WGU D115 Unit 3 Exam Questions and Answers (Latest
Update 2023-2024) Verified Answers
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Glucocorticoids decrease uptake of
glucose into muscle cells, adipose cells, and lymphatic cells. Glucocorticoids
also have a direct effect on carbohydrate metabolism in many ways.
Furthermore, glucocorticoids increase blood glucose concentration by
promoting liver gluconeogenesis.
What cells in the pancreas synthesize insulin.
Beta , alpha, delta -
correct answers
Beta cells are the type of cell within
the pancreatic islet that make and secrete insulin. Beta cells are either
diminished or dysfunctional in patients with diabetes, which leads to
What are three clinical manifestations of hypothyroidism?
Intolerance to heat
Bradycardia -
correct answers
The lower levels of thyroid hormone result
in decreased energy metabolism, resulting in constipation, bradycardia, and