Gibrilla Saidu Jalloh
REL: 333
Tyler Tanner
President Eyring Teach a Friend
I had a good time talking to Steve a co-worker that asked me a strange question. He said" Why are you so interested in higher education?" when you have sufficient knowledge to earn a living. I must admit that my friend made me smile because I didn't pay attention to the many things I know, and I told him that I believe that for God's people which is us, the member of the LDS Church, education is not a simple advice, it is in fact, a commandment of
God. So, I'm pursuing my higher education as a way to obey God's commandments and ensure myself to be able to help people around me. I had an amazing time talking about such a great thing but the thing that most impacted him was when I said at church, they don't only encourage us to make education a priority they set an example for us to follow, as
it is the case for a member of the First Presidency, we are studying this week named President Henry B. Eyring, how I love this man I said! My co-worker replied why do you love him that much. To this, I answered he is a man of God and a scientist who has made a difference for me with his patience, consistency, and humility. I highlighted to my friend that President Eyring and 14 other men who lead the church worldwide do not do that for fame or ambition but only for the good of the world. I pointed out that President Eyring is an awesome example to follow.