HIS-200-Q2846/ 21EW2
1-3 Writing Plan Progress Check 1
Connor Sculthorpe
Connor Sculthorpe
HIS 200: Applied History
Southern New Hampshire University
October 31, 2021
Topic and Research Question
For my historical analysis, I chose the use of the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) - a singular
intelligence metric derived from a psychometric analysis – and how this new scientific approach was warped to wield it against groups within the political landscape of the United States in the late 1910’s. The concept is to explore how a test meant for school children that claimed it could not level inborn intelligence became a widespread political tool that was used maliciously against non-white groups as well as other marginalized people in the United States through a political lens.
Research Question:
How did the availability of the Intelligence Quotient (IQ), brought to the United States in the 1910's, contribute to the perception of those who are “othered” in politics during that period? (i.e., disabled, mentally unwell, non-whites)