promotes the development of strong interpersonal ties (Robbins et al., 2019, LO 10.2). She emphasizes the importance of including her team in decision-making and giving them the support and direction they need to succeed. She also believes that compassion is crucial and that leaders should show concern for their well-being and work to foster a friendly and supportive work environment. Dr Kristin Tangen Steffins is a good leader with effective communication, empathy, motivation, and adaptability (
Robbins et al
., 2019, LO 10.3). Power may be efficiently exploited or misused for one's advantage and can come from multiple sources, including official authority, specialized expertise, or control over essential resources (Cherry, 2022). In the interview, Dr Kristin Tangen Steffins discussed that selfishness, ego, and narcissism are linked to corrupt power and can ruin a leader's career. Her position at Banyan Construction Ltd provides her with a legitimate power based on her position in the company's formal hierarchy (
Robbins et al
., 2019, LO 10.5). While she provides a positive expert power based on her expertise, special skills, and knowledge (
Robbins et al
., 2019, LO 10.5). Leaders may increase their power by using their influence, but they can also utilize that power to become better leaders (Cherry, 2022). Kurt Lewin's leader-participation and Professor Martin Evan's path-goal theory are two leadership styles that Dr Tangen Steffins follows. With the leader-participation style, Dr Tangen Steffin discussed listening to employees and involving them in decision-making while having an open-minded attitude, effective communication abilities, and the willingness to share power (What Is Participative Leadership?, 2021). Dr Tangen Steffins has the four leadership behaviours