Final Written Reflection
What did you enjoy most about this course?
I enjoyed the readings we read over the past eight weeks.
Which readings were enjoyable to you?
I enjoyed Gettysburg Address, The Birthmark, Captain John Smith
biography, Benjamin Franklin biography, Thomas Jefferson
biography, and Ain’t I a Woman?
Do you feel you have a deeper appreciation for American literature
after studying it in this course?
I would say I do not have a deeper appreciation of American
Literature after this course.
If you did not consider yourself a reader before the course, has this
changed after taking this course?
I would say I have definitely became a better writer throughout this
What would change about this course?
I would change the course to not having a writing assignment every.
I would also have the assignments graded within two days of
submission so I can know if I would need to change anything about
it before the next assignment.