F100 Study Guide Comprehensive Part A



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Dec 6, 2023





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F100 Exam Study Cards Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c44uqy 1. Force Management Blank is the process the Army uses to manage change while balancing needs (today and in the future) with resource constraint 2. ADCON Which line of authority is used to accomplish the Title 10 require- ments for the Secretary of the Army? 3. Joint Capabilities Integration and De- velopment System, The defense Ac- quisition System DAS, and the Plan- ning, Programming Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) Force management uses many processes, including three critical Department of Defense (DOD) de- cision support systems. They are: 4. (determines requirements / solution approaches) (JCIDS) 5. Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (resources require- ments / solutions) (PPBE) 6. Defense Acquisition System (devel- ops and acquires materiel solutions) (DAS) 7. Congress makes and amends the laws that govern how the United States Mil- itary is organized and resourced Although the President is the Com- mander-in-Chief, Congress also has authorities in relation to the Army. One power that Congress has over DOD is: 8. Does not HQDA Does/Does not command Army units in combat. 9. Recruit, organize, train, equip, provide forces, support, supply, maintain, ad- minister Title 10, Section 7013 lists 12 func- tions that the Secretary of the Army (SECARMY) must perform. List four of them: 1 / 20
F100 Exam Study Cards Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c44uqy 10. Army commands (ACOMs) Army service component commands (ASCCs) direct reporting units (DRUs) field operating agencies (FOAs) HQDA has four types of organiza- tions that help them to meet their Title 10 functions. They are: 11. ADCON The Army retains BLANK over Army units assigned or allocated to a combatant commander. This is the relationship that allows it to meet its Title 10 responsibilities. 12. True ASCCs are heavily engaged in Ti- tle 10 management of units work- ing for a combatant. TRUE/FALSE 13. True ASCCs can further delegate AD- CON to the senior Army HQ operating in a particular area. TRUE/FALSE 14. False (ADCON is an Authority) ADCON is a command relation- ship. True/False 15. The Army Plan (TAP) Blank is the five-part Army docu- ment that refines national strategy and combatant command require- ments into an executable plan. 16. (1) Army Vision, (2) Army Strategic, (3) Army Planning Guidance, (4) Army Program Guidance Memo- randum, (5) Army Campaign Plan. The five parts of The Army Plan (TAP) are: 17. JCIDS is DOD's collaborative joint process used to identify, assess, and prioritize military capability require- ments (NEEDS) using concepts and In your own words, what is JCIDS? 2 / 20
F100 Exam Study Cards Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c44uqy integrated approaches to identify and prioritize current and future capabili- ty shortfalls (GAPS) and the potential capability (SOLUTIONS) to support warfighting mission requirements 18. SUPPORTING JOINT CONCEPTS , CAPSTONE CONCEPTS FOR JOINT OPERATIONS and JOIN T OPERATION CONCEPTS The three categories of joint con- cepts are: 19. MULTIDOMAIN OPERATIONS The Army documents its funda- mental ideas about future joint op- erations in the ARMY OPERAT- ING CONCEPT, The current Army Operating Concept is MDO, TP 525-3-1 20. ARMY OPERATING CONCEPT (MDO), FUNCTIONAL CONCEPTS (FIRES CONCEPT), SUPPORTING CON- CEPTS (URBAN OPERATIONS), ADVI- SORY CONCEPTS What is the hierarchy of the Army Concept Framework? 21. Armys Concept Framework/Concep- tial Framework ARMYS Collectively, the BLANK defines the ARMY'S VISION of how it will operate in the future and provides the BLANK Vision needed to de- termine the capabilities required across the Army to ensure future force effectiveness. 22. DOTMLPF and P. Capabilities are investigated and analyzed for solutions within the "domains" of 23. Needs Analyisis Identify Required Ca- pability and Task. Gap Identify required capability and task What are the three Capabili- ties-Based Assessment phases and their purposes? 3 / 20
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F100 Exam Study Cards Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c44uqy Solution Analysis: DOTMLPFP (Pick one Solution) 24. URGENT, EMERGENT, DILIBERATE. JCIDS accounts for different re- quirement lanes to process capa- bility gaps. The lanes are: 25. DILBERATE. The preferred requirements pro- cessing lane is 26. (high potential of death or loss of mis- sion) -EMERGENT MEANS? 27. (loss of life or mission failure) -URGENT MEANS? 28. Materiel (ICD/CDD), Non-Materiel, (DCR), Doctrinal, Non-Doctrinal Results of the JCIDS process are identified as primarily BLANK OR BLANK solutions which are docu- mented respectively as a Blank or Blank 29. -organization The DOTMLPF-P domain used to analyze a unit structure is: 30. Helps submit solutions to ARSTAFF AFC (FCC & CDIDs): Does what? 31. Proponent Center of Excellence (CoEs): Is what? 32. HQDA G8 Responsible for funding AROC 33. Assesses, validates prioritize DOT- MILPFP solutions ICDT: Does what? 34. NON-M (little m) Describe the following document: DCR 35. BIG M Describe the following document: ICD/CDD 4 / 20
F100 Exam Study Cards Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c44uqy 36. JCIDS, DAS, and PPBE. What are the three primary DOD decision support systems? 37. Develop capabilities, design orga- nization, develop organization mod- els, determine organization authoriza- tions, document organization autho- rizations What are names of the phases of the Force Development Process? 38. Document requirement focusing on material or non material org change. What are the outputs of phase 1? 39. Phase I In which phase is a materiel solu- tion determined to fill a capability gap? 40. Strat, Concepts, current/programmed structure, gaps What are the key inputs to phase 1 41. AFC, COEs Who are the Army's key players in phase 1? 42. JCIDS, DAS, PPBE, and the force de- velopment process and force integra- tion process The Army's Force Management Model depicts which three DOD systems and two Army processes? 43. Force development process As the Army's organizational de- sign process, this five-phased process determines gaps, propos- es new or modified organizational designs, and produces the Army's force structure. 44. Develop capabilities JCIDS is most closely associat- ed with which force development phase? 45. Design organizations The FDU is initiated in which phase of the force development process? 5 / 20
F100 Exam Study Cards Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c44uqy 46. Develop organizational models HQDA conducts The FIFA analysis at the beginning of which phase of the force development process? 47. Force design update (FDU) Generally developed by branch proponents, what package formal- ly recommends a new or modified organizational structure? 48. TOE The _____ and BOIP are finalized in the develop organizational mod- els phase of the force development process. 49. BOIP The _______ lists the planned placement of quantities of equip- ment and associated support items as well as the reciprocal dis- placement of equipment and per- sonnel. 50. The unit reference sheet (URS) Part of the FDU, what document contains four critical elements: (1) unit mission/capabilities; (2) orga- nizational structure/hierarchy; (3) key personnel; and (4) key equip- ment. 51. FIFA In order to determine if the impacts of a proposed change are suitable, feasible, and acceptable to the To- tal Army, HQDA does what kind of analysis? 52. Requirements A TOE prescribes the doctrinal wartime mission, the organization- al structure, and the personnel and equipment __________ for a mili- tary unit. 6 / 20
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F100 Exam Study Cards Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c44uqy 53. DA civilians, functional area officers, and base branch Soldiers In order to create a mix of institu- tional knowledge, process under- standing, and operational experi- ence, capability development and integration directorates are staffed with a mix of: a. 54. TOE What is the name of the require- ments document that depicts a doctrinally correct organizational design and becomes a building block with which to build Army au- thorizations? 55. Program Objective Memorandum (POM) Force Total Army analysis (TAA) first de- termines the total Army require- ments and then the force to be re- sourced based on priorities, bud- getary constraints, and guidance. The resulting force structure is known as the: 56. Army Structure Memorandum (AR- STRUC) Your boss tasks you to work with the US Army Cyber Command to develop cyber-related training standards for deploying units. First, you require a better understand- ing of specifically what cyber capa- bilities, to standard requirements code (SRC) level of detail, the Army plans for both the operating and generating forces across the uniformed components in the next two to five years. Your best source for finding this information is the: 57. USAFMSA After senior Army leader- ship approves the resourced force structure during TAA, the ____________ manages the 7 / 20
F100 Exam Study Cards Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c44uqy process of documenting the deci- sion(s). 58. MTOEs / TDAs USAFMSA develops authoriza- tion documents through the Force Management System (FMS). This process results in the generation of organizational authorizations documented as ___________ or _______ 59. balanced / affordabl An objective of TAA is to pro- vide the Army with the proper mix of organizations, resulting in a(n)_________ and __________ force structure to meet future re- quirements. 60. Provide the analytical underpinnings for the POM force Another objective of TAA is to: 61. Command Plan The ________ is the post-TAA process that develops the person- nel, and equipment requirements and authorizations at MOS/grade and LIN level of detail for the Mas- ter Force. 62. ARSTRUC The baseline for the command plan submission is the latest HQDA Master Force lock point and the latest HQDA approved _____________. 63. SAMAS ____________ is the force struc- ture database of record and ac- counting system for all current and planned MTOE and TDA units in the total Army. 8 / 20
F100 Exam Study Cards Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c44uqy 64. UIC The Army documents the pro- grammed and budgeted force to _______level of detail to ensure that organizations may place de- mands on the Army's functional systems. 65. MDD The BLANK is the entry point into the acquisition process for all de- fense acquisition products 66. -TMRR -technology maturation and risk re- duction The purpose of the BLANK phase is to reduce technology, engineer- ing, integration, and life-cycle cost risk to the point that a decision to contract for Engineering & Man- ufacturing Development can be made with confidence in success- ful program execution for devel- opment, production, and sustain- ment. 67. Operation and Support The objective of the BLANK phase is the execution of a support pro- gram that meets materiel readi- ness and operational support per- formance requirements and sus- tains the system in the most cost-effective manner over its total life-cycle 68. Acquisition Program Baseline The BLANK is the balance of risk between cost, schedule and per- formance agreed to between the Program Manager (PM), the Pro- gram Executive Office (PEO), and the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA). 69. PEO Program Executive Officer 9 / 20
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F100 Exam Study Cards Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c44uqy The BLANK is responsible for pro- grammatics (materiel acquisition cost, schedule, and total system performance) and for the PPBE necessary to guide assigned pro- grams through each Defense Ac- quisition System Milestone. 70. KPP (Key Performance Parameters The Capability Development Doc- umentand the Capability Produc- tion Documentcontain a required number of BLANK that capture the minimum operational effec- tiveness and suitability attributes (testable or measurable character- istics) needed to achieve the over- all desired capabilities for the sys- tem during the applicable incre- ment. 71. ACAT (Acquisition Category) The BLANK designation deter- mines the level of review, and who will make the milestone decisions. 72. AROC The AROC validates all Army doc- uments for JCIDS prior to submis- sion to the Joint Staff, J-8 Deputy Director for Requirements for re- view and approval of joint require- ments and ASA(AL&T) for materiel development. 73. J8, Deputy Director for Requirements The Joint Staff BLANK is the gate- keeper of the JCIDS process at the joint level. 74. G3/5/7 and force integration Blank is the Army lead organiza- tion to synchronize Blank efforts . 75. 10 / 20
F100 Exam Study Cards Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c44uqy Active Component Manning Guid- ance (ACMG: Prioritizes and aligns DARPLE to Units The major Army prioritization doc- uments and their purposes are: 76. Operational guidance prioritizing Army missions. IRPLE: 77. Tacticle guidance assigning UICs to certain IRPLE MissioTacticle guid- ance assigning UICs to certain IRPLE Missionsns DARPLE: 78. G3 and "Spaces (Authorizations MTOE and TDA slots)." Manpower management is a Blank function and deals with Blank 79. G1 and "Faces (individuals going to fill authorizations)." Personnel management is a Blank function and deals with Blank 80. ACMG The Army Blank establishes levels of fill based on unit missions and provides a mitigation strategy for personnel shortages to the Army community. 81. Operating Strength and TTHS (Trainee, Transients, holdees, stu- dents) not taking up slots. The Army Active Component total strength is composed of Blank and Blank 82. Two There are BLANK manning cycles a year. 83. Review army requirements for person- nel to fill shortages, balanced against available personnel and developmen- tal needs (PME/Training/etc) The purpose of the manning con- ference is to: 84. Army Modernization and Equipping Conference - raise concerns and makes recommendations for policy changes and review what's up in the The two Army equipping groups and their purposes are: 11 / 20
F100 Exam Study Cards Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c44uqy next 21 months of equipping cycles UERWG - unit equipping reuse work- ing group... unit level process to fill shortages bottom up(directed by FORSCOM managed by DIV) 85. Army Materiel Command Lead Materiel Integrator The CSA designated BLANK as the Blank responsible for all Army new equipment distribution and re- distribution. 86. Army equipment Common Operating Picture Describe the purpose of the Deci- sion Support Tool. 87. ONS - Operational needs statement Army capability requests to correct a deficiency or to improve a ca- pability impacting mission accom- plishment for a specific mission and a set time frame. 88. Fielding and new equipment (NET/NEF) Total Package Fielding 89. equipment and supplies forward de- ployed ISO CCDR OPLANs require- ments PREPO Stock (APS) 90. Joint Urgent Operational Needs State- ment -same as ONS but joint. Current mission failure or loss of life JUONS 91. AROC The BLANK validates, prioritizes and resources urgent require- ments (ONS) to provide timely Army support to the force. 92. Assistant Secretary of the Army Fi- nancial Management and Comptroller This individual is responsible for oversight of the Army PPBE process. 12 / 20
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F100 Exam Study Cards Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c44uqy 93. Appropriations Colors of money or how resources are allocated across programs. 94. February The month during which the Presi- dent's Budget is usually submitted to Congress 95. Budget Across. The first year of the five-year program is known as the blank year. 96. POMBES The abbreviated name for the five-year PPBE submission from the Army to DOD 97. This series of documents is both a pri- mary input to PPBE and is influenced by the outcomes of PPBE. The Army Plan 98. APE Army Program Elements These are sub-elements of pro- grams, and are used by the Army to allocate resources (DOD uses a similarly-named item). 99. Authorizations One of two bills that resources the Department of Defense, this bill gives congressional approval to establish or continue a program. 100. MDEP Management Decision Execu- tion Package An Army construct that provides program clarity with regards to re- sourcing and prioritization. Togeth- er, they account for all Army re- sources. 101. Program Evaluation Groups (PEGs) Five of these manage all Army pro- grams, ensuring they are properly prioritized and aligned with guid- 13 / 20
F100 Exam Study Cards Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c44uqy ance. Program Evaluation Groups (PEGs) 102. To all services DAS applies: 103. Urgent, Emergent, Deliberate Three methods DAS uses for Ma- teriel Development (based on im- mediacy): 104. The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology (ASA (ALT) and Army Futures Command (AFC). Two most important organizations in Army Acquisitions: 105. Program Executive Offices, Program Managers, Product Managers, and Project Managers. Acquisition programs managed by: 106. Joint Urgent Operational Needs (JUONS) and Joint Emergent Opera- tional Needs (JEONS) Army uses operational needs statements ONS to process ur- gent acquisition requirements. The JOINT community uses: 107. FIFAs assess friction points in inte- grating organizational change. Force Integration Functional Area (FIFA) Analysis differ from DOTMLPF-P: 108. An authorizations document Modified Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE): 109. Process through which the Army de- velop and approves new (or modified) organizational designs. Force Deign Update (FDU): 110. Force Integration Functional Area (FIFA) analysis Framework HQDA uses to assess an DFU prior to approval: 111. Documents TAA decisions on the total structure. Army Structure Memorandum (AR- STRUC): 14 / 20
F100 Exam Study Cards Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c44uqy 112. BOIP (Basic of Issue Plan) to update the TOE HMMWVs replaced with JLTVs on TOEs requires: 113. Authorizations document that details a resourced organization. MTOE: 114. Requirements document that details the doctrinal requirements for an or- ganization. TOE: 115. Human-in-the-loop view to apply op- erational experience and professional military judgement to the final army Force structure decisions. (TAA) Qualitative Analysis Phase: 116. Represents the total force that the Army Senior Leaders have identified for funding POM Force: 117. The usual authorization document for the generating force (including GCSS) Tables of Distribution and Al- lowance (TDAs): 118. Determines required capabilities based on strategy, concepts, and sim- ilar guidance Needs Analysis: 119. Compares required capabilities to ca- pabilities and capacity present in the joint force to determine unmet capa- bility requirements. Gap Analysis: 120. Proposes multiple solution approach- es across the domains of DOTMLPF-P Solutions Analysis: 121. The analytic process of JCIDS that identifies requirements, which re- quirements are not met, and propos- es DOTMLPF-P approaches to solve them. Capabilities Based Assessment: 15 / 20
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F100 Exam Study Cards Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c44uqy 122. Responsible for guiding Army mod- ernization and capability develop- ment. AFC: Army futures command: 123. Materiel and Non-Materiel Two categories of solutions from JCIDS: 124. DOTMLPF-P JCIDS uses domains of BLANK to have an approved solution ap- proach. 125. MDO Multi-Domain Operations 2028 Current Army operating concept: 126. The Army can shift the funds from one program to another program. Reprogramming: 127. Drawn from the domains of DOTMLPF-P At the end of JCIDS, capability de- velopers have an approved solu- tion approach: 128. Multi-Domain Operations 2028 What is the current Army Operat- ing Concept? 129. Joint Staff; HQDA G-8 The ___________ manages the Joint Requirements Over- sight Council (JROC) and the ____________ manages the Army Requirements Oversight Council (AROC). 130. Joint Concept A _______________ describes how the joint community wants to operate in future conflicts. 131. Materiel and non-materiel JCIDS considers all domains of DOTMLPF-P, but ultimately classi- fies solutions into two categories: 132. Congress passes and the President signs both the Defense Appropriation Of the choices below, what needs to occur for the Department of De- 16 / 20
F100 Exam Study Cards Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c44uqy Bill and the Defense Authorization Bill for FY22. fense to be able to fund operations at the beginning of FY22? 133. Execution The Army Budget Office (ABO) monitors expenditures during ________. 134. Programming HQDA G8 aligning resources to re- quirements approved by the Secre- tary of the Army and CSA happens as part of ________. 135. Reprogramming If a program is unable to spend appropriated funds, the Army can shift the funds to another program through ____________, but only if it is less than the allowable thresh- old. 136. Planning Identifying DOTMLPF-P solutions is part of ________. 137. Force Development What process does the Army use to develop organizational designs? 138. Civilian Institutional knowledge of past de- cisions and familiarity with force management processes related to the Center of Excellence 139. Basic Branch Officer Recent operational experience in the warfighting function under con- sideration 140. Force Management Officer Recent operational experience in a range of force management processes across the Army 141. The Force Design Update (FDU) Is the process through which the Army develop and approves new 17 / 20
F100 Exam Study Cards Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c44uqy (or modified) organizational de- signs. 142. Basis of Issue Plan (BOIP) Replacing HMMWVs with JLTVs on TOEs requires a __________________ to update the TOE. 143. narrative and listings of the organiza- tion's required equipment and person- nel A Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE) contains _________________. 144. Tables of Distribution and Allowance (TDAs) MTOEs are the usual authoriza- tions document for the operating force (including BCTs). _________ are the usual authorizations docu- ment for the generating force (in- cluding CGSS). 145. POM Force The ___________ represents the total force that the Senior Lead- ers of the Army have identified for funding. 146. Command Plan After TAA, capabilities developers execute the __________ to docu- ment MTOEs and TDAs. 147. Provides a human-in-the-loop view to apply operational experience and pro- fessional military judgment to the final Army force structure decisions Within Total Army Analysis (TAA), the Qualitative Analysis ______________. 148. Uses computer modeling to determine the total force requirements resulting from DoD planning scenarios. Within Total Army Analysis (TAA), the Quantitative Analysis ____________. 149. develops and fields capabilities that combatant commanders require to Force Management ________________________. 18 / 20
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F100 Exam Study Cards Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c44uqy meet the demands of the contempo- rary operating environment 150. Goldwater-Nichols Act established the structure that included geograph- ic combatant commands Provide an example of Congress exercising its authority to organize the military. 151. A clearly defined threat: the Soviet Union Which is a factor that guided the Army's organizational evolution af- ter Vietnam? 152. Army Commands (ACOMs), Army Ser- vice Component Commands (ASCCs), Direct Reporting Units (DRUs), and Field Operating Agencies (FOAs) By law, Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) is limited in size. What organization(s) does it use to accomplish its Title 10 Mis- sions? 153. Joint Urgent Operational Needs (JUONs) and Joint Emergent Opera- tional Neeeds (JEONs) The Army processes urgent ac- quisition requirements through Operational Needs Statements (ONSs). The Joint community uses ___________. 154. The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology (ASA(ALT)) and Army Futures Command (AFC) The two most important organi- zations in Army acquisition are ____________. 155. Program Executive Offices, Program Managers, Product Managers, and Project Managers Acquisition programs are man- aged by ______________. 156. Cross-Functional Teams (CFTs) To streamline modernization, Army Futures Command has estab- lished ________, bringing all stakeholders into the conversation. 157. all services The Defense Acquisition System (DAS) applies to ____________. 19 / 20
F100 Exam Study Cards Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c44uqy 158. Army Materiel Command (AMC) Who manages the Army's equip- ment distribution and redistribu- tion? 159. Force Integration Functional Area (FIFA) analysis before approving a Force Design Update (FDU) What is an example of the Army considering Force Integration early in the development of a new capa- bility? 160. Many Soldiers are contained in the Transients, Trainees, Holdovers, and Students (TTHS) account and unavail- able for assignment to units. What is one reason that the Army cannot fully man units to MTOE even when it has enough person- nel in rank and operational special- ty? 161. Active Component Manning Guidance Where can you find Army guidance on the percentage of personnel a Compo 1 unit should receive? 162. G-3/5/7 Who establishes priorities for Army force integration efforts? 20 / 20