M3: Reflection Project Part 2 Job Design Survey
Results of Job Design Survey
Job Dimension Scores as follows: a. 6, b. 5, c. 4, d. 7, e. 5.
Overall Motivating Potential Score: 175
Question 1: How do your results compare to the national average for each job dimension and overall motivating potential score? Why do you believe you scored lower or higher than the national average?
My job dimension compared to the national average is pretty common with a few outliers which is why I think I have a great job. My outliers are skill variety, task significance, and autonomy. Autonomy is my highest score, my boss gives me a task, and I have the feedback to create an event with no oversite as long as the event is planned and followed through with student attendants it was a success. Task significance was the only one of scores below the national average, I think it is below the national average because of how I view my job, not because it is not valuable. Feedback from the job was spot on with the national average, I think it is common to see feedback from your work without hearing praise from others. Skill variety at my job is basically whatever you are tasked with you have the resources to figure out how to complete the task. I enjoy that part of my job because it keeps you on your toes. o
I believe I scored higher than the national average because of how easygoing my boss is. He is not a micro-manager so I can have freedom over my task and how I chose to complete them. A lot of employees do not have these freedoms over their tasks at work. I also can have
multiple skills that help me complete a lot of my job. I am not strictly just an accountant or just an IET specialist. I work with multiple parts of the university, retention, recruiting, orientation, training, and student life. I can work with others or alone depending on the task. I
also work with a great group of coworkers that motivate me to love my job. If you are unhappy at work, how can you be motivated to complete your task at work? I feel like this is why I scored higher than the national average because I have a great work environment.
Question 2: Briefly describe your job including tasks, responsibilities, reporting relationships, and an overview of the general working environment. How could your job be redesigned to be more motivational or higher in motivating potential? Provide suggestions.
My job tasks are broken up into different parts, some are with working with a grant project that is designed to target the disconnected youth and help them attend college after graduating
high school. I travel to high schools to recruit them to LSUA and explain that I will be able to
continue to help them throughout their college journey. I meet with these students throughout
the semester. Another part of the job is working in the first-year experience department, I am here to help run orientation, manage invoices on workday, train the student ambassadors who run orientation, and set up first-gen workshops. o
Suggestions for a job redesign are having longer planning periods before each event our office provides for students on campus. Some events are asked of us to complete in too little time. They are completed but not always to the best they could’ve been. I think that goes back
to communication skills and someone having too many tasks at once. Better communication through the proper channels and taking into consideration that not everything can be dropped to complete a task that was not communicated until the last minute.