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Apr 3, 2024
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Joanna Liu -
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It's my ±rst draft
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Click here to see a full glossary of English writing terms and their de±nitions.
Please note that the specialist has not proofread your work but has highlighted examples of the types of errors you need to look out
for. Please review your entire document with these examples in mind before you submit your assignment.
Liesa S
Joined in 2024
ON, Canada
General Comments
Hello! Thank you for submitting your work to Studiosity. It looks like you
are nearly there with your essay. I've provided some feedback on
structure, language, spelling and grammar, and use of sources as
requested to help you take the next steps.
Your sentences, paragraphs and overall essay are clear and follow a cohesive ²ow.
E±ective paragraph cohesion
Your paragraphs use cohesive devices e³ectively, which makes the ideas they discuss easy for the reader
to follow and helps your points develop logically. This can be particularly e³ective when your wording
provides cohesion between paragraphs and your initial thesis statement. Cohesive devices include words
or phrases such as 'however', 'this relates to...', or 'additionally'.
Structuring a conclusion
The conclusion of a piece of writing is usually the ±nal section of your paper that draws all of the ideas in
your work together. Writing an e³ective conclusion typically means doing three key things: restating your
thesis or focus question, summarising the points or ideas covered in the body paragraphs, and highlighting
the main message or argument of your paper to show the reader how you have responded to your chosen
topic, question, or prompt. Make sure that your conclusion focuses on the points that you have covered in
your writing, and avoid including any new ideas or information that you have not previously discussed.
For more information, watch this:³ca8c
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Your choice of words help strengthen your essay.
Using personal pronouns
Our system found some personal pronouns such as I, you, or we in your writing. While this is widely
accepted, it’s a good idea to ensure that this is permitted in this particular task. It is possible that the use of
personal pronouns is outlined in your task description or references, in which case please disregard this
Spelling and grammar
A few small grammar errors, such as tense to review.
Tense - inconsistency
You need to ensure that the verb tense you use is kept consistent if the time frame is the same. Only shift
the verb tense if there is a shift in the time frame. For example, 'The manager is from Melbourne, but he
worked in Sydney for many years’.
For more information, watch this:
Using American-English spelling
Our system detected the use of American English in your writing. While both American and British English
are correct as long as they are used consistently, we wanted to highlight this in case this was unintentional.
When you mix up the di³erent spellings, it can look like you've made a mistake or even change the
meaning of the word. For example, the British English colour, metre, rationalise, mum, practise (verb), and
spelt; compared to the American English color, meter, rationalize, mom, practice (noun and verb), and
Use of sources
Our Citation Assist feature has detected a text match with an uncited source in your document. To avoid
unintentional plagiarism, it is important to reference any material that comes from another source by using
in-text citations, footnotes or endnotes (depending on your style guide), along with a reference list at the
end that includes all relevant information about each source. Please make sure that you follow the
instructions outlined for the referencing style chosen by your education provider.
Citing all sources
When using information from sources, it is important that you cite the source every time and use the
appropriate format speci±ed by your referencing style.
For more information, watch this:
Final comments
Wishing you all the best with your essay.
1) Descrip±on and Personal Appeal
Briefly describe the company and its main lines of business. Also, provide a personal reason why you chose it.
Nike Inc. is a global leader in the design, marke±ng and distribu±on of athle±c footwear, apparel and equipment for a wide
range of sports and fitness ac±vi±es. This mul±na±onal corpora±on has established itself as a premier brand in the athle±c
industry, renowned for its innova±on and quality. Nike’s product por²olio caters to both professional athletes and casual fitness
enthusiasts, emphasizing performance enhancement and comfort. My personal a³rac±on to Nike stems from its iconic
branding and its ability to consistently inspire and innovate within the sports and fitness realms. Their slogan, “Just Do It,”
resonates with me on a personal level, encouraging perseverance and pushing limits, which aligns with my own values towards
fitness and personal growth.
This is an example of a strong concluding sentence; I can see how it
is connected to your topic sentence and overall reinforces your paragraph's main ideas.
[Guidance: 100-150 words]
2) Mission Statement and Business Purpose
Locate and summarize the company’s mission statement. It may not be explicitly stated as such, but typically the annual report
(or website) will contain the relevant language in a prominent spot.
Extract “the why”, i.e., why does the company exist (in the sense of Edmans and Sinek)? How specific is this statement to the
company? (HINT: Could a different company use the same language?) Can you find evidence that these words correspond to
some concrete ac±ons taken recently by the company? Evaluate how authen±c the company is in its purpose and provide
evidence for your judgement.
Nike's mission statement reflects its aim to inspire and innovate every athlete around the world, opera±ng under the broad
defini±on that if you have a body, you are an athlete. This statement emphasizes Nike's commitment to universal
empowerment through sport and innova±on, highligh±ng their intent to make athle±c par±cipa±on and innova±on accessible
to all, which aligns with the inclusivity aspect promoted by thought leaders like Simon Sinek.
The specificity of Nike's mission could be perceived as somewhat universal, poten±ally applicable to any sports-related
company aiming for a global market influence. However, Nike differen±ates itself through its broad defini±on of 'athlete,'
reinforcing inclusivity and a wider target audience, which gives a unique angle to their mission compared to other companies
that might focus strictly on professional or highly skilled athletes.
Regarding the company's authen±city and concrete ac±ons, Nike aims to demonstrate its commitment through various
ini±a±ves and targets related to people, the planet, and community engagement. The company's efforts include sustainability
goals, diversity and inclusion programs, and community outreach, aiming to align their opera±ons and impact with their stated
mission and purpose.
However, Nike's authen±city has been challenged by past controversies, such as the sexual harassment and gender inequality
scandals (Guardian 2022). Such incidents raise ques±ons about the consistency between the company's stated values and its
internal prac±ces. The scandal pointed to a significant discrepancy between the inclusive and respec²ul environment Nike
promotes and the actual experiences reported by some employees, leading to scru±ny regarding the company's commitment
to its own principles. The response to these issues and the ac±ons taken to address them would be crucial in evalua±ng Nike's
genuine dedica±on to its mission and values.
Nonetheless, it's crucial to recognize that while corporate ini±a±ves can indicate a company's commitment to its mission, the
full scope of authen±city should also consider broader impacts, consumer feedback, and ongoing commitment to these values.
There is strong cohesion in your paragraphs; your ideas are presented logically and are
easy to follow.
[Guidance: 250-350 words]
3) Key stakeholders and trade-offs
If you had to pick one, which stakeholder group seems to be addressed most directly in the company’s mission statement (this
can be subjec±ve). Explain your reasoning and be diligent in defining the stakeholder precisely. Has the rela±onship of the
company to this stakeholder changed over ±me? How does the company currently create (or destroy) value for this group in its
normal course of business? Do those same ac±vi±es affect another stakeholder in the opposite direc±on?
C1, 1 match
In analyzing Nike's mission statement and opera±ons, it seems that the stakeholder group most directly addressed
verb tense is not consistent with the rest of the sentence and/or paragraph.
is the customer,
which aligns closely with the concept of customer value. Nike’s mission statement emphasizes inspira±on and innova±on for
every athlete in the world, defining "athlete" broadly as anyone with a body. This inclusive defini±on not only broadens their
target market but also emphasizes the instrumental value by ensuring their products serve a prac±cal purpose and meet the
needs of a wide array of consumers, from professional athletes to casual wearers.
The rela±onship between Nike and this customer stakeholder group has evolved over ±me, especially as the company has
expanded its product line and global reach. Historically, Nike focused primarily on providing high-performance athle±c wear,
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but over ±me, they have broadened their offerings to include lifestyle and fashion-oriented products, thereby enhancing
experien±al/hedonic value. This diversifica±on has allowed Nike to create value for a wider range of customers by catering not
just to their physical performance needs but also to their emo±onal and social desires.
However, the ac±vi±es that create value for customers can some±mes affect other stakeholders nega±vely. For instance, there
has been scru±ny over Nike’s supply chain prac±ces, where the pursuit of cost reduc±on (cost/sacrifice value) to maintain
affordable prices for consumers has raised concerns about labor condi±ons and environmental impacts. This situa±on presents
a trade-off between delivering value to customers and maintaining ethical and sustainable prac±ces that benefit workers and
the environment, which are also crucial stakeholders.
You have demonstrated a strong and
appropriately formal academic tone throughout your writing.
In its normal course of business,
Your choice of words is particularly e±ective throughout your
essay, helping to clearly convey your point and engage the reader.
Nike creates value for its
customers through segmenta±on, targe±ng, and posi±oning, iden±fying specific groups of customers and tailoring its products
and marke±ng efforts to meet their unique needs and preferences. This strategy not only enhances customer sa±sfac±on and
loyalty but also ensures Nike remains compe±±ve and relevant in the global market. However, Nike con±nuously faces the
challenge of balancing these efforts with the interests and well-being of other stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, and
the broader community, thereby reflec±ng the intricate dynamics of stakeholder rela±onships in the modern corporate
[Guidance: 300-350 words]
4) Analysis of corporate ac±on
Iden±fy and clearly delineate a par±cular ac±on that the company has taken (or is taking) that is in the spirit of their mission
statement (but not the same as their core business). Analyse this ac±on under
a) the 6 CSR criteria discussed in the lecture
C2, 1 match found
“Shareholder Primacy”, and
c) “Grow The Pie”, and judge whether either framework supports or rejects this ac±on being taken.
C3, 1 match
Nike's commitment to sustainability, demonstrated through ini±a±ves like the Move to Zero campaign, aligns with their mission
statement "To bring inspira±on and innova±on to every athlete* in the world," [
It appears that you have used a
source here, but you have not cited it.
where the inclusive defini±on of 'athlete' ±es directly into their
environmental efforts. This commitment serves to ensure the planet is preserved for all athletes of the future, reflec±ng a
corporate ac±on that extends beyond their core business of sportswear.
Analyzing this ac±on under the six CSR criteria reveals a comprehensive approach. The intent behind Nike's sustainability efforts
appears genuine rather than superficial, as indicated by their long-term commitments and comprehensive strategies.
Mo±va±on-wise, while there are extrinsic benefits such as appealing to environmentally conscious consumers and reducing
Your draft has been checked for text
that matches existing public sources.
risks, there seems to be an intrinsic desire to contribute posi±vely
This part of the paper is connected with
your own language.
to the environment, aligning these efforts with broader societal values. The relevance of Nike’s
ac±ons is par±cularly significant given the environmental impact of the apparel industry, making their ini±a±ves directly related
to their business. Moreover, Nike's approach is proac±ve, undertaking sustainability ac±ons without direct external pressure,
which suggests a desire to set industry standards. The origin of these ini±a±ves seems to mix top-down and ground-up
approaches, indica±ng engagement from all levels of the company. Finally, these efforts aim at crea±ng addi±onal value rather
than merely redistribu±ng exis±ng value, aligning with a more sustainable business model that benefits a broad range of
Your conclusion has clear links back to your introduction and thesis statement.
From the theore±cal standpoint, under the "Shareholder Primacy" framework, while tradi±onal views might priori±ze
immediate profit-making, Nike’s sustainability ac±ons can be seen as aligning with long-term shareholder interests by
responding to changing consumer preferences and mi±ga±ng risks associated with environmental regula±ons. Under the "Grow
The Pie" framework, these ac±ons are strongly supported as they aim to create value for all stakeholders, not just shareholders.
By fostering innova±on, enhancing brand reputa±on, and tapping into new markets through sustainability, Nike works to
expand the overall 'pie', benefi±ng everyone involved.
In conclusion,
Your tone is too informal here. Try to choose words that are more formal.
Nike's sustainability
The structure of your conclusion is e±ective.
ini±a±ves appear to be well-aligned with
their mission, demonstra±ng a genuine and proac±ve approach to corporate social responsibility. These ac±ons are supported
by both the "Shareholder Primacy" and "Grow The Pie" frameworks, as they safeguard long-term shareholder value and
contribute to the crea±on of addi±onal value for all stakeholders.
[Guidance: 300-400 words]
Appendix: Citation Assist
[Guidance: 250-350 words] 3) Key stakeholders and trade-o±s If you had to pick one, which stakeholder group seems
to be addressed most directly in the company’s mission statement (this can be subjective). Explain your reasoning and
be diligent in de²ning the stakeholder precisely. Has the relationship of the company to this stakeholder changed over
time? How does the company currently create (or destroy) value for this group in its normal course of business? Do
those same activities a±ect another stakeholder in the opposite direction?
1 match found
[Guidance: 300-350 words] 4) Analysis of corporate action Identify and clearly delineate a particular action that the
company has taken (or is taking) that is in the spirit of their mission statement (but not the same as their core
business). Analyse this action under a) the 6 CSR criteria discussed in the lecture b)
1 match found
and judge whether either framework supports or rejects this action being taken.
1 match found
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