This storage allows you to access and save files anywhere via the internet
Google Drive can be used on smartphones, tablets, computers, etc.
Google Drive is not just meant for storage, but it can also allow users to edit and collaborate on files
If a file is in collaborative mode, and users are added to that file, then they can modify or interact with it
Google Drive's popularity is built on useful collaborative tools and built-in integrations with Google's suite of products and services
Most individuals that use Google Drive are users of Google
Drive's best feature is its integration with Google's office suite of cloud-native apps
Google Drive is designed with both personal, and business use in mind. Both uses are sometimes merged, which may not be a good security practice, but is much more user friendly
Google Drive is compatible across all Google platforms, and services, ensuring ease of use
Across Google, users are given 15 GB of free storage and this storage is spread throughout all the Google services a user may utilize
Should someone use all 15 GB, then they may purchase more in a simple upgrade with a Google One account
Google One is a subscription service, with prices ranging from $1.99-$9.99 per month