Hello everyone,
1. What is cyber warfare?
Many attacks using information technology infrastructures as weapons constitute what is known
as "cyber warfare" (Chapple & Seidl, 2015). Sometimes the damage done by cyberwarfare is just
as bad as what would have been done by conventional weapons. Cyberattacks and cyber
espionage are the two main components of cyber warfare. Cyberattacks are undertaken to disrupt
operations by harming a system electronically or physically. Malware and other forms of
malicious software, as well as more subtle forms of data manipulation on an adversary's system,
fall into this category. In order to collect secret information, hackers engage in cyberespionage
by breaking into systems.
2. What is a network?
Networks are made up of nodes that are connected and can send and receive information such as
text, audio, and video (Rouse, 2017). In its simplest form, this can be realized through the
interconnection of two computers with bidirectional communication capabilities. Networks come
in numerous forms; some of the most common are LANs (Local Area Networks), WANs (Wide
Area Networks), and MANs (Metropolitan Area Networks).
3. What constitutes a threat to a network?
Any group, nation, or individual can pose a danger to any system if they have the necessary
knowledge, desire, and access to the means to do so. Said, a network threat is anything or anyone
that has the potential to cause problems for a network.
Chapple, M., Seidl, D. (2015)
Cyberwarfare: Information Operations in a Connected World.
Retrieved from
Rouse, M. (2017).
What is a Risk Assessment?
- Definition from WhatIs.com. Retrieved from