to help teach them to obey Him. But the small groups that I form will be more heavily focused on the discipleship part more.
As we help people learn about their gifts and abilities and what their passions are, we can help align them with ways of serving God and others that will be a good fit for them. Serve is about giving people outlets for the use of their gifts and abilities and giving them
an opportunity to find their place in ministry.
34. spirit empowered 25
35 spirit empowered 25
36. spirit empowered 26 A way that I am serving God is that I am obeying him and have started to prepare myself for the journey that He has purpose me to do. I have helped others in my community and have
begun to talk to others about Jesus. I will encourage my small groups to be server of the Lord. To
have the mindset of a servant to the Lord and to obey when He tells them to do something.
Go is evangelism, reaching out to those who are nest door and those on the other side of the globe. The evangelism component prepares and equips people to share their faith and accept the God-given mission for them and the local church. Go not only brings focus to the power of evangelism, but it also offers missional direction for individuals and the church body, including trips abroad and at home, long-term world missions, stewardship opportunities, relationship building with missionaries, and understanding the global perspective.
This is what God has called me to be, an evangelist. This will be a focus of mine in my disciple walk. This will be a focus point for the small groups that I form. My hope is to help bring the
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lost/hurting people to God and help them go out and share their story of how God restored them. My dream is to help others to get restored by God who have been depressed, sexually or physically abused, suicidal, or anyone who has been hurt. I am wanting to help those who have had a hard life, so that they can get all the wonderful blessings that God has for them.
Worship is the intimacy and reality of the presence of Christ when leadership teams and the congregation see the character of Christ and the power of Christ connecting to individuals in their daily lives and corporately through the church family…It includes prayer and powerful preaching.
Worship will be a part of the small groups dynamic. We will focus on teaching people to pray, as
37. spirit empowered 26
38. spirit 26
part of their worship to the Lord. We will teach them to begin to get intimate with the Lord, to show their appreciation for all He does for them, by praising Him through music or prayer.
With these five functions, they will give me a solid structure to follow in my disciple walk. “These five functions provide the framework necessary to help us discover God’s plan for how we handle fellowship, discipleship, ministry, evangelism, and worship.”
By following these five functions, I will be able to fulfill what God’s purpose is for me. As you begin to follow
these five functions, you start to trust God. Trusting God’s Spirit and following God’s plan put us in touch with the mind and heart of
God—we have revelations of His truth, the power to love and forgive, courage to speak truth, and humility to love difficult people. We are no longer confused, and we no longer feel frustrated and helpless.”
This is what we all want to have in our spiritual walk. I know that is what I want. I am not going to necessarily have a church building, but I will have a group of people who have the same
vision as I and be spreading it across the world. So, that we will not leave anyone behind. The goal for my ministry walk is to have a healthy body of people who are Spirit-empowered community of disciples who are following Jesus and fulfilling His mission…pursue and obey God passionately, engage and maintain loving relationships, develop and mobilize their people, act with clear direction and outward focus, and reproduce and multiply His mission in other people and places.
This is what the structure for my church will be.
Spiritual Formation
Another function for my community of small groups is spiritual formation. Spiritual formation is the process of transformation that occurs as a believer becomes more and more like Jesus. Spiritual formation is not merely doing spiritual disciplines. It
39 spirit 27
40. spirit 33
41. spirits empower 39
is not merely about reading more chapters of the Bible or keeping a better spiritual journal. Those are merely means of helping us gaze into the face of Jesus so we may be transformed to think, act, feel, and look more like him.
I want to encourage the people of the small groups that I form to continue to go through spiritual formation, so that they will begin to totally be like Jesus. It will be a part of what the small groups will teach about and show the new believers. “Spiritual formation is an ongoing process of moving from one degree of glory to another. It is growing in the ever-increasing splendor of the image of Jesus.”
This is one thing I must remember always as I am walking through my spiritual walk and helping others to come to Christ.
As I am living my life, I will continue to make my relationship with God, stronger every day. I do this by continually having spiritual formation going on in my life. It is the backbone to my structure of community of followers. I must continue to show them that I am growing everyday and display to them the character of Jesus. “Spiritual formation is the process of being
changed to be more like Jesus. It is the ongoing, gradual process of glorious transformation into the image of Jesus by the Spirit of God, that is available to every believer as a result of honestly and intentionally seeking the face of God.”
Dave Ferguson, with Verge Network and Exponential came up “with an acrostic explaining how to BLESS our neighbors. I really like what they say for each letter of BLESS. B—Begin with prayer. We want you to ask, “God how do you want me to bless the people in the places you’ve sent me?, L—Listen. Don’t talk, but listen to people, their Footnotes
42 spiritual disciple 7
43 spiritual disciple 8
44 spiritual formation 10
struggles, and their pains in the places God has sent you, E—Eat. You can’t just check this off. It’s not quick. You have to have a meal or cup of coffee with people. It builds relationships, S—Serve. If you listen to people and you eat with people, they will tell you
how to love them and you’ll know how to serve them, S—Story. When the time is right, we share the story of how Jesus changed our life.
This is what I will be teaching the followers of God that form my small groups. I will not only be living this out, but the small groups will be also. What Methods I Will Drive the Discipleship Process
Steps To Become a Community That Makes Disciples
The steps that I am going to list is from the book, Discipleshift:Five Steps That Help Your Church to Make Disciples Who Make Disciples,
which are the step I am choosing to follow.
Step 1: Develop Biblical Vision
“Begin the process by bringing together the leaders God has sent you, to look to his Word
in order to develop his big picture for the church in your area.”
For me this means to gather the
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leaders in my small groups, so to develop a biblical vision for us to implement. “When you have discovered his view in Scripture together, start living it out as a leadership team…Remember, you are basing your view of purpose on Jesus and the Scriptures, and that does not change. The specific way you implement things may vary based on context and gifting, but the goal does not change.”
As my small groups go out to the community that they live in, they will keep what the goal is, but may vary on how they implement it, which is ok, because they will be listening to the
lost/hurting people there and adapt the teaching of the Gospel of Jesus to where they will be able to understand. Footnotes
45 spiritual formation 105
46. Discipleshift 216-217
47. discipleshift 217
In with developing the biblical vision for my discipleship community of small groups of disciples, who are all over the nations, I will ask question to the leaders of these small groups to help us define the biblical vision. Some of the questions, from Pastor Sam Rainer had developed, I will ask are:
“What does the Bible define discipleship?
What does the Bible say a disciple looks like?
What are the specific phases of discipleship, as seen in the scriptural models?
How will everyone in our church come to know this process?
How will our church raise up, reproduce, and release the disciple-making leaders?”
When we as a group answer these, we will have developed our biblical vision. Now, the leaders of the small group can go out and implement this biblical vision. This biblical vision needs to be based God’s vision. “Your vision statement is something you pursue fervently over the long haul.”
49 It is important that I pursue this biblical vision, so to inspire my leaders of the small groups will do the same. I must show them how to align themselves to God’s vision.
Step 2: Create a Common Language
“As a team, create a common language and definition of terms…If you are to succeed as a team, you must create a common language—using the same words and the same definitions.”
Once we have gotten the common language, we then are able to go out and make disciples in different communities, while having the same words and definition to follow by. This will keep my community of small groups on the same page as me. They will be able to communicate the vision of my disciple walk in life. Footnotes
48. discipleshift 217-218
49 discipleshift 218
50 discipleshift 220
Having this common language will help the leaders from being confused. “So it’s vital that your church develop common goals, terms, and languages and then progress from there. We must constantly clarify, communicate, and have a conflict resolution if we are to succeed.”
This will be our guiding force for us to go out and disciple.
Step 3: Develop the Disciple-Making Process
In this step, I am to make sure that the leaders of my small groups understand the vision and process of discipling. I must remember that I am “equipping your soldiers with weapons they
must be familiar with and skilled with.”
With this in mind, I must make “create a process or system for getting your people trained in your language and skills.”
I must be prepared to train the leader on how to follow the biblical vison that we came up with. When I have done this, my leaders are ready to go out and lead others to God.
Step 4: Live Out Your Vision
In this step, I will be living out the biblical vision that I have developed with my team, so to show them how Jesus works in their lives. This is implementation of the vision. “With implementation, the key is to ensure that no matter what the program is at your church, people at every spiritual level accept the practical ramifications of the vison.”
Part of this is me making sure that all the leaders of the small groups I form are aligned with our biblical vision. Not only do we need to communicate the vision to all levels, but also we use the vision to
interact with people on a day-to-day basis…Continually communicate the vision to your team and your church. Continually live out God’s vision for the church and explain to Footnotes
51 discipleshift 221
52 discipleshift 222-223
53 discipleshift 222-223
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people why you do the things you do.
Step 5: Assess, Correct, and Encourage
“Constantly assess, correct course, and encourage.”
I must be on top of keeping the biblical vision that we come up with is being assess, corrected if needed, and to encourage the leaders. To assess the leaders, I must evaluate if we are doing the biblical vision. If we are not “living up to our goal, we admit that, then take steps to get back on track.”
We need to be honest with ourselves and our followers. I am to encourage the leaders and followers by celebrating them when they correspond to our biblical vision. I must remember to stay on course with the biblical vision. “The encouragement is that if we’ll be in relationship with God, his Word, and others, then he will step in and bring people to himself through his church, which you’re privileged to lead. God will grow this people up to spiritual maturity.”
This is what God has shown me in what He has called me to do. I will rely on the scripture Philippians 1:6 which
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says, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” I must keep in mind that I am to have as a goal as the leader of these small groups that I have formed “to have authentic relationship with God, and then to do things as a team through the body of Christ. The results of that will reflect the blessing of God in big ways.”
These steps are what I will be following when I am going out to make disciples as I form Footnotes 55. 226 discipleshift
56 discipleshift 226
57 same 226
58 same 229
59 same 229
small groups all across the nations where I speak about the Gospel of Jesus and tell my story of restoration from God. The goal for me in this is to make “biblical disciples and deploy them into the world so they can raise up other disciples. These disciples are to grow into accurate copies of Jesus who rightly deliver his message in his way.”
I am not worried about having a large following of people, but to reach the ones who are lost/hurting and help them to come to God. How Will I Implement My Plan
The way that I am going to implement my plan is get my self prepared to fully do what God has given me as my purpose. I will take the five steps listed above and begin to follow them
to build up my community of small groups. I am, now, taking courses in college to get a better understanding of how to implement God’s purpose for me. I am constantly trying to learn what it
means to be Jesus’s disciple. I am continually growing in the relationship I have with God. Once I finish college with my master’s degree in Christian Ministry. I will be prepared on
how to go about being a disciple of Jesus to where I will be able to go out and begin to disciple
to others through speaking the Gospel of God and telling my story of God restoring me. These classes will be a bases that I will use to fulfill my purpose. As I am fulfilling my purpose, I will continue to rely on God to help me to do that. This is how I will implement my plan in disciple making.
Calendar and Events
For the calendar part, I will set up regular meetings with the leaders of the small groups that I form weekly by phone and monthly in person. I will continue to travel wherever God sends me. I will continue to go to Church every week when possible. I may have times where I Footnotes 60 same 229-230
spend a week or couple of weeks in a location setting up the small group of disciples and help them get start with doing the biblical mission that has been established for my community of followers that come from hearing me speak the Gospel of Jesus and my store of restoration. I will make regular visits to each of the small groups that have formed in my community of followers. As for events, I will be working to set up places to go to speak the Gospel of Jesus and my story of restoration. I will focus on giving presentation to the High School age people which is where my main focus is. I want to be able to tell my story to that section of people, because I want to help them who are lost and hurting that need to hear about how God can come into their lives and restore them to be followers of Him and to receive the blessings and life He has for them. This will be my main focus. I especially want to help anyone who has been abused sexually, deal with depression, and suicidal thinking, because I have lived with those things in my life. I want to be able to give them hope and a better life for them.
Budget Personnel
Since, I am not going to be a preacher in a church, but be an evangelist who travels, I am not exactly sure of how to make a budget for my community of disciples. I think that I will set up
a budget where I take account of my revenue and expense that occur as I go out and evangelize. I will probably get one of the accounting programs on the computer to help me keep track of this.
But to make a budget for what needs to be done to be an evangelist, I will take from the Bible where Jesus talks about harvest cycle of evangelism. Jesus refers this process as the seed is
the Word of God and the people are the soil. Using this harvest cycle, that Jesus talks about, we can use five phases to help make disciples. These five phases come from the Kentucky-
Tennessee Conference Evangelism Budget Request Form from the website: Evangelism+Budget+Request+Form+Revised+08.18.22+)1).pdf. The phases are prepared, plant, cultivate, harvest, and preserve. I will set up what is to be done in each of these phases. This will be my budget on how to make disciples.
Under this phase, we will begin to prepare the people(soil), by making being a friend to them by helping them, by service. This is where we take the time to listen to the people(soil) and
get an understanding of where they are at with their relationship with God. Once we know this, then we are able to plant the seed (the Word of God) into their lives.
The way that we plant the seed (the Word of God) to them is based on what level the people(soil) is. The way to present the seed (the Word of God) to the people(soil) is to talk about the Gospel of Jesus. We, also, use the Bible to show them what we are talking about. Once we have planted, then we more on to the cultivate phase.
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After planting the seed (the Word of God) into their lives, we must then introduce them with going to bible studies. This is where they will get specific ways of getting to understand the God and how important it is to surrender to Him. Then, we move into the harvest phase.
Here the people(soil) begins to follow Christ. This can lead into them accepting Jesus and
being baptized. This is what we want to happen. This is when they are becoming a new believer which leads us into the final phase of preserve.
This is where we begin to disciple the new believer. Here, we are encouraging, educating,
and discipling the new believer. The hope is to bring the new believer into a disciple of Jesus, so to they can go out and make disciples themselves. To bring the lost/hurting people(soil) to God, so that He can work inside of them.
Curriculum I Will Have For My Disciple Plan
In the book, Disciple Making Is…How To Live the Great Commission With Passion and Confidence by Dave Earley and Rod Dempsey, talks about three stages of Discipleship. A summary of these three phases is
The first stage asks the question: Will you believe in Jesus? The second stage asks: Will you follow Jesus? The third stage asks: Will you go for Jesus? The first stage results in regeneration. The second stage produces transformation, and the third stage yields reproduction and multiplication…. The first stage is a matter of being saved, the second stage is a matter of being trained. The third stage is a matter of being sent. The first stage is coming to Jesus. The second stage is being with Jesus. The third stage is going for Jesus…The first stage is about Jesus being your Savior. The second stage is about Jesus being your Master. The third stage is about Jesus being your Commissioning Officer…
The focus of stage one is committed belief. The focus of stage two is reckless obedience. The focus of stage three is radical reproduction.,”61
These sayings of these three stages is what I am striving for in my disciple plan. I will begin with asking the question that are above in the first set of explaining the stages. I will make sure that they believe in Jesus, will follow Him, and go for Him. I will make sure that they fully understand what it means to do those things. Once they are doing those things, then I will focus on doing the second set of stages described above. I will begin to regenerate, begin to transform, and finally begin to multiply them into disciples for Jesus. When the new believers gets saved, then they begin to get trained Footnotes
61 disciples making Great 60
and believe they are being sent by God.
My curriculum is like the fourth set of stages listed above. I will help the new believers to come to Jesus and start to be with Jesus in their lives, so that they will go for Jesus. When they are doing these stages, they will begin to start to see Jesus as their Savior which in turns they start to see Jesus as their Master and then finally begin to see Jesus as the Commissioning Officer of their lives. All of this is to get the new believers to focus on being committed to the belief of Jesus which causes them to recklessly be obedient to Him, then they will begin to reproduce more disciples as they begin to disciple other new believers.
I will follow what it requires to do to fulfill these three stages of discipleship. I will begin
to follow how Jesus tells us to make disciples. This is what my curriculum that I will follow and expect anyone who is in my leadership position of my small groups will have to follow as well. I will use these steps when I am out giving a presentation on the Gospel of Jesus and how He restored me from my past. Also, in my curriculum, I will be setting up my community to be a healthy community.
A healthy church is a Spirit-empowered community of disciples who are following Jesus and fulfilling His mission. Healthy churches pursue and obey God passionately, engage and maintain loving relationships, develop and mobilize their people, act with clear direction and outward focus, and reproduce and multiply His mission in other peoples and places.
Slogans and Communication Plans
Communication Plan
Define My Purpose
My purpose that God has given me is to travel, all over the nations, so to be able to tell Footnotes
62. 39 of spirit empowered
my store of restoration of God and speak the Gospel of Jesus. The focus of my evangelist life is to tell people that when they come to God, they will be restored from anyone who is hurting and lost. In Joel 2:25, it says “The LORD says, I will give you back what you lost to the swarming locusts, the hopping locusts, the stripping locusts, and the cutting locusts.” This shows us that God is a restorer.
So, my purpose statements are: “God desires to restore to us as individual that which Satan and Sin have stolen from us.”
63 and “God will take that which is broken and put it together again and make it better than it was before”
64 I will keep this in mind when I am going out and speaking God’s Word and my story to those who are lost and hurting. Because I was once broken and when I turn my life over to Jesus, God came and restored me. Decide My Audience
The audience that I will be focusing on the most is the lost ones who deal with either or all of these: depression, suicidal thinking, sexual abuse, or emotional abuse. Because I have dealt
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with all of these. So, I feel that I will have a better chance of helping people who have these in their lives. I will focus on middle and high school students. I will also go to women shelter, as well. I
will reach out to anyone who needs to hear my story and about the Gospel of Jesus.
Create the message
The message that I will be talking about in my speaking engagements is that God can restore anyone, you just have to believe in His Son, Jesus Christ and proclaim Him as your Lord Footnotes 63 God of restoration website
64. God restores and makes website
and Savior. As I am talking about this, I will include my story of how God has restored me from depression, suicidal thinking, and sexual abuse as a child. I can let them know that God has given
me what I had taken from me. To get this message out, I will call the middle and high schools around my community. I will also call the women protective services.
Choose the Avenue
The avenues I will be using is social media, like Facebook, to get my story out and tell about the Gospel of Jesus. Use this avenue to promote me, in hopes of getting people calling me to come to their area and speak the Gospel of Jesus and my story to them. I will use my phone to
makes calls to schools, churches, event centers, etc. Set up speaking engagements around my community. Put up flyers. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead me where I am supposed to speak at.
Plan the Implementation
After my graduation, in the summer of 2024, I will begin to start fully doing what God has purposed me to do. I feel that after graduating, I will have the necessary skills to fulfill
God’s calling on my life. I plan on using social media, like Facebook, to promote myself as a speaker of telling about the Gospel of Jesus. I will begin to make the calls that the Holy Spirit is leading me to make.
Follow up
After my speaking engagement at the schools, I will get in contact with the principal and see if anyone is needing my help to come to Christ and ask if they know who came to Jesus after speaking. I will make calls after any speaking engagements that I do. After any speaking engagement, I will go out into the audience and speak to anyone who needs me to talk to them. I will make sure that people know that they can call me anytime. If I end up making small group of new believers, I will stay in contact with them, so to help them to become disciples and begin making disciples themselves. With theses small groups that I will be forming in the different communities that I speak at; I will help teach the leaders of the small groups about how to disciple people and let them know that I am there for them anytime they need me. I will always call back to anywhere I talk, to see if they need any help from me.
Some of the slogans that I agree with that I feel are what I stand for are:
“It is about returning to God and God’s salvation and becoming who God has always wanted us to be.”
1 Peter 5:10: “In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore,
support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.”
Ezekiel 36:26: “And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.”
Romans 12:2: “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”
Romans 6:4: “For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives.”
Romans 5:10: “For since our friendship with God was restored by the death of
his Son while we were still his enemies, we will certainly be saved through the life of his Son.”
Jeremiah 30:17a: “I will give you back your health and heal your wounds, says the LORD.”
Isaiah 40:31: “But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”
“God can restore lost years by deepening your communion with Christ…God can restore lost years by multiplying your fruitfulness…God can restore lost years by bring long-term gain from short-term loss.”
Footnotes 65. Duke university website
66 God can restore website
“Spiritual formation is a process of being formed in the image of Christ, a journey into becoming persons of compassion, persons who forgive, persons who care deeply for others and the world, persons who offer themselves to God to become agents of divine grace in the lives of others and their world—
in brief, persons who love and serve as Jesus did.”
All of this different verse or saying, I will take each to heart and bring them into my speaking engagement to show how God can restore us and give us the life we deserve. Each of these means so much to me, because they help keep me grounded on the fact that God loves me so much that He will restore me to have what was taken from me and give me more of what I deserve to have. This will be a foundation to help those who are lost and broken.
What Factors Will I Track To Measure the Success of My Plan?
I will base my measuring to what Ephesians 4:13 says which is “This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standards of Christ.” All I can do is measure if I am meeting Jesus standards. “By communicating with God (praying), studying His instruction (the Bible), and doing what He says, we can grow toward the stature of Christ.”
That is the only
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way I can really measure myself to what Jesus says for us to do. I must continue to get into His Word and pray.
Jesus is the measuring stick that we need to use. There are several examples in the Bible to which we can measure ourselves to.
1 Peter 2:21: “For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow his steps.”
John 13:34: “So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I
have loved you, you should love each other.”
John 15:10: “When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments and remain in his love.”
Philippians 2:5-8: “You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God.”
Colossians 3:13: “Make allowance for each other faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.”
I will continue on a weekly basis to come to these scriptures and see where I am measuring up to what Jesus commands of me. I will be using these scriptures to also measure the leaders of the small groups I form. Pre-Program Measurement
After I have set up my programs for the leaders to follow in the small groups, I will do a pre-program measurement of the program. “The pre-program measurement assesses if the program/process identifies people groups, evangelistically equips the saints, or engage a people group with the Gospel.”
This assessment will make sure that I am setting the program to be focused on Jesus commands.
Post-Program Measurement
After a few weeks, I will do a post-program measurement to see if I am still on the right track of following Jesus’ commands and has given me the outcome I want. “The post-program
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measurement is a survey that assesses if the program/process has the desired outcome…The survey assess Gospel conversations, reproductivity, and evangelistic prayer.”
70 By doing these post-program measurement surveys I will be able to correct anything that is not working right in the program, or if it is not following Jesus’ commands.
Four Ways to Measure if Your Ministry Is Working
Here, under this category, there is four ways that I can use to help me to be doing Jesus’ commands. The first way is to focus on outcomes. “Outcomes are the changes we are trying to accomplish in our lives, in our church.”
I am going to need to focus on the outcomes that I am looking for from my speaking engagements and from my small groups that I form. “They make our work purposeful. They force us to confront the danger of “busyness” that may not get us anywhere. They invite us to ask what needs to happen to move us from our present reality tot the change we are seeking to make.”
The second way is to focus more on measuring that counting. Some of the things to measure are: generosity of our program, membership, worship attendance, community engagement, who comes to the Lord after hearing us, and who become disciples of Jesus. The third way is to measure what truly matters. In this way, we need to ask two things that will help with our transformation. They are: “ask good questions and have meaningful conversations within and outside the church.”
The fourth way is attend to those things that really cannot be counted.
Conversation ratio
The conversation ratio is measuring how many people in your church have reached others. “A healthy church will have a conversation ratio of 20:1 or less…The smaller the ratio, the fewer people it takes in your church to reach others.”
74 When the ratio is 20:1 or less, your
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church is regularly reaching others. When the ratio is 81:1 or more, your church is unhealthy and
not sharing the Gospel. “This ratio helps you understand evangelism effectiveness relative to the size of your church.”
75 I will be doing this ratio in my community that I build. I will make sure to watch the number, so that I will be able to adjust if need to.
What Empirical Evidence Will I Use To Show Progress
The empirical evidence that I will be using is surveys, observation, documentation, and experimentation. I will survey the member of my small groups to see how effective I am being in helping them to come to Jesus and making them disciples. I will observe the small groups to see if they are working on the program that I have set up for them. I will take documentation, in the way of counting, I will take count of who comes to the Lord and who becomes a disciple of Jesus. I will also take attendance at the speaking engagements that I do. Then, finally, I will do some experimentation if needed to help make the program better. Will try new things, if needed.
How Will I Use These Statistics and Measure to Refine My Disciple Plan
I will do regular measurements of if I am getting the desired outcomes I want from my speaking engagements and small groups. I will do the above measurements to help me find any areas where I may be not as effective as I can. I will take the conversation ratio and adjust my ways of delivering to keep that number low. I will always give surveys to the small group members so that I can keep track of how they are doing and if I need to adjust anything. With these statistics and measurement reports, I will be able to make adjustment if needed, and be able
to see how effective I am being.
Ratios and Numbers Measuring the Health of the Disciple and Leaders
As I have mentioned above in the section above this one, I will often take surveys of my leaders to see if they are being effective and following the process. If they are not then, I will
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make adjustments to help them get where they need to be. With the disciple that come from my small groups or from me helping them become disciples, I will continue to check up on them to see if they are doing what they are supposed to be doing. Some of the areas that I will keep an eye on are:
My numbers of first-time guests
Number of returning guests
Percentage of those who stay
Number of those who come to Christ
Number of those who get Baptist
Number of new believers becoming disciples themselves
Number of small groups I form
These will help me to keep me get my community to be a healthy community. I will be able to take those numbers and make adjustments to where it helps keep the community that I build healthy.
My vision for my disciple making plan is to be an evangelist who goes out and speaks about the Gospel of Jesus and telling my story of how God restored me. I am to show the people
how they are able to have the abundant life that God promises to us when we believe in His Son, Jesus Christ. As described thoughout the paper, I have explained how I am going to travel around
the nations and spread the Gospel of Jesus and my story to those who are lost and hurting. I will set up small groups around the nations to help spread the Gospel of Jesus and how God has restored them, so to be able to bring the lost and hurting to God and become disciples of Jesus.
Taking a look at the 5 P’s of ministry, I have described each of these P’s in detail of how they are helping me in my disciple making plan. Looking the first P, which is Passage, I explained which passage of the Bible that I use as a foundation in my disciple making plan. I expressed who my main group of people are that I am trying to reach. That group of people are
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mainly people who have suffered from sexual abuse, depression and suicidal thinking, because I can relate to them. The age group I want t target is children in the age range of 10 up to young adults. I will also talk to other age groups. I just want to be able to reach the young people, so that they can begin to have the life God wants for them. The second P, which is Principles, I clarified what are my main core values are in my disciple making plan. The break down to my core values leads me to my part in discipleship is to go where God leads me and to allow Him to work through me to bring the lost and hurting souls to Him.
The third P, which is Philosophy, I translated that my philosophy is to make a healthy Christian community, from my disciple making plan, that is based on Ephesian 4:16. Within this
Christian community, I will help develop healthy disciples who use their spiritual gifts to go out and make disciples themselves. I described that my Christian community will be based loosely on the Organic Church Model. My leadership philosophy is to go out and help the lost and hurting souls to come to God, so they may be able to fully live the life that God has for them.
The fourth P, which is Practices, I spelled out how my Christian community will look like, which involved making small groups to work around the nations by being spirit-empowered
by doing the five functions, which are connect, grow, serve, go, and worship, while going out to help the lost and hurting souls to come to God to where they will go through spiritual formation. The members of my small groups will use the acrostic of the word BLESS, that Dave Ferguson, with Verge Network and Exponential described, to go out and bless their neighbors. Lastly, the fifth P, which is Proof, I presented what type of measurements I will be using to track the success of my disciple making plan. I described how I will use these measurements to see what is working and what may need my attention to what may not be working right and fix
it. I explained that the foundation of these measurements will be based on Ephesians 4:13 which
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states that once we are unified in our faith and knowledge of Jesus, we then can measure up to the full and complete standards of Christ. To do this there are several scriptures that I can use to measure my disciple making plan to Jesus. So, overall, my disciple making plan is to go out and speak to the lost and hurting souls in this world by telling them the Gospel of Jesus and my story of restoration, so to bring them to God.
Footnotes 67 Invitation to a journey31
68. Measuring your spiritual website
69 TBMB website
70 TBMB website
71 20
anniversary websites
72 20
anniversary websites
73 same
74 same
75 same
76 How Healthy is your church
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