SPED 400 Observation



California State University, Northridge *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Jun 22, 2024





Uploaded by DeaconDiscoveryFinch43

Observation A.     Observation I watched three of the videos recommended. The first video I watched was “Mrs. Kelly’s Special Education Classroom.” Her classroom is a self-contained classroom. I saw seven students in her classroom, the teacher (herself), and an aid to help with a student who is in a wheelchair. The second video I watched is called “2010 Georgia Summit: Coralwood School.” This video is about following a student who is preschool named Avery. The school she is attending is called Coralwood School. She is in a general education classroom. There is a teacher and a Special Education teacher in the classroom to help her.   The third video I watched is called “Inclusion Working in 2015- Primary School.” This video was made to show people that, when done right, inclusion is a very important and helpful part of a student’s academic life. In this video, it focused on the whole school instead of one classroom. They focused on the needs of all their students. B.     Physical Development In the first video I watched, this classroom is self-contained. It is a smaller classroom of only about seven students. I noticed there was one student in a wheelchair who had an aid by her to help when she needed it. The students had different disabilities and were working at different
paces. The teacher made sure to make the lessons relatable to the students to make them easier to learn for the students. There were many supports I saw that were used in this classroom. She had the students on the rug or standing up to be involved in the lesson. I think this is great for students to do because it keeps them interested and helps them learn it. Mrs. Kelley was also very involved in the lessons by doing the hand movements with her students. She tried to make the lessons relatable to the students by using examples that would interest them and they could relate to their lives. I also noticed there were aids in the classroom to help the teacher. This is a huge help to teachers and students when there is extra help. Lastly, there was a student who used a device to speak because he was non-verbal.   In the second video, Avery was attending preschool. She attended a general education preschool. Avery was born with down syndrome. This preschool focuses on inclusion and finds it important for children to learn from each other. The general ed students work side by side with the children with special needs. Avery had support from a special education teacher as well as a speech therapist in the classroom. The school also noticed that Avery gets support from the other students. When the teachers notice Avery paying more attention to other students, they will use the other students as an example for her to follow. In the last video, the school was built for students with special needs to be able to have the adaptations they need. In this video, it is about a primary school and shows that when inclusion is done right, it benefits both general education students and students with special needs.
The school has extra staff that is there for all the students to support them. The school is made for students to have equal opportunities. The school makes sure that they are resources for all the students. The students work at their own levels, but the teachers are there to push them when the teachers know they can achieve more. C.     Cognitive/Linguistic development   Even in a self-contained classroom, there are differences amongst the students. The students are at different levels. Some are talking and some are non-verbal. From the video, I noticed that some students are able to sit on the floor, while others sit in chairs. During the routine some of the students are sitting on the rug watching, while I noticed that there was a student sitting on a chair behind them. I also noticed a student standing to the side of the group. In this video, it did not show playing in the classroom. It did show the calendar routine which Mrs. Kelley made fun and interactive for her students. She kept her student’s attention and kept them involved by having them stand up and more during songs. Mrs. Kelley also walked about the classroom to make sure the students were paying attention. She also asked her students questions and had them come up to the board to participate.   In the second video, Avery is in her preschool. She does not let her challenges slow her down. While sitting on the rug, she sometimes is looking down or around the classroom. She sometimes would rather look at friends than the teacher. Since it is preschool, much of the learning is through play.
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