SITXMPR012 part B1 jesica



University of New South Wales *

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Jun 2, 2024





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To plan and coordinate your marketing activity, the following aspects need to be included in a cohesive plan: Provide an overview for the planned marketing activity which must include: - What is the goal of the activity? The goal of the activity is to raise funds for the Cancer Council and increase awareness about cancer research, prevention, and support services. - List the promotional objectives you intend to achieve and describe marketing opportunities which can be used for these. Increase attendance and participation in the fundraiser Generate buzz and excitement around the event Increase donations to the Cancer Council Build relationships with donors and sponsors for future fundraising events - Which planning or organisational documentation was used to inform the activity? Event timeline and schedule Budget and financial plan Event program and script Sponsorship proposal and marketing materials Venue and vendor contracts - What is the overall marketing direction within the organisation? The overall marketing direction for the fundraiser is to use a multi- channel approach to reach potential attendees and donors. This will include: Social media marketing on Cancer Council and Imagine QT’s social media channels Email marketing to Cancer Council’s database and QT’s contacts Advertising in local media outlets, such as newspapers and radio stations Promotions through local businesses and community groups
Establish the factors to determine your promotional activities and analyse these supported through research. a. Target market (Demographic) - People who are interested in doing charity - People who are concern with cancer issue - People who have awareness in cancer campaigns b. Legal and Ethical aspects - Obey all laws, rules, and regulations set by government - Privacy and confidentiality must be protected - Organiser should meticulously honour gift restrictions of the donor - Have formal donation acceptance policy c. Budget available - Fund raising reports from previous events held are analysed and a budget of $6,000. d. Desire results - Return on Investment (ROI) - Growth Rate - Retention Rate - Average Fundraising Amount - Team Fundraising Success - Return on Mission (ROM) e. Timing - This event will take place on 10th August after 3 months of planning. - To achieve the maximize number of donors and amounts is raise, the event will hold for 1 day from morning till evening, at 730am-730pm. f. Competitive market Market research- an event fundraiser must analyse the competition prevailing in the market and promote its event in a way that is different from its competitors. Research indicates that a unique and different approach to promoting the event attracts people and generate interest in the event
Which information sources, networks and/ or distribution and marketing networks will you use to plan and market your activities? Information Sources and Distribution Networks: - Cancer Council’s database of donors and supporters - QT and Green Courtyard’s database of contacts and clients - Local community groups and business networks - Social media advertising and promotions List the mechanisms you will use to reach your identified target market based on the marketing principles (5 P’s). Include an analysis in terms of strategy, advantages, disadvantages, and cost. Products - Throughout the fundraising event, awareness of cancer and healthy are highly highlighted. - Improve and increase the number of the equipment, facilities, and services in all cancer. - Providing knowledge about cancer, prevention, and solutions. Price - The amount is not limited for the donors in fundraising events. Promotion - As the target market for this event is wide and the promotion costs a lot of money, it is important to carry out a break-even analysis before deciding. - We need to identify how much the media will cost, how much amount we will need to raise to cover the event’s expenses, and how we will gather information to show the effectiveness of the promotion. Place - The place of the event is to be held at The Green Courtyard (QT Gold Coast). - One of the strategies is to attract guests who live in the QT Gold Coast to participate the event.
- A good example for QT Gold Coast to show to the public about its social responsibility by supporting the event held in it. People - Fundraising team members are not enough for this event, so we need to recruit volunteers. - We need to conduct training and briefing to all fundraising team members to hold the event smoothly. Provide an overview of costs for the activity, including labour, travel, venue hire. Items Estimated Cost Advertising cost for all social media platforms $500 (promoting in social medias) Donor gifts $1500 (including appreciation cards, coffee mugs and T-shirts with Cancer Council’s logo) Employee salaries (5 team members) excluding volunteer members $2400= (5x12 hours x $40) $600= Meals ($30x3) Transportation ($15x2) Venue rental (The Green Courtyard- QT Gold Coast) $1000 (for 1 full day) Total Estimated Cost $6000 Indicate the potential return on investment for the activity and explain how you have established this. Estimated Fund Received: $8,500
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