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May 31, 2024





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ABPL30055 2019 - Practical Exam Construction Management (University of Melbourne) Scan to open on Studocu Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university ABPL30055 2019 - Practical Exam Construction Management (University of Melbourne) Scan to open on Studocu Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by Arthur Zen (arthurzen126@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|24186768
Examination paper ABPL30055 Seat Number: Student ID : Do NOT write your name anywhere on your examination paper THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE ARCHITECTURE BUILDING AND PLANNING SUBJECT NAME: CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT - 2019 SUBJECT CODE: ABPL30055 EXAM DURATION: 3 HOURS READING TIME: 15 MINUTES TOTAL MARKS: 100 NUMBER OF PAGES: 11 PAGES (INCLUDING THIS PAGE), PLUS 2 TEMPLATE PAGES AUTHORISED MATERIALS 1. All calculators may be used. 2. Students ARE permitted to use a foreign language dictionary (FLD) 3. Students ARE permitted to use an English dictionary 4. Electronic devices including lap tops, tablets and electronic dictionaries are NOT authorised. INSTRUCTIONS TO INVIGILATORS 1. This is a WHITE paper. 2. Students will require this paper and TWO (2) script books. 3. Students may annotate this paper, but not their script book/s during reading time. 4. At the end of this exam the paper MUST be COLLECTED by Supervisors. The question paper MUST NOT LEAVE the room. 5. Dictionary must be unmarked, in hard copy (printed) and checked during reading time. INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS 1. This Exam is NOT an open book exam. NO notes or books are permitted. 2. Write your seat number and student ID number in the boxes at the top of this page at the START of WRITING TIME. 3. Do NOT detach any pages from the question paper, nor the script book. 4. During reading time, students may underline, highlight, and write on this question paper but not in the script book. 5. Write your answers on the RULED PAGES of your script book/s ONLY. Blank pages are for rough working out and will not be marked. 6. This examination paper is NOT to be removed from the examination venue. 7. This examination is worth 60 percent of your total marks for this subject. 8. Answer EACH QUESTION on a NEW PAGE in your script book. Write the QUESTION NUMBER ANSWERED at the TOP OF THE SCRIPT BOOK PAGE in the space allocated. Write the QUESTION NUMBER ANSWERED in the space allocated in the FRONT PAGE of the script book. EXAMINATION REPRINTS 1. This paper MAY BE LODGED with the library. Downloaded by Arthur Zen (arthurzen126@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|24186768
ABPL30055 EXAMINATION 2019 2 EXAMINATION INSTRUCTIONS You are reminded that: • you may not leave in the first half hour or the last fifteen minutes of any University of Melbourne examination; • you must not communicate with, receive assistance from, or copy from the paper of another student, at any time during your exam; • you must obey the reasonable instructions of the examination supervisors; • you must not have any unauthorised materials or items with you that could be used to cheat, be unscholarly and/or gain an unfair advantage over other students; • unauthorised item/s must be declared and wherever possible surrendered to a supervisor. Failure to follow to this instruction constitutes academic misconduct; • penalties apply for misconduct; • if you do not have photo ID with you, you will need to report to the Chief Supervisor at the end of the exam and have your photo taken. Before your exam • Please place your student card on top left hand corner of your desk. • Empty your pockets and place items under your desk or in the bin. • Please read and review your question paper during reading time. Unless you are permitted to annotate your paper, you must not write during reading time. • If you need assistance from a supervisor, including materials or a toilet break, raise your hand. Wait until the supervisor attends to you. Do not leave your seat without permission. • Wireless communications, mobile phones and any device other than an authorised device must be switched off and placed under your desk. • If you do not have your student card, please place another form of photo identification such as your passport or driver’s licence, in the top left hand corner of the desk, instead. During your exam • Supervisors will inspect desks and materials you access during the examination. Unauthorised material will be confiscated. • Any student found cheating; suspected of cheating; who attempts to cheat and/or enables others to cheat in an exam is engaging in academic misconduct. • Students found to have engaged in general or academic misconduct face penalties ranging from exclusion from the University; to a fine; a failure in examination and/or the termination of their enrolment. • A supervisor will submit a report in writing about incidents of misconduct to the University. In an Emergency • In the event of fire, or an emergency evacuation, leave all examination material where it is. Make your way to the nearest exit. Assemble away from the building, in line of sight of a fire warden who will be wearing a hard hat. Await further instructions. Signals and Warnings at the end of your exam • A warning signal will be given ten minutes ahead the end of your examination. After the signal, you are not permitted to leave the venue and must wait until dismissed. • At examination’s end a final signal will be given. The Chief Supervisor will order ‘pens down’. You must cease writing when ordered to do so. • Place your papers inside the question paper. Remain seated. Do not move from your seat until the Chief Supervisor announces that students are dismissed from the room. • Do NOT switch on your mobile phone or use any other device until you are outside the venue. Photography is not permitted within the examination venue. Downloaded by Arthur Zen (arthurzen126@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|24186768
ABPL30055 EXAMINATION 2019 3 ABPL30055 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT EXAMINATION 2019 SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS During reading time you may annotate on this question paper, but not in the script book. Read all the parts of each question before answering the question. Answer all questions in the examination script book provided. However, questions 3 (multiple activity chart) and 6 (network diagram) must be done on the templates provided and inserted into the script book. Answer each question on a new page and write the question number at the top of the page. Write the question numbers answered on the front page of the script book in the spaces provided. Use full sentences to answer questions unless noted otherwise. Diagrams, graphs, and sketches can be used where appropriate. There are 10 questions which total 100 marks. PLEASE TURN OVER FOR QUESTIONS . Downloaded by Arthur Zen (arthurzen126@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|24186768
ABPL30055 EXAMINATION 2019 4 ABPL30055 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT EXAMINATION 2019 TOTAL 100 MARKS Question 1 (14 marks) (a) One key issue in construction projects is that the phases of a project (define, develop, construct, close, operate) are often considered in isolation. (1) Explain, in principle, why the phases need to be integrated as much as practical and possible. (2 marks) (2) Describe one practical example of this integration in a construction project. (2 marks) (b) Two functions of management are monitoring and controlling . State the meaning of these two functions. (2 marks) (c) Explain the purpose of a union in the construction sector, and two possible benefits to a worker in belonging to a union. (3 marks) (d) Working with people is important in construction. Starting at the most fundamental level and going to the highest level, state each level of Maslow’s model of hierarchical needs and state a practical example at each level of how a manager may use the model for their workers on a busy construction site. (5 marks) Question 2 (16 marks) The Victorian School Buildings Authority (VSBA) is a state government department responsible for public schools. In 2019 calendar year VSBA is planning to spend $800M on schools throughout Victoria for the following works: • Construction of 8 new schools, each at an average cost of $60M • Refurbishment of 40 existing schools, each at an average cost of $8M (a) Discuss how the following two strategic considerations are necessary for the optimum delivery of the total work package of $800M. Do not discuss specific procurement models. (1) Locations of the schools (2) Scope of works for each of the schools (4 marks) (b) Explain with the aid of diagrams, why in general, a managing contractor in a management contracting (MC) procurement model carries more risk than a construction manager in a construction management (CM) model. (4 marks) (Continued next page) Downloaded by Arthur Zen (arthurzen126@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|24186768
ABPL30055 EXAMINATION 2019 5 (c) The scope of works for one particular rural school requiring refurbishment includes the following: • Refurbishment of delaminated concrete (exact scope can only be finalised after commencing work). • New fit out of several class rooms. • Extension to an existing gymnasium for new change rooms. • Upgrades to three chemistry laboratories, which include retaining some facilities and replacing other facilities with new. • Early works - road widening and refurbishment of several badly deteriorated roads. This will also help with traffic access for the project overall. The school will need to be operational while some of these works are occurring. Discuss, with specific reasons, why a MC procurement model could be the most appropriate model for this project. (5 marks) (d) Tender negotiations are currently being held with a favourable tenderer and the client (VSBA) for construction of one of the new schools. The tenderer has requested that after signing a contract, they require a $3M upfront full payment from the client for supply of a long lead item, before they place an Order on that item to the supplier. The client believes that this is too much financial exposure and risk to the client, and demanded that no payment can be made until after delivery and quality control check of the item on site. Discuss a negotiated solution to this problem including necessary controls to put in place to ensure the negotiated position works. (3 marks) Downloaded by Arthur Zen (arthurzen126@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|24186768
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