Matlab 3-Higher order ODE (1)
Auburn University *
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Mechanical Engineering
Feb 20, 2024
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Name: MECH 2220 Matlab Lab 3, Fall 2020
Matlab Lab 3: Numerical Solutions to Higher Order ODE’s
Assigned: 11/02/ 2020
Due: 2 weeks from the lab attended
Problem Statement #1:
Write an uwf that will solve a system of first order ordinary differential numerically using
Euler’s method. Code for problems:
%Matlab Lab 3: Higher Order
%Enoch Crittenden
%Number 1 Code
function out = EulerODE(slope,x_initial,dx,x_final,y_initial)
x(1) = x_initial;
G(1,:) = y_initial;
n = 1;
while x(n) < x_final
G(n+1,:) = G(n,:) + slope(x(n),G(n,:))*dx;
x(n+1) = x(n) + dx;
out = [x',G];
Name: MECH 2220 Matlab Lab 3, Fall 2020
Find the analytic solution to the following third order ode. Transform the ode into a system
of three first order equations. Solve the system with the uwf developed in task one. Solve the
system with the built in function ode45. Compare the three solutions. '''
cos( ); ''(0)
1; '(0)
0; (0)
Code for problems:
%Matlab Lab 3: Higher Order
%Enoch Crittenden
clear all
slope = @(x,G)[cos(x),G(1),G(2)]; %Slope form
x_initial = 0; %initial x value
x_final = pi; %final x value
dx = (pi/20); %derivative of value
IV = [1,0,-1];
Matrix = EulerODE(slope,x_initial,dx,x_final,IV) %Matrix derivation
x = Matrix(:,1);y = Matrix(:,4);
plot(x,y) %Plot
hold on
y_analytical = -sin(x)+(x.^2)/2 + x-1;
plot(x,y_analytical, 'r+'
) %Plot
%Now the ode45 method
slope2 = @(x,G) [cos(x),G(1),G(2)]';
[x,GV] = ode45(slope2,[x_initial:dx:x_final],IV);
plot(x, y_ode,
) %plot for graph
'Euler Method'
Name: MECH 2220 Matlab Lab 3, Fall 2020
Solution for problems:
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Name: MECH 2220 Matlab Lab 3, Fall 2020
Do problem 22.15 in your text using the function developed in #1 above. Repeat using
ode45. The motion of a damped spring-mass system (Fig. P22.15) is described by the following
ordinary differential equation:
where x
= displacement from equilibrium position (m), t
=time (s), m
= 20-kg mass, and c
the damping coefficient (N · s/m). The damping coefficient c
takes on three values of 5
(underdamped), 40 (critically damped), and 200 (over damped). The spring constant k
= 20
N/m. The initial velocity is zero, and the initial displacement x
= 1 m. Solve this equation
using a numerical method over the time period 0 ≤ t
≤ 15 s. Plot the displacement versus time
for each of the three values of the damping coefficient on the same plot.
Code for problems:
%Matlab Lab 3: Higher Order
%Enoch Crittenden
%Number 3 Code
clear all
%Initial values for formula
%time in seconds
t_initial = 0;
t_final = 15;
dt = .05;
c = 200; %Damped value (change for each value)
k = 20; %N/m
m = 20; %kg(s)
%Slope forumula 1
slope = @(t,G)[(-c*G(1) - k*G(2))/m, G(1)];
IV = [0,1];
Name: MECH 2220 Matlab Lab 3, Fall 2020
Matrix = EulerODE(slope,t_initial,dt,t_final,IV);
t = Matrix(:,1);
x = Matrix(:,3);
hold on
%Slope formula 2
slope_2 = @(x,G)[(-c*G(1) - k*G(2))/m, G(1)]';
[t2,G] = ode45(slope_2,[t_initial:dt:t_final],IV);
ode = [t2,G];
t1 = ode(:,1);x2 = ode(:,3);
%Plotting the line
'Time (seconds)'
'Displacement (meters)'
Solution for problems:
Name: MECH 2220 Matlab Lab 3, Fall 2020
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Name: MECH 2220 Matlab Lab 3, Fall 2020
Solution for problems:
Dragster: An application of ODE solvers
After reaching a top speed of 250 mph a 3000 lbm dragster deploys the semispherical
parachute and engages wheel brakes to stop the car. The diameter of the parachute is 10 feet,
and the wheel brakes can result in a constant -2g acceleration (the wheel brake force is 2
times the weight of the car).
The force exerted by the parachute may be approximated by
Name: MECH 2220 Matlab Lab 3, Fall 2020
The drag coefficient for the parachute has been experimentally determined to be 1.4.
The governing differential equation is then developed with Newton’s Second Law.
Write this second order equation as a system of first order equations assuming the following
Use MATLAB to determine the following questions.
How long and how many feet does it take to stop the car?
Create formatted output that tabulates time, position, velocity, and parachute force.
Compute the total work performed by the parachute on the car.
Code for problems:
%Matlab Lab 3: Higher Order
%Enoch Crittenden
%Number 4 Code
Name: MECH 2220 Matlab Lab 3, Fall 2020
clear all
%Given values and formula
t_initial = 0; %seconds
t_final = 3.5; %seconds
dt = 0.01; %derivative (seconds)
slopeode = @(t,G)[-((4.123*(G(1)^2))/3000) - 64.4, G(1)]';
IV = [366.67,0];
%Time Matrix
[time,Matrix] = ode45(slopeode,[t_initial:dt:t_final],IV);
velocity = Matrix(:,1);
distance = Matrix(:,2);
p_force = 4.123*velocity.^2;
T = [time,Matrix,p_force]
%Graph Formation
) %Answer for A
); %Answer for B
total_work = trapz(distance,p_force) %Part C Answer
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Name: MECH 2220 Matlab Lab 3, Fall 2020
Solution for problems:
Name: MECH 2220 Matlab Lab 3, Fall 2020
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MATLAB...Hand written plzzzz asap....FAST PLZZZZZZZZZZZ
Given the trasnfer function
numerator and denominator
coefficients for Matlab code should
num= [1 0 2 1] and den=[2 020
O num=[1 2 1] and den=[2 0 2 1 1]
num=[1 2 1] and den=[2 2 1]
O num=[1 0 2 1] and den=[2 2 0 1]
Consider the following Initial Value Problem (IVP) dy /at = -t * sin (y); y(t = 0) =1
Solve for y(t=0.5) using
a) Forward Euler method with At = 0.25. (Solve by hand)
Develop a Matlab script that solves for y (t = 5) using Forward Euler method. Use
the time step levels given below and plot t vs y in the same plot. Include the plot
with the right format (axis labels, legends, ...) in your solution sheet and include
your Matlab script in the solution as well.
i) At = 0.25
ii) At = 0.125
b) Backward Euler method with At = 0.25 (Solve by hand)
I want to run the SGP4 propagator for the ISS (ID = 25544) I got from in MATLAB. I don't know where to get the inputs of the function. Where do I get the inFile and outFile that is mentioned in the following function.
% Purpose:
% This program shows how a Matlab program can call the Astrodynamic Standard libraries to propagate
% satellites to the requested time using SGP4 method.
% The program reads in user's input and output files. The program generates an
% ephemeris of position and velocity for each satellite read in. In addition, the program
% also generates other sets of orbital elements such as osculating Keplerian elements,
% mean Keplerian elements, latitude/longitude/height/pos, and nodal period/apogee/perigee/pos.
% Totally, the program prints results to five different output files.
% Usage: Sgp4Prop(inFile, outFile)
% inFile : File contains TLEs and 6P-Card (which controls start, stop times and step size)
% outFile : Base name for five output files
I am having trouble with the folloiwng MATLAB code. I am getting an error that says "unrecognized function or variable 'numericalPropogatorOptions". I have the aerospace toolbox and the aerospace blockset added. what add on do I have to download to use that function. How do I make this code work?
% Define Keplerian Elements
a = 29599.8; e = 0.0001; i = 0.9774; Omega = 1.3549; w = 0; M = 0.2645;
[RECI, VECI] = Kepler2RV(a, e, i, Omega, w, M);
initialState = [RECI * 1e3; VECI * 1e3]; % Initial position (m) and velocity (m/s)
% Define constants
mu = 3.986004418e14; % Gravitational constant (m^3/s^2)
earthRadius = 6378.1363 * 1e3; % Earth radius in meters
j2 = 1.08263e-3; % J2 perturbation coefficient
% Define propagator options
propOptions = numericalPropagatorOptions('CentralBody', 'Earth', ...
'GravitationalParameter', mu, ...
'InitialState', initialState, ...
'OutputTimeStep', 300); % Output every 300 seconds
% Add perturbations
addGravityModel(propOptions, 'Degree', 2,…
Problem 2 (25 points) (CCO 3)/MatlabGrader
Develop a Matlab function that finds a root of a function g(x) starting from the given initial estimates x (-1) and x (0) with a tolerance
in function of at least OK using the secant method. Name the function mySecant using as input the anonymous function g, the
initial estimates x00 and x0, the maximum number of iterations to perform N, and the required tolerance in function epsok. As
output, the function shall return four scalar variables: the numerical solution x, its tolerance in function tolFunc, its estimated
relative error ere, and the number of iterations performed n. If the requested tolerance in function cannot be reached within
N iterations, the function shall execute Matlab's error("...") function with an appropriate error message. Other than this
potential error message, do not print out any results to screen or do any plotting within the function. You must minimize the
number of function calls g(x) required per iteration, by…
If you can please take a look, I struggled with figuring out problem 2, 4, , and 6. Please let me know if you have any solutions.
Please follow the instructions and the requirements according to the pictures above and I kinda need the solution quickly. The language of the code is in Matlab, thank you in advance.
INSTRUCTIONS: Solve the following problem by manually applying the finite element method, following these steps:
Geometry identification.
Material properties identification.
Load identification.
Boundary condition identification.
Development of the connectivity matrix for nodes and elements.
Calculation of local stiffness matrices.
Assembly of the global stiffness matrix.
Assembly of the global force matrix (if required).
Application of boundary conditions.
Resolution of the system of equations.
Derivation of the complete displacement vector (u).
Reaction forces calculation.
Stress analysis.
Problem Statement: the truss nodes and elements (in parentheses) are already numbered. The areas (are in cm^2 ) are underlined. members are made of structural steel, modulus of elasticity is (E) of 20×10^6 N/cm^2 . the lengths are given in cm.
Please help, this for Matlab the image is the first question with following 2 and 3 they go together.
2. Solving the question by using bisection.m with the stopping criterion at 1%. Report the root and # of iterations.
3. by using newton-Raphson matlab script with the stopping criterion at 0.1%. Report the root and # of iterations.
Don't Use Chat GPT Will Upvote And Give Handwritten Solution Please
Model the following problem with integer programming. The marketing department
has been allocated a budget of $10M and would like to determine which products to develop
advertising campaigns; note: at most one campaign can be launched for each product. Their goal
is to maximize revenue for the company. Data is presented in the table below.
12 8 6
Revenue ($M)
Cost ($M)
1 2 5 4 3
Assist with MATLAB coding for part c
Problem 1 (15 points) (Core Course Outcome 5)/MatlabGrader
Write a function mySecond Derivative Order 3 that calculates the second derivative d²y/dx² of a data set (x, y) with at least
third order accuracy at each data point. The data is equidistant in x with spacing h.
The function input shall be
⚫y: one-dimensional column vector of y values
⚫h: scalar value of spacing h
The function output shall be
• d2y: column vector of the same size as y containing d²y/dx²
Calculate d²y/dx² using only the following formulas that use the nomenclature of Table 8-1 and the lecture notes, but are different
from the formulas listed there:
f" (xi) 164f(xi) — 465f(xi+1) + 460ƒ (xi+2) − 170ƒ (xi+3) + 11f (xi+5) + O(h³)
56f(xi−1) − 105f(xi) +40f(xi+1) + 10f(xi+2) − f(x+4) + O(h³)
−5f(xi−2) +80f(xi−1) − 150f(xi) + 80f(xi+1) − 5ƒ(xi+2)
-2f(x-4)+5f(xi-3)+50f(xi-1) — 110f(xi) +57f(xi+1)
f"(xi) =
57f(x-5) 230f(xi-4) + 290 f (xi-3)-235…
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Please don't provide handwritten solution ......
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please write a matlab code
Help me solve this using MATLAB
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I am trying to find a Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM) for the Euler angle body 1-2-3 sequence. I tried making my own function and using the MATLAB function, but the result is matrices that are not equal to each other. But, if I were to use the 'ZYX' sequence, I would get a matrix that is equal to the transpose of the matrix produced by my function.I mean that transpose(EA123toDCM) = E123toDCM if I changed the sequence to 'ZYX'. I never got two equal matrices. Can you fix my code so I would get two equal DCM matrices for the body 1-2-3 sequence?
Also, for the E123toDCM line, I am using the sequence 'XYZ'. Is that correct or should it be 'ZYX'? I know that that for a DCM of sequence 1-2-3 = R3(theta1)*R2(theta2)*R1(theta3). Is ZYX sequence the same as a 1-2-3 sequence?
EA = [pi/3; -pi/4; -pi/6];EA123toDCM = EA123DCM(EA)
E123toDCM = angle2dcm(EA(1,1), EA(2,1), EA(3,1), 'XYZ')
function [R] = EA123DCM(EA)
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- MATLAB...Hand written plzzzz asap....FAST PLZZZZZZZZZZZarrow_forwardGiven the trasnfer function G(s) numerator and denominator coefficients for Matlab code should be: O s³+2s+1 2s4+2s²+1' the num= [1 0 2 1] and den=[2 020 1] O num=[1 2 1] and den=[2 0 2 1 1] O num=[1 2 1] and den=[2 2 1] O num=[1 0 2 1] and den=[2 2 0 1]arrow_forwardConsider the following Initial Value Problem (IVP) dy /at = -t * sin (y); y(t = 0) =1 Solve for y(t=0.5) using a) Forward Euler method with At = 0.25. (Solve by hand) Develop a Matlab script that solves for y (t = 5) using Forward Euler method. Use the time step levels given below and plot t vs y in the same plot. Include the plot with the right format (axis labels, legends, ...) in your solution sheet and include your Matlab script in the solution as well. i) At = 0.25 ii) At = 0.125 b) Backward Euler method with At = 0.25 (Solve by hand)arrow_forward
- I want to run the SGP4 propagator for the ISS (ID = 25544) I got from in MATLAB. I don't know where to get the inputs of the function. Where do I get the inFile and outFile that is mentioned in the following function. % Purpose: % This program shows how a Matlab program can call the Astrodynamic Standard libraries to propagate % satellites to the requested time using SGP4 method. % % The program reads in user's input and output files. The program generates an % ephemeris of position and velocity for each satellite read in. In addition, the program % also generates other sets of orbital elements such as osculating Keplerian elements, % mean Keplerian elements, latitude/longitude/height/pos, and nodal period/apogee/perigee/pos. % Totally, the program prints results to five different output files. % % % Usage: Sgp4Prop(inFile, outFile) % inFile : File contains TLEs and 6P-Card (which controls start, stop times and step size) % outFile : Base name for five output files %…arrow_forwardI am having trouble with the folloiwng MATLAB code. I am getting an error that says "unrecognized function or variable 'numericalPropogatorOptions". I have the aerospace toolbox and the aerospace blockset added. what add on do I have to download to use that function. How do I make this code work? % Define Keplerian Elements a = 29599.8; e = 0.0001; i = 0.9774; Omega = 1.3549; w = 0; M = 0.2645; [RECI, VECI] = Kepler2RV(a, e, i, Omega, w, M); initialState = [RECI * 1e3; VECI * 1e3]; % Initial position (m) and velocity (m/s) % Define constants mu = 3.986004418e14; % Gravitational constant (m^3/s^2) earthRadius = 6378.1363 * 1e3; % Earth radius in meters j2 = 1.08263e-3; % J2 perturbation coefficient % Define propagator options propOptions = numericalPropagatorOptions('CentralBody', 'Earth', ... 'GravitationalParameter', mu, ... 'InitialState', initialState, ... 'OutputTimeStep', 300); % Output every 300 seconds % Add perturbations addGravityModel(propOptions, 'Degree', 2,…arrow_forwardProblem 2 (25 points) (CCO 3)/MatlabGrader Develop a Matlab function that finds a root of a function g(x) starting from the given initial estimates x (-1) and x (0) with a tolerance in function of at least OK using the secant method. Name the function mySecant using as input the anonymous function g, the initial estimates x00 and x0, the maximum number of iterations to perform N, and the required tolerance in function epsok. As output, the function shall return four scalar variables: the numerical solution x, its tolerance in function tolFunc, its estimated relative error ere, and the number of iterations performed n. If the requested tolerance in function cannot be reached within N iterations, the function shall execute Matlab's error("...") function with an appropriate error message. Other than this potential error message, do not print out any results to screen or do any plotting within the function. You must minimize the number of function calls g(x) required per iteration, by…arrow_forward
- If you can please take a look, I struggled with figuring out problem 2, 4, , and 6. Please let me know if you have any solutions.arrow_forwardPlease follow the instructions and the requirements according to the pictures above and I kinda need the solution quickly. The language of the code is in Matlab, thank you in advance.arrow_forwardINSTRUCTIONS: Solve the following problem by manually applying the finite element method, following these steps: Pre-processing: Geometry identification. Material properties identification. Load identification. Boundary condition identification. Development of the connectivity matrix for nodes and elements. Processing: Calculation of local stiffness matrices. Assembly of the global stiffness matrix. Assembly of the global force matrix (if required). Application of boundary conditions. Resolution of the system of equations. Derivation of the complete displacement vector (u). Post-processing: Reaction forces calculation. Stress analysis. Problem Statement: the truss nodes and elements (in parentheses) are already numbered. The areas (are in cm^2 ) are underlined. members are made of structural steel, modulus of elasticity is (E) of 20×10^6 N/cm^2 . the lengths are given in cm.arrow_forward
- Please help, this for Matlab the image is the first question with following 2 and 3 they go together. 2. Solving the question by using bisection.m with the stopping criterion at 1%. Report the root and # of iterations. 3. by using newton-Raphson matlab script with the stopping criterion at 0.1%. Report the root and # of iterations.arrow_forwardDon't Use Chat GPT Will Upvote And Give Handwritten Solution Pleasearrow_forward1) Model the following problem with integer programming. The marketing department has been allocated a budget of $10M and would like to determine which products to develop advertising campaigns; note: at most one campaign can be launched for each product. Their goal is to maximize revenue for the company. Data is presented in the table below. Product A BCD E F 10 7 12 8 6 Projected Revenue ($M) Cost ($M) 6 1 2 5 4 3arrow_forward
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Author:James L. Meriam, L. G. Kraige, J. N. Bolton