Part 1: Introduce yourself to your fellow students and instructor. Share your college degree plans, briefly explaining what degree you are pursuing, why, and how you think taking this course will assist you in achieving your personal or professional goals.
Part 2: Debates encourage you to think critically and to organize your thoughts in a clear, cohesive, and convincing manner. Using the Points to Ponder Scenario presented in the Unit I Lesson, respond to the following questions according to your first name.
If your first name starts with B, D, F, H, J, L, N, P, R, T, V, X, or Z, discuss why using the fire pump is unethical and unprofessional conduct of a fire protection profession. Identify the fundamental values of not using the pump. What are the short-term and long-term impacts?
Part 1: Hello, everyone, my name is Jamie Milline-Brunson. I am currently pursuing my Master’s degree in Occupational Safety and Health. I am pursuing this degree so I can continue down the path of one day becoming a Safety Director. Currently I am a Safety Specialist and have multiple certifications and authorizations for various industries including and excluding safety and health. I believe this course will assist me in achieving my personal and professional goals by providing increased guidance in different sectors of fire protection in any workplace including the different systems and how they should be maintained. I strive daily to ensure my employees do not have to worry about these aspects and if we are not keeping their safety as our top priority.
Part 2: Utilizing the fire pump from another country is unethical and unprofessional because it does not meet all the requirements that it should meet to protect the safety of the public. With the
suction side of the pump having to utilize elbows instead of a straight pipe it could allow for air to become trapped this could mean malfunctions of the system in the future. Knowing that this could happen as a professional in the situation this looks bad on you because the owner hired you
for your expertise. This is the same for the ethics of the situation you are there as an expert and should act in the best interests of your clients and the public who will be using the space. In allowing this to happen you are not only jeopardizing yourself with possible future legal implications, but also the client. More importantly you are compromising the industry, decreasing its credibility.
Fundamentally not using the pump is the best option for you are the industry as you are not opening yourself or the client to legal implications. But you are also not risking the lives of others just to have a job completed on time, which is never a good option when lives could be in danger. This allows for your ethics and professionalism to remain intact because you could say install the pump now provide the client all the information and the recommendation to install a new pump later. But if you are a true ethical individual that would not sit right as you are not