CEIS236 Week 5 Project Deliverable



DeVry University, Chicago *

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Jun 18, 2024





Uploaded by BaronNeutronButterfly254

Course Project DeVry University College of Engineering and Information Sciences Course Number: CEIS236 Course Project Deliverable: 5 Include screenshots of the code and result Problem 1 Write the SQL code that will create only the table structure for a table named  EMPLOYEE. The basic  table structure is summarized in the following table. Use  EMP_NUM as the primary key. Your code should also prevent null entries in  EMP_LNAME and  EMP_FNAME. drop table employee; create table employee( emp_num varchar(3), emp_lname varchar(15) not null, emp_fname varchar(15) not null, emp_initial varchar(1), emp_hiredate datetime, job_code varchar(3), primary key(emp_num) ); Problem 2 Having created the table structure in  Problem 1 , write the SQL code to enter the first five rows for the table shown in the following f igure . Each row should be inserted
individually, without using a subquery. Insert the rows in the order that they are listed in the figure. Take a screenshot of the code and data entered. insert into employee values('101','News','John','G','2000-11-8','502'); insert into employee values('102','Senior','David','H','1989-7-12','501'); insert into employee values('103','Arbough','June','E','1996-12-01','500'); insert into employee values('104','Ramoras','Anne','K','1987-11-15','501'); insert into employee values('105','Johnson','Alice','K','1993-02-01','502'); insert into employee values('106','Smithfield','William','','2004-06-22','500'); insert into employee values('107','Alonzo','Maria','D','1993-10-10','500'); insert into employee values('108','Washington','Ralph','B','1991-08-22','501'); insert into employee values('109','Smith','Larry','W','1997-07-18','501');
Problem 3 Write the SQL code to change the job code to 501 for the person whose employee number ( EMP_NUM) is 103. update employee set job_code='501' where emp_num='103';
Problem 4 Write the SQL code to create a copy of  EMPLOYEE , including all of its data, and naming the copy  EMP_2. drop table emp_2; create table emp_2 as select * from employee; Problem 5 Using the  EMP_2 table, write the SQL code that will add the attributes  EMP_PCT and  PROJ_NUM to  EMP_2. The  EMP_PCT is the bonus percentage to be paid to each employee. The new attribute characteristics are: EMP_PCT NUMBER(4,2) PROJ_NUM CHAR(3) Note: If your SQL implementation requires it, you may use DECIMAL(4,2)or NUMERIC(4,2) rather than NUMBER(4,2). Alter table emp_2 add emp_pct decimal(4,2), add proj_num char(3);
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