


Mid-America Christian University *

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Jun 21, 2024





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1 The Impact of Stress Paulette Cole Mid-America Christian University PSYC4703: Psychology of Abnormal Behavior Professor Bailey Trammell May 6, 2024
2 The Impact of Stress Overseas deployment has the potential to have a major and long-lasting impact on an individual's life. Deployment to combat zones such as Afghanistan can present hazards to soldiers such as combat injuries, extreme temperatures, and rough environments. Being away from family and loved ones for long periods of time can also lead to mental, emotional and social health issues. Short-Term Effects Some of the short-term effects are physical effects, which include injuries, fatigue and high stress levels. Some physical effects occur from fractures of continuous and daily movements in the rugged terrain, constant sun burns from the hot sun and traumatic brain injuries from combat-related things. From the demands of combat operations came no sleep, which was a big issue, along with irregular sleep patterns. These therefore led to exhaustion and. Stress levels were high because of this and, on top, all soldiers are away from their loved ones (Hooley et al., 2020, p. 149). Another short-term effect are psychological effects that include anxiety, emotional distress and cognitive disturbances. Being in a whole different country with different cultures and ways of living is a huge change. Feelings of fear, anxiety, danger and separation from loved ones are some things a soldier may experience. Being in a combat environment can also trigger all sorts of emotions, which include anger, grief, and sadness. A soldier can also experience cognitive disturbances that include difficulty in making decisions, processing information or concentrating (Hooley et al., 2020, p. 149). And finally, another short-term effect is social effects. While being out in the combat zone on deployment, soldiers can end up feeling disconnected from their loved ones and families. Not being able to communicate with them daily can cause loneliness. Long-Term Effects
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