Choose a case study from the "Ethics Case Studies" resource, which is located in the
module resources section. Share a link to your chosen case study so your peers and
instructor can view it.
The case study that I have chosen is “Kobe Bryant’s Past: A Tweet Too Soon?”
Briefly describe the ethical issue, challenge, or dilemma in the case study.
The ethical issue that is being addressed regarding a tweet surrounding allegations of sexual
Each case study presents a question. Answer the question and support your response with
details from the case and/or course resources.
The question situates as is there a limit to truth-telling? How long should someone wait to report
these kinds of matters post death? Within this article, “Does a journalist’s dedication to seeking
and telling the truth outweigh the possibility of causing more harm…” I believe it all came down
to timing how this occurred for that tweet to happen. There is no limit to truth telling. The truth is
important, in understanding who you trust, and who you look up to. If the person died, I do not
see a direct point in displaying an older article while anyone had the ability to investigate the
person’s life for what they might be able to find or see. I was torn on this and could of went
either way on this question.