HIS 100 Module One Activity Template: Project Topic Exploration
You must pick a topic from the Research Topics Lists in the Library Research Guide. While it is a good idea to choose your topic early, you may change it until the next module. Replace the bracketed text below with your responses. Support your responses with specific details and examples.
Identify the topic you chose to explore:
Philippine Revolution
Explain what you already know about the chosen topic based on your personal history or experiences.
The extent of my knowledge of this topic is only that there is a defense agreement between the United States and the Philippines after World War 2. Describe the beliefs, assumptions, and values you have related to the topic you chose.
I don’t believe there to be believe I have any beliefs or assumptions related to the topic for my personal gain, but I do the belief in the value that if the Philippines were to need military aid because of an agreement no matter how old it might be, we must uphold it. Explain why this topic is relevant to current events or to modern society.
The tension between China and the Philippine is every increasing. As of 23 October 2023, Biden has made it clear that if China attacks the Us will defend them. Meaning we could be on the verge of war that doesn’t directly affect us over the conflict between the two parties.