eng4c_03_critical_analysis_essay_o (2)



St Alberts College, Ernakulam *

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Jun 18, 2024





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TVO ILC ENG4C Critical Analysis Project Outline (for submission) Critical analysis project outline (for submission) Short story : The Pedestrian Literary lens : Physiological Lens Outline Your input Teacher feedback Summarize your chosen literary lens in your own words. using the physiological lens I can analyze the text by focusing on the characters' behaviours and the author's motivations for writing his story. What is your main idea? Does your main idea explain why you chose this literary lens? Does your main idea explain what new understanding you are trying to convey to the reader? Is your main idea relevant and significant for your analysis? 1 Copyright © 2018 The Ontario Educational Communications Authority. All rights reserved.
TVO ILC ENG4C Critical Analysis Project Outline (for submission) Identify a minimum of 3–5 quotations from the story to support your main idea. 2 Copyright © 2018 The Ontario Educational Communications Authority. All rights reserved.
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