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Jun 26, 2024





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Syllabus for MKTG 5320.W01 - Marketing Management Instructor: Dr. Katherine Smith Summer 1 online mini-term, 2024 E-mail: Office hours: Email me anytime Required Textbook: You are responsible for acquiring the textbook on your own. A Framework for Marketing Management by Kotler & Keller, 6th Edition. No online access code is needed. Any book format is fine (eBook or hard copy). ISBN: 978-0-13-387131-9 Website Used : Canvas: Course Structure: Students independently read the textbook, submit assignments, and take exams. Course Requirements & Grading: Points Grades are posted on Canvas 3 Exams 300 A is 400 - 360 14 Chapter Assignments (4pt each) 56 B is 359 – 320 1 Google Ads Search Certification 44 C is 319 – 280 Total 400 Assignments : Assignments are submitted via Canvas and are due by 11:59pm on Saturdays. Except the last assignment, which is due the last day of classes, Friday. You can submit assignments early. If assignments are submitted after due date, one point is deducted for each day late. There is no required format, but use headings (i.e., Ch.1, Question 1) in a Word document. Most weeks cover multiple chapters, submit each chapter separately . Exams: You may take an exam any time before its due date. Once you start the exam, you have 45 minutes to complete and the exam automatically closes. Exam questions come from material in the assignments. Exams have 33 multiple-choice questions and are taken on Canvas. Exams must be done independently; do NOT give or receive aid. You may use the book. You may request to take an exam late, but 10 points are deducted. Google Ads Search Certification: Certification is obtained by working through Google’s online instructional materials & then taking an exam that is administered by Google. Instruction for getting started is under the “Google Ads” link on Canvas. Schedule: Read the chapter and answer these questions using a Word document. Submit each chapter’s document separately. Module 1 Due by 5/18/24 11:59pm Central US time Get-to-know-you Form You’ll find the form in Canvas, within “Submit Assignments”. Chapter 1 Assignment: 1. Provide a definition for the following terms: Marketing, Marketing management, Market, Value proposition, Distribution channels, Relationship marketing, Internal marketing, and the components of the Marketing mix (Fig. 1.3). These definitions should come from the book. 2. Provide a real-world example using actual companies for 5 of the terms from question 1. 3. List four components of each element of the marketing mix (product, price, promotion, & place). For example, price includes the list price, discounts, payment options, and allowances. 4. Marketing management tasks. Explain the 8 tasks involved in marketing management. (The first task is developing and implementing marketing strategies and plans.)
Module 2 Due by 5/25/24 11:59pm Central US time Chapter 2 Assignment: 1. Provide a definition for the following: Value chain, Market-sensing process, New-offering realization process, Customer acquisition process, Customer relationship management process, Fulfillment management process, Strategic marketing plan, Tactical marketing plan, Mission statement, Marketing opportunity, Marketing plan, Marketing metrics, & Marketing dashboard 2. Provide a real-world example for 5 of the terms from question 1. 3. List and explain the contents of a marketing plan. 4. Write your own “mission statement” about your life or career. Chapter 3 Assignment: 1. Provide a definition for the following terms: Marketing information system, Customer database, Database marketing, Data mining, Marketing intelligence system, Marketing research, Market demand. 2. Provide a real-world example using actual companies for 5 of the terms from question 1. 3. List and explain the 6 steps in the marketing research process. 4. Discuss how these forces affect the company you work for (or a company you like): demographics, economic environment, sociocultural environment, technology, and political- legal environment. NOTE: No assignments or exam questions from Chapter 4. Chapter 5 Assignment: 1. Provide a definition for the following terms: Culture, Reference groups, Opinion leader, Perception, Selective attention, Selective distortion, Framing, Business market. 2. Provide a real-world example using actual companies for 5 of the terms from question 1. 3. Explain how each of these factors have the potential to influence consumer behavior: cultural factors, social factors, and personal factors. Which factor is usually the most influential on your personal buying behavior? 4. List the 5 stages in the consumer buying process. Consider your last expensive purchase, explain how you went through each stage (or why you skipped some). Module 3 Due by 6/1/24 11:59pm Central US time Chapter 6 Assignment: 1. Provide a definition for these terms: Psychographics, Behavioral segmentation, Mass marketing, Differentiated marketing, Product specialization, Market specialization. 2. Provide a real-world example using actual companies for 5 of the terms from question 1. 3. Explain and give examples for the following ways to segment consumer markets (do not use the examples in the book): geographic segmentation, demographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation, and behavioral segmentation. 4. Name 3 products or services for which market segmentation is not necessary, such as paper towels. Name 3 products or services for which market segmentation is helpful. EXAM #1 - over Ch. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6. It is open; once you start, you have 45minutes to complete. *Google Ads SEARCH Certification –Instructions are on Canvas in the ‘Google Ads’ link. Module 4 Due by 6/8/24 Chapter 7 Assignment: 1. Provide a definition for the following terms: Positioning, Category membership, Points-of- difference, Points-of-parity, Competitive advantage, Perceptual maps, Brand mantra. 2. Provide a real-world example using actual companies for 5 of the terms from question 1. 3. Refer to the box on p.113: Positioning and Branding for a small business. You are opening a small business (of your choice). Answer: (A) What is your business? (B) What is your competitive (performance) advantage? (C) Who is your target market and how can you find
11:59pm Central US time Module 4 continued out more about it? (D) How will you encourage people to try out your products? (E) How can you create buzz about your store? (F) What is the store name & logo? Chapter 8 Assignment: 1. Provide a definition for the following terms: Brand, Branding, Brand equity, Brand elements, Integrated marketing, Internal branding, Brand portfolio, Flankers, Cash cows, Low-end entry level, High-end prestige. 2. Provide a real-world example using actual companies for 5 of the terms from question 1. 3. Name a favorite brand of yours. Why do you like it? 4. Building Brand Equity. Identify how your favorite brand builds equity through its brand elements, product/service, and other associations. Chapter 9 Assignment: 1. Provide a definition for these terms: Product, Customer-value hierarchy, Core benefit, Basic product, Expected product, Augmented product, Potential product, Convenience goods, Shopping goods, Specialty goods, Capital items, Product mix, Width, Depth. 2. Provide a real-world example using actual companies for 5 of the terms from question 1. 3. Think of a product sold by Best Buy. For this product, identify its product levels in the customer-value hierarchy: core benefit, basic product, expected product, and augmented product. Describe a “potential product” for the product you selected. 4. Define each stage in the product life cycle: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. For each stage, explain the marketing strategy used and name a product currently in this stage. Module 5 Due by 6/15/24 11:59pm Central US time Chapter 10 Assignment: 1. Provide a definition for the following terms: Service, Intangibility, Inseparability, Variability, Perishability. 2. Provide a real-world example using actual companies for 5 of the terms from question 1. 3. Assume you are an employee at Best Buy. A consumer has come to you with a complaint regarding a product he purchased. List 4 specific things you can do to turn this dissatisfied customer into a fan of Best Buy (and your boss won’t object to). 4. Explain the 6 strategies used to achieve excellence in services marketing: strategic concept, top-management commitment, high standards, profit tiers, monitoring systems, and satisfying customer complaints. For each strategy, name a company you think is implementing this strategy well. Chapter 11 Assignment: 1. Provide a definition for the following terms: Reference prices, Price-quality inferences, Price endings, Market-penetration pricing, Market -skimming pricing, Markup pricing, Target- return pricing, Perceived-value pricing, EDLP, Going-rate pricing. 2. Provide a real-world example using actual companies for 5 of the terms from question 1. 3. Explain the 6 steps involved in setting a price. 4. Regarding ‘price sensitivity,’ provide 5 reasons why a consumer may be less price sensitive. EXAM #2 - over Ch. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. It is open; once you start, you have 45minutes to complete. Module 6 Due by 6/22/24 NOTE: No assignments or exam questions from Chapter 12. Chapter 13 Assignment: 1. Provide a definition for the following terms: Retailing, Private-label brand, Generics, Wholesaling, Supply chain management, Market logistics. 2. Provide a real-world example using actual companies for 5 of the terms from question 1. 3. Explain 9 functions that a wholesaler provides.
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