800147 Guidelines for dispensing controlled substances
You just received a C3-5 delivery that has two C3-5 invoice numbers and
one tote with 22 testosterone 200mg / m * L .
Log into CIIM (myReports (F6)> under References > select CIIM) to
review invoices
View both C3-5 invoice numbers on CIIM to review the specific quantity
shipped for each invoice number
Which of the following are examples of potential patient or prescriber
red flags on a controlled substance prescription?
Patient seeing a physician from a different state
Prescriber writes a same drug, directions, quantity and diagnosis on
every prescription
Patients is filling prescriptions at multiple pharmacy
Patient is filling a combination of benzodiazepines and an opioid
A patient request is to fill their prescriptions for an , a
benzodiazepine, and a muscle relaxant
notify the pharmacist on duty of the potential red flags they observed
in their interaction with the patient so they can review further
Which of the following may be a potential red flag and indicator to
review for a prescription forgery?
handwriting too neat
Prescription is photocopy
Prescriber’s phone number in RxConnect
does not match
Irregular quantities
Which is NOT a red flag
patient filling a prescription from emergency room to treat their
broken arm
Which of the following four examples are potential red flags on a
controlled substance prescription?
Patient is under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Prescriber demographics ( egaddress, phone number, DEA #, etc i ) do
not match what is present in RxConnect
Patient is in their twenties
Prescription written by the prescriber does not appear to be in the
usual scope of their practice