Social media assignment (2)



University of Windsor *

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May 24, 2024





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Template: Social Media Campaign Planning and Marketing Goals Name Brett Schiller First and Last Name Student Number: 110099710 Business Information (7.5 marks) Hypothetical Business name (1 mark) Note: it is an imaginary business Schiller’s Shoe Shack Type of business (.5 mark) Two sentence description of business (3.5 marks) This business will sell shoes of all sorts such as running shoes all the way to winter boots as well as athletic clothing. It will not only have many options to buyers, but it will also be reasonably priced Describe your goods or services (2.5 marks) All footwear purchased will come with a keychain of the buyer’s choice. In addition, a basketball net will be available for customers to shoot at for a chance to get 40% off their purchase if it goes in. Digital Identity (7.5 marks) Ideally, what URL will you have for your website? Note: you won’t have to actually design a website, but many social media accounts ask for a website in the biography section (1 mark) What three (3) Social Media Tools will you employ for your business to begin with for its initial social media campaign ? Note: one of these should must be either Facebook or Twitter (1.5 mark) Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Twitter YouTube Google+ For each of the tools you selected above, explain very briefly why you have selected this tool . (3 marks) 1. Instagram: it’s a well known platform for teens and young adults which are the age groups who understand the value of footwear. I also like the fact that it’s picture based since that’s what will attract people to the assortment of shoes. 2. Twitter: This is also a platform for teens and young adults that focuses more on chats which I like a lot because it can promote the business to many people. Comments are a big part of businesses which is why twitter is a great because it spreads the word for the company. 3. Youtube: This would be a great tool since I could post videos to tour the store and show availability so people know what to expect in person. In addition, it would be a good way to promote the basketball net Modified from the original designed to accompany the text found at:
and the promotions that come along with it What handle/username will you target for each of these selected platforms? NOTE: It is a good idea to make actual accounts on these platforms using your UWIN email address, so you can claim the usernames and handles before they are taken. (1.5 marks) 1. SchillersShoes 2. SchillersShoes 3. SchillersShoes I’d like to keep the usernames the same if not, as similar as possible so that it’s easy for customers to access on all platforms What geographical range does the social media campaign address? (.5 mark) Preliminary Objectives (5 x 2 marks (1 for objective, 1 for measure)) What are the five top objectives of your initial campaign? Be specific. Your objectives must be measured and bounded by time. 1. Achieve profit: Calculate how much inventory costs and calculate the money from the purchases coming in. My goal will be to start making profit just after a year of work due to current price of name brand shoes 2. Attract and retain customers: Attempt to gain at least 20 new customers a week as well as getting the previous buyers to return. Measuring the amount of costumers coming through per day will give me an idea as to how much money I could possibly bring in. 3. Establish and sustain inventory: Ensure that inventory is restocked every 3 days with so that customers are never waiting. Attempt to bring in the shoes in style and take out the ones that aren’t to keep purchases going 4. Make customers happy: Have a suggestion box so that I know what type of shoes that I should be bringing in. I should check the suggestion box at the end of every day to ensure requested products are in 5. Have hours that fit buyers schedules: Having reasonable hours is a key to success because you want to buyers to be able to come when it’s convenient for them. I can measure this through trials meaning that I could measure the amount of customers per every hour to find the peak spots as well as taking feedback on recommended times.
Marketing Profile (12 marks) Describe three of your target markets. Give specific demographic or other segmentation information. (6 marks = 3 x 2 marks for identification and description of specific segment) 1. Individuals between the ages of 18-44 because these are the ages where individuals start to understand the true values of footwear. On top of that, statistics show that individuals between the ages of 35 to 44 are the highest buyers. 2. Male and females as I will have split sections for both genders to ensure everybody can purchase exactly what they want. 3. Families because it will most likely account for more purchases if I’m targeting the fact that I have shoes for all ages and both genders. What is your marketing tag? (3 marks for relevance, clarity, creativity and appropriate spelling/grammar) <meta name="title" content="Schiller’s Shoe Shack"> <meta name="description" content="One of the largest varieties of footwear"> <meta name="keywords" content="Shoes, Boots, Clothes"> <meta name="robots" content="index, follow"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta name="language" content="English"> Value proposition: Provide the top three reasons should someone choose to do business with your company rather than another? (3 marks = 3 x 1 mark) 1. Popular brands at more affordable prices due to purchases in bulk 2. Buyers have a chance to get deals on their purchases through a basketball shot which is not offered in many stores 3. Business will be based on customer feedback to ensure that buyers are happy
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