D168 Task 5



Western Governors University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






May 30, 2024





Uploaded by ChancellorLightning8824

A. Identify the hypothetical scenario you selected and explain the context, including each of the following: what happened- A deadly tornado hits the community. who was involved- Many schools, homes, and businesses throughout the community were destroyed or detrimentally affected by the storm. examples of the impact on the community- Many people were displaced from there homes and had to find temporary housing. Local businesses were hit and had to shut their doors while they made necessary repairs. There were many people in the community that also suffered loss of family members in the storm. examples of how the situation impacts students at home- Since many schools, homes, and workplaces were affected some students had to be kept home from school temporarily and parents had to either stay home too or find temporary childcare. The other extreme were parents whose jobs had been affected which may have put them out of work temporarily and caused more stress at home. Sadly, if a family member was lost in the storm, this would cause additional stress and grief to cope with among all the other burdens the disaster brought. examples of how the situation impacts students at school The local elementary school was flattened, so the students had to take a few weeks off school to clean up the mess. Once the students were sent back to school, they had to share classrooms with the middle school students whose building survived the storm. This meant double the amount of students, teachers, and faculty under one roof, so it required a lot of coordinating to make sure everyone accomplished what they needed to during the school day. B. Describe a strategy you would use to help students cope with the scenario from part A. One strategy that I would implement in my classroom would be to make sure the students knew they could keep discussing the disaster for as long as they needed to. I would want them to come to school and feel safe especially if their homes were destroyed or if they’d lost someone in the storm. Specifically, I would have them journal at the beginning of each class. This would be a place they could talk about the storm, their lives, or anything they wanted to. They could even draw pictures as long as they completed it. I would have them turn them in but only read them if they asked me to. 1. Justify why your strategy would be effective in helping students cope with the scenario at school and at home. I think that most students would appreciate the outlet to escape and feel safe from the chaos of the outside world or even at home. The journals give them a way to express themselves publicly if they choose or privately if they just need to get something or some feelings out. 2. Explain one anticipated challenge you might encounter as you implement this strategy in your classroom. Any disruption in a student’s life is going to affect their focus and routine at school. I think a big challenge would be getting students back to normalcy when they returned to school after the disaster. The excitement and adrenaline would take a few days to where off, and if the students were displaced or lost family members extra attention would need to be given to make sure these particular students did not fall behind. 3. Explain how you will overcome this challenge. Include specific examples to support your explanation.
To overcome the excitement and confusion caused by the students’ lives being rearranged, I would give them an extra recess or free period during the day for a while to help blow off some residual steam. Then after a few weeks, I would slowly ease them back into their normal classroom routines. I would give it time to get back to normal just like their lives outside of school would take time to heal instead of forcing structure on them in the midst of chaos.
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