Women’s Suffrage Movement
Introduction Activity
1. Why was it important for women to have access to education during a time that severely limited
women's inclusion in the political process and their career opportunities?
(2 points)
Education helped women in limited times by giving them more opportunities in politics and
2. What did the "Cult of Domesticity" decree?
(2 points)
"Cult of Domesticity" said women should focus on home duties like caregiving.
3. Historian Eric Foner (a proponent of the “Cult of Domesticity”) believed the job of women was to
provide non-market values. What are non-market values?
(2 points)
Non-market values are things like emotional support and guidance that women provide outside
of the job market.
4. True or false. Only men of the time bought into the ideals of the "Cult of Domesticity"?
False. Both men and women believed in the "Cult of Domesticity."
5. During a time when opportunities for women were so limited, why were women generally
accepted into reform movements?
(2 points)
Women joined reform movements as they aligned with their desire for social change.
6. Which issue or reason caused opinions to change on allowing women to vote?
(2 points)
The women's suffrage movement, pushing for voting rights, changed opinions about women's
7. Why did anti-slavery abolitionists deny women's demands for equality?
(2 points)
Anti-slavery abolitionists feared linking women's rights with abolition would face more
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