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Jan 9, 2024





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LABORATORY I Meet Your TurtleBot 3 Waffle Pi (Sensor & Actuator Programming) ROB521: Mobile Robotics and Perception Winter 2023
1 Introduction Welcome to ROB521—Mobile Robotics and Perception! This course will encompass a total of four labs and a design project, all of which are to be completed within a week of the scheduled practicum periods. Each of the four labs will grow in complexity and are intended to demonstrate important robotic concepts presented during the lectures. It is imperative that you properly understand the concepts and methods studied in the lab as they will provide the basis of all future labs. We will specify tasks you need to do in the Assignment section of the lab handout. For all labs, assignments will have two components, simulation and experiments. Simulation tasks can be finished entirely in simulator (without accessing a real robot). These tasks are set up so that you could finish most, if not all, of the implementation before your in-person lab session. The experiment tasks are to be finished during lab sessions, verifying your simulation results on a real robot. It is quite difficult to complete all of the work during the lab times, even assuming good programming experience in the team. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you complete the simulation tasks before your lab time slot. 2 Objective The objective of this laboratory exercise would be to familiarize you with the equip- ment and software that will be used for all labs in ROB521. In particular, you are: To set up ROS environment for running simulation To learn about the robot’s hardware and its suite of sensors To learn how to write ROS programs to command the robot in both simulation and on a real robot, i.e., How to write a simple Python ROS node How to acquire data from the sensors How to drive the actuators Possessing these capabilities will permit you to tackle the future labs. 2.1 Lab Deliverables There are no deliverables for this lab. However, for future labs, look for a summary of the deliverables and their mark distribution at the end of the document. If you have to submit a lab report, include a short description of what your code is doing, and what the robot does as a result of running the code. Provide context that will allow the TA’s to understand what your robot is doing in order for them to properly gauge your success. Importantly, state whether you were able to complete the deliverable. 2
If not, explain why you weren’t able to complete the task. Avoid writing more than a paragraph for each deliverable. Finally, include a copy of your code for the TA’s to look over. The code itself will not be marked, but it must be presented to demonstrate that each group has independently written their solution. If the code does not look complete, TA’s will have access to all of the computers, and will be able to run the code themselves to confirm that the deliverables have been completed. 3 Equipment & Software The TurtleBot 3 Waffle Pi is a ROS-based, fully programmable, mobile robot. It is the most popular open-source robot with strong sensor lineups and modular actuators. The TurtleBot platforms have been developed by and are available from Robotis Inc; ROS is managed and maintained by Open Robotics. There are three official TurtleBot 3 models: the Burger, the Waffle, and the Waffle Pi. (Obviously, the designers worked overtime going without lunch or dinner.) For this course, we will be using TurtleBot 3 Waffle Pi and we will also be using a simulated TurtleBot3 within Gazebo (a robot simulation package). 3.1 TurtleBot 3 Waffle Pi The TurtleBot 3 Waffle Pi model uses the Raspberry Pi as the single board computer. It is equipped with an openCR board, a Raspberry Pi Camera and a 2 dimensional (range and bearing) 360 o Lidar unit in addition to an inertial motion unit (IMU), a compass and a gyroscope (or gyro, for short). The Waffle Pi software consists of firmware of OpenCR board and 4 ROS pack- ages. It uses OpenCR as a subcontroller to estimate position by calculating the driving motor encoder value. Acceleration and angular velocity are obtained from the IMU and gyro that are mounted on the OpenCR board, from which position and orientation (i.e., pose) can be estimated. The velocity of the driving motors can be controlled by publishing the command in the upper-level software. The 4 ROS packages are: turtlebot3 turtlebot3 msgs turtlebot3 simulations turtlebot3 applications For the in-person lab experiments, we will mainly rely on the turtleBot3 package, which contains remote control package and bring-up package. 3
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3.2 Hardware 3.2.1 Raspberry Pi 3B A Raspberry Pi 3B (Figure 1) is used as the TurtleBot PC. It is mainly responsible for collecting data from sensors such as the lidar, IMU, camera, and gyro. All the sensor output would be published to the corresponding “topics” (see Introduction to ROS). A more detailed description is presented in the next section. The Raspberry Pi is also responsible for receiving the commands from a remote PC and command- ing the corresponding actuators or sensors. Figure 1: Raspberry Pi 3B+ 3.2.2 Lidar Sensor The Waffle Pi is equipped with a 2D 360 lidar (light detection and ranging) sensor, but perhaps better referred to as a 2D laser scanner (Figure 2). It is capable of sensing the obstacles (including surfaces) around the robot in the plane of the sensor. The scan rate is 300 ± 10 rpm and the angular resolution is 1 . The output of this sensor is an array of length 360. (A visualization of lidar data is shown in Figure 3.) Figure 2: Lidar sensor 4
Figure 3: the GUI of Lidar sensor 3.2.3 Dynamixel XM430 The Waffle Pi uses 2 Dynamixel actuators (Figure 4) to drive the wheels. The motors can be operated by one of 6 operating modes, including Velocity control Torque control Position control Figure 4: Dynamixel motors 5
3.2.4 OpenCR 1.0 The OpenCR control board (Figure 5) acts as a sub-controller for Waffle Pi, which can command the robot’s Dynamixel motors and various sensors. It has an IMU and a gyro that can be used in various applications. Figure 5: OpenCR 1.0 embedded board 3.3 Simulated TurtleBot 3 Waffle Pi in Gazebo When developing autonomy software for robots, we often start with testing in a simulator as opposed to a real robot. In this course, we will use Gazebo to simulate our TurtleBot 3 Waffle Pi. Gazebo simulates robot dynamics (i.e. how robot move given a certain control input) based on a prior robot model. It also simulates the onboard sensors mentioned in Section 3.2 based on sensor models. Essentially, the Gazebo provides a relatively good approximation of what a real robot would move and perceive. In terms of software structure, Gazebo completely replaces the real robot. We should be able to run the same code with both the simulator and the real robot. 4 Development Environment In this section, we will introduce the development environments for running simulation and working with a real robot. For in-person lab experiments, you will use one of the desktop PCs in MY570 as a Remote PC, which interfaces with the Raspberry Pi, the TurtleBot PC (Raspberry Pi). Remote PC usually performs resource consuming tasks such as data processing and high-level planning for localization and navigation. In contrast, the onboard 6
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TurtleBot PC controls the robot components and collects sensor readings that require communication. Both PCs have similar development environments, since they both run on the base operating system Linux(Ubuntu 20.04) and ROS (Noetic Ninjemys); however, they use different ROS packages for their jobs. For simulations, you only need one PC for all the aforementioned tasks. In par- ticular, Gazebo will be responsible for the TurtleBot PC’s jobs, controlling robot components and collecting sensor readings. To enable smooth transition from simu- lation to experiments, we will use ROS Noetic Ninjemys in Ubuntu 20.04. In the following sections, we will help you set up development environments for both simulation and experiments. Note that you only need to set up the simulation environments before lab. 4.1 Setting up Simulation Environment As mentioned before, we will run simulations on Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic Ninjemys. In this course, we provide two options for accessing Ubunutu 20.04, UofT computers via virtual access or installing Ubuntu on your own laptop. We will share more information soon on Quercus. Please proceed once you have access to a Ubuntu 20.04 PC. If you choose to use UofT computers, you only need to install the TurtleBot3 Gazebo Simulation Package under your catkin workspace by cloning it from github (Step 3 in Section 4.1.2). 4.1.1 Installing ROS Noetic Setup your computer to accept software from $ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb \ $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list' Set up your keys $ sudo apt install curl # if you haven't already installed curl\\ $ curl -s \ | sudo apt-key add - Make sure your Debian package index is up-to-date: $ sudo apt update Install Noetic Desktop Full (we need the Gazebo packages that come with this version) 7
$ sudo apt install ros-noetic-desktop-full You must source this script in every bash terminal you use ROS in. $ source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash You could also add this line to the /.bashrc file. $ echo 'source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash' >> ~/.bashrc 4.1.2 Install TurtleBot3 ROS Packages Install Dependent ROS Packages for TurtleBot $ sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-joy ros-noetic-teleop-twist-joy \ ros-noetic-teleop-twist-keyboard ros-noetic-laser-proc \ ros-noetic-rgbd-launch ros-noetic-rosserial-arduino \ ros-noetic-rosserial-python ros-noetic-rosserial-client \ ros-noetic-rosserial-msgs ros-noetic-amcl ros-noetic-map-server \ ros-noetic-move-base ros-noetic-urdf ros-noetic-xacro \ ros-noetic-compressed-image-transport ros-noetic-rqt* \ ros-noetic-rviz ros-noetic-gmapping \ ros-noetic-navigation ros-noetic-interactive-markers Install TurtleBot3 Packages $ sudo apt install ros-noetic-dynamixel-sdk $ sudo apt install ros-noetic-turtlebot3-msgs $ sudo apt install ros-noetic-turtlebot3 Install TurtleBot3 Gazebo Simulation Package under your catkin workspace $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ $ git clone -b noetic-devel \ $ cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make Don’t forget to source the setup bash from your catkin workspace $ source devel/setup.bash You also need to setup the environment variable to identify the TurtleBot 3 model we are using 8
$ echo 'export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle_pi' >> ~/.bashrc 4.2 Setting up Experiment Environment ROS environment and packages have been set up for you on lab stations and Rasp- berry Pi. To start your in-person lab experiments, you only need configure the net- work environment on both Remote PC and TurtleBot PC so that they can commu- nicate with each other. As a first step, we need to log into the TurtleBot PC. We will be doing it remotely using ssh. Open a terminal window on Remote PC. We recommend that you use terminator , which is installed on the computers. Within terminator , right-click and choose “split horizontally” or “split vertically” to open additional terminals within the window. A static IP address has been set up for each TurtleBot PC and will be given to you at the beginning of the lab session. Make sure your TurtleBot PC is powered on, and in one of the open terminals, run the following command to remote-access its terminal via ssh: $ ssh ubuntu@ \{ The static IP address of Pi \} $ ssh ubuntu@ # for example Now enter the password for your TurtleBot PC, which is ’turtlebot’. You will now see your usual command line replaced with ubuntu@raspberrypi: $ . It means that you are now logged in and working on a terminal from your Raspberry Pi. As long as this terminal window stays opened, the ssh connection will continue to exist. You also need to know the IP address of the Remote PC. Open a terminal window on the Remote PC and use ‘ifconfig’ command to get the IP address of the remote PC (e.g. $ ifconfig Now, we are ready to set the network environment variables on both the Remote PC and TurtleBot PC. On both PCs, open the /.bashrc script on the terminal window. $ nano ~/.bashrc Scroll to the bottom of the file to set up the ROS network variables. Note that on the Remote PC, you will find the ROS_MASTER_URI have been configured for you with a unique IP address and ROS_PORT . 9
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# Remote PC ~/.bashrc export ROS_HOSTNAME ={ remote_PC IP } export ROS_MASTER_URI ={ remote_PC IP } : { remote_PC ROS_PORT } Please DO NOT change the ROS_HOSTNAME and ROS_PORT . They are set up so that multiple remote access groups can run simulations at the same time. Configure the Turtlebot PC ~/.bashrc file to share the same ROS_MASTER_URI as the Remote PC and declare its ROS_HOSTNAME # TurtleBot PC ~/.bashrc export ROS_HOSTNAME ={ TurtleBot IP } export ROS_MASTER_URI ={ remote_PC IP } : { remote_PC ROS_PORT } Figure 6: network configuration for Remote PC and TurtleBot PC 10
The above commands are summarized in Figure 6. After modifying the ROS net- work variables , source the /.bashrc file for the changes to take effect: $ source /.bashrc Note that the computer and robot may already be correctly configured prior to your lab session. Nevertheless, it’s good to check and make sure that the computer’s IP hasn’t changed. 5 Getting Started In this section, you will first validate the development setup in the previous section by teleoperating the TurtleBot 3. Then, you will check the TurtleBot 3 ROS topics that of our interests. You will be finishing this section with a simple ROS node example to get you started on the assignment of this lab. 5.1 Testing Simulation Setup: Remote Control of Robot Open a new terminal window and use the following command to run the roscore program at port ROS_PORT which is defined in the ~/.bashrc file $ roscore --port $ROS_PORT Please make sure to include the port number ; otherwise, other groups use the same station with you at the same time can not run simulations. Open a new terminal window and start a Gazebo simulation with $ roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_empty_world.launch which runs a launch file the turtlebot3 gazebo ROS package. In another terminal window, run the launch file turtlebot3 teleop key.launch by issuing the following command: $ roslaunch turtlebot3_teleop turtlebot3_teleop_key.launch Note that you could tab to auto-complete ROS packages names and file names. Make sure you correctly source the setup bash files before running this test. After you launched the teleoperation file, You should see the following message appears in the terminal (Figure 7). 11
Figure 7: turtlebot3 teleop package message. This node will retrieve the key inputs of ‘w’, ‘a’, ‘d’, ‘x’ and control the linear and angular velocity of the robot in m/sec and rad/sec respectively. Once you have confirmed that you can control your simulated TurtleBot using keyboard, press Ctrl-C to terminate the teleop node. Leave roscore running and the turtlebot3 empty world.launch launch file running by keeping their terminal windows open . They are the essential programs for us to control and communicate with the simulated robot in Gazebo. 5.2 Testing Experiment Setup: Remote Control of Robot Recall that for experiments, we have two PCs, the Remote PC (lab stations) running high-level planning and data processing and the TurtleBot PC on TurtleBot 3 Waffle Pi. On the remote PC, open a new terminal window and use the following command to run the roscore program: $ roscore --port $ROS_PORT Again, please make sure to include the port number . On TurtleBot PC, run the launch file turtlebot3 robot.launch from the turtlebot3 bringup package in a new terminal window. $ roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch --screen This will start the communication between TurtleBot PC and the sensors and actu- ators. In a new terminal window on the Remote PC, run the launch file turtlebot3_teleop_key.launch by issuing the following command: 12
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$ roslaunch turtlebot3_teleop turtlebot3_teleop_key.launch The same print out will show up on the Remote PC (Figure. 7). Once you have veri- fied that you can remote control your TurtleBot using keyboard, press Ctrl-C to termi- nate the teleop node. Leave roscore running and the turtlebot3 robot.launch launch file running by keeping their terminal windows open . Note the differences between running simulations and experiments. The core control node (the teleop node in this case) is the same. We use different packages for the robot. 5.3 TurtleBot 3 Topics This section is intended to be done during the lab session on a real robot. However, you could also check the topics in simulation. You will find a few topics that are published and subscribed by nodes on the TurtleBot PC are now done by the Gazebo simulator. After we launched the turtlebot3 robot.launch file from the turtlebot3 bringup package, messages will be published from each node, such as sensors and actuators, to their corresponding topics . Make sure that the roscore and turtlebot3 bringup package are running, ver- ify the various topics that are being published or subscribed using the command $ rostopic list . After typing this command in terminal, you should see the following topics being listed: /cmd vel /cmd vel rc100 /diagnostics /imu /joint states /odom /rosout /rosout agg /rpms /scan /sensor state /tf 13
5.3.1 Subscribed Topics Table 1 is a list of subscribed topics of the robot. The TurtleBot PC receives and processes the messages from the topics that are published by the user. Topic Name Message Type Description cmd vel geometry msgs/Twist Control the translational and rotational speed of the robot. unit in m/s , rad/s (actual robot control) motor power std msgs/Bool Dynamixel Torque On/Off reset std msgs/Empty Reset Odometry and IMU Data Table 1: Subscribed topics of TurtleBot 5.3.2 Published Topics Table 2 is a list of the topics that are published by the TurtleBot PC. You do not need to know all the published topics, but it would be important to know some of them such as ‘odom’, ‘imu’, and ‘scan’. User can subscribe to those topics to retrieve the information published by the robot. Topic Name Message Type Description sensor state turtlebot node /Turtle- botSensorState Topic that contains the value joint states sensor msgs/JointState Checks the position (m), velocity (m/s) and effort (N · m) when the wheels are con- sidered as joints. battery state sensor msgs/BatteryState Contains battery voltage and status scan sensor msgs/LaserScan Topic that confirms the scan values of the LiDAR mounted on the TurtleBot3 imu sensor msgs/Imu Topic that includes the attitude of the robot based on the acceleration and gyro sensor. odom nav msgs/Odometry Contains the TurtleBot3’s odometry infor- mation based on the encoder and IMU. Table 2: Published topics of TurtleBot To get more details on nodes and topics, run ‘ $ rqt graph in terminal to check the publishing and subscribing activities of each node on TutrleBot PC. A picture as in Figure 8 should pop-up in your window: 14
Figure 8: TurtleBot nodes and topics 5.4 A Simple Publisher Node Example Let’s first examine a simple example shown below. This example initialize a ROS node called ‘talker’ and then publish messages to the topic ‘chatter’. 15
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#!/usr/bin/env python3 import rospy from std msgs.msg import String def talker(): rospy.init node(’talker’, anonymous=True) pub = rospy.Publisher(’chatter’, String, queue size=10) rate = rospy.Rate(10) #10Hz while not shutdown(): hello str = ”hello world” msg = String() = hello str rospy.loginfo( pub.publish(msg) rate.sleep() if name == ´ main ´ : try: talker() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass Adding Path to Python Interpreter: To make sure that your script is executed as a Python 3 script, you need the line #!/usr/bin/env python3 to be declared at the top for every python ROS node. Importing dependent message types and libraries You need to import rospy to write a ROS node. Hence import rospy from std msgs.msg import String The std msgs.msg import is for us to use the std msgs/String message type for publishing. Initializing the ROS node: In the main talker function, we find which declares a ROS node under the name ’talker’. In ROS, nodes are uniquely named. The anonymous=True flag allows rospy to choose a unique name for the ”talker” node such that multiple ”talker” can run at the same time. 16
rospy.init node(’talker’, anonymous=True) Declaring a publisher: Next, we declare a topic publisher pub = rospy.Publisher(’chatter’, String, queue size=10) which means our ’talker’ node will publish to the ’chatter’ topic using the message type String, which is we have imported at the top of the script from std msgs.msg . Laying out the main loop: A typical rospy main loop looks like follows rate = rospy.Rate(10) #10Hz while not shutdown(): # Do Some Work rate.sleep() The first line initializes a Rate object set at 10Hz. It is called inside loop so that the while loop is running at 10Hz. It is also a good practice to check for shutdown() in the main loop so that the node could be properly shut down when you quit the program. Initializing and publishing messages: Inside the main loop, we have at the be- ginning hello str = ”hello world” msg = String() = hello str where we initialize an empty message (second line) and populate it with the informa- tion we want to publish (third line). In this case, the message type is String. In the std msgs/String.msg file, you will find its definition which has only one field, ”data” of string type. After the message is created, we can finally publish it with pub.publish(msg) Note that there’s another line in the example rospy.loginfo( . It will do three things: print to the terminal window, write to the Node’s log file and write to /rosout. 17
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import rospy from std msgs.msg import String def callback(data): rospy.loginfo(rospy.get caller id() + ”I heard %s”, def listener(): rospy.init node(’listener’, anonymous=True) rospy.Subscriber(”chatter”, String, callback) rospy.spin() # simply keeps python from exiting until this node is stopped if name == ´ main ´ : listener() 5.5 A Simple Subscriber Node Example The following example initializes a ROS node ‘listener’ and then subscribe from the topic ‘chatter’. The code for subscriber node is similar to the publisher node. However, subscriber uses a new callback mechanism for subscribing to topics. Declaring a subscriber: In the main function, after initializing the ros node, we have rospy.Subscriber(”chatter”, String, callback) which means the node has subscribed to the ‘chatter’ topic of the type std msgs.msgs.String . When a new message is received, the given callback function, callback() in our case, is triggered with the message as the default first argument. Defining the callback function: The callback function is where you process the incoming messages def callback(data): rospy.loginfo(rospy.get caller id() + ”I heard %s”, 18
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6 Assignment 6.1 Simulation 6.1.1 Task 1: publish to ‘cmd vel’ Your task is to write a simple publisher node to control the wheels. The goal is to command the wheel to go forward 1 m, rotate 360 , and then stop. First, navigate to the directory ~/catkin \_ ws/src/rob521 \_ labs/lab1/nodes and open the file l1 . The code skeleton is provided to you, which is similar to the example above, but you need to complete the functions and then test the code on the robot. The topic you need to publish to is cmd vel , and the message type is geometry msgs.msg.twist . The message definition is as follows: Vector3 linear float64 x float64 y float64 z Vector3 angular float64 x float64 y float64 z First thing you need to do is to import rospy and relevant message types. import rospy from geometry msgs.msg import Twist Then, initialize the publisher: cmd pub = rospy.Publisher(’cmd vel’, Twist, queue size=1) Initialize the message and define the linear and angular velocity as the following. twist=Twist() twist.linear.x=0.1 twist.angular.z=0.1 cmd pub.publish(twist) Now you can publish the message to the topic ‘cmd vel’. The motors will subscribe to the topic ‘cmd vel’ and move according to the commands you send. Write a simple program to command the robot to go forward for 1 meter, then rotate clockwise for 360 degrees, and then stop. You can use rospy.loginfo() to print out any useful debugging messages in realtime. 19
Let’s run the file and examine it. Make sure that a roscore and the Gazebo turtlebot3 empty world package is up and running on your PC by typing the follow- ing command in terminal: $ roscore --port $ROS_PORT $ roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_empty_world.launch You can use rosrun $ rosrun rob521_lab1 to run the python script you just wrote. Note that rob521 lab1 is the package name, and l1 is the file you just modified. If you wish to terminate the program while the motor is still running, press ctrl+c to exit the node, and then run $ rostopic pub -1 /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -- '[0, 0, 0]' '[0, 0, 0]' which will stop the motor. 6.1.2 Task 2: subscribe from ‘odom’ Now, let’s write a simple node that subscribes to the odometry topic called ‘odom’. The goal is to retrieve the current pose of the robot. The pose of the robot is defined as [ x, y, θ ]. The message type of ‘odom’ is nav msgs.msg.Odometry . It is defined as below in the .msg file. Header header string child frame id geometry msgs/PoseWithCovariance pose Pose pose Point position float64 x float64 y float64 z Quaternion orientation float64 x float64 y float64 z float64 w float64[36] covariance geometry msgs/TwistWithCovariance twist You can verify the structure by typing an echo command $ rostopic echo /odom in the terminal to print out the odometry information. The output should look like that in Figure 9. 20
Figure 9: Example odom output. The command from nav msgs.msg import Odometry imports the message type for odometry output. Then the following commands initialize the node and the sub- scriber: rospy.init node(’odometry’) odom subscriber=rospy.Subscriber(’odom’,Odometry,callback,queue size=1) We can define a callback function and inside the function, retrieve the position 21
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and orientation from the message. def callback(odom data): point=odom data.pose.pose.position quart=odom data.pose.pose.orientation theta=get yaw from quarternion(quart) cur pose = (point.x, point.y, theta) rospy.loginfo(cur pose) Note that the orientation of the robot is expressed in quaternion, so you need to transfer that to angle using the following formulas: def get yaw from quarternion(q): siny cosp = 2* (q.w*q.z + q.x*q.y) cosy cosp = 1 - 2*(q.y*q.y + q.z*q.z) yaw = math.atan(siny cosp/cosy cosp) return yaw rospy.loginfo(cur pose) Once you have finished the file, run $ rosrun rob521 lab1 l1 on your PC to verify the output. You can terminate the node by typing Ctrl+C. 6.1.3 Task 3: Running subscriber node and publisher node simultane- ously Now you have written a simple subscriber node of odometry, and a simple publishing node of motors, let’s try running them together. Launch the subscriber node l1 first, and then launch the publisher node l1 . Examine the output of the odometry, does the output reflects the current position of the robot? How accurate is it? 6.2 Lab Experiments 6.2.1 Task 4: Verify simulation results Repeat Task 1 to 3 on a real TurtleBot 3. Instead of running gazebo, run the launch file from the bring_up package to start communication, $ roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch --screen Remember to run your publisher and subcription node on the Remote PC. Examine the output of the odometry, does the output reflects the current position of the robot? How accurate is it compared to simulation? 22
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7 Deliverable Summary You do not need to submit anything for this lab. 8 Additional Resources 1. ROBOTIS e-Manual: 2. “SSH: Remote control your Raspberry Pi,” The MagPi Magazine remote-control-raspberry-pi/ 3. Official ROS website - 4. ROS Wiki - 5. Useful tutorials to run through from ROS Wiki - 6. ROS Robot Programming Textbook, written by the TurtleBot3 developers - book-by-turtlebo3-developers-EN.pdf 23
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