Effective teachers are much like their ideal students - eager to learn and do better, always striving for more. I
think it is so important as teachers but as humans too, to continue growing and reaching for our best selves, no
matter how old or skilled we are in this profession. There are so many educational resources we have access to
as teachers within our schools, districts, and outside education facilities that can help us reach new highs. I have
already reached out to a teacher within the school I am student teaching at, who just became the learning and
instructional coach for the whole school. She has a job that is a great resource to all teachers, teachers who have
been in the profession for a long time and need refreshing on new techniques, while also being a great resource
for new teachers like me. I have kept a notebook in class with me, so that anytime something comes up in a class
that I can get better at or think I may need to remember for when I begin in my own classroom. Each staff
meeting that I have attended, I end up in a group of teachers that I have worked with before and some that I
have not. I bring my notebook with me, and usually our admin team provides an icebreaker that we are to
discuss with our groups, so I always get a lot of great information and resources that I can use in my teaching
career. I find that taking notes of staff meetings and finding out new things I would like to incorporate in my
classroom, having that notebook is super helpful. I intend to meet my personal goals by finding a way to
incorporate the things that I have written and observed in my student teaching experience in the classroom now
student teaching and when I begin to teach in my own classroom.