Module 4



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Destiny Perez ENG102 04/07/2024 Module 4: Argument Plan - Rhetorical Considerations Step 1: Describe the Problem, Audience, and Genre 1. Problem and Its Presence: The problem in my community is the uphill battle military veterans are facing in regard to their mental health after finishing their contracts. The matter is serious because it robs veterans the ability to fight for their mental health and unfortunately ends up costing many lives. 2. Target Audience: My intended audience is military personnel and their friends and families. As far as my audiences’ values and beliefs I would aim for the community that is considered patriotic and family oriented. As a whole they can rise up and demand for change, especially since an estimate of 2.96 million military personnel make up the population. Therefore, my intended audience would be military personnel, friends, family and patriotic individuals. Although, when it comes to finances or authority it can be hard to say because the community is big and has various different backgrounds. 3. Genre: I will compose my proposal in the form of a letter because it is most suitable due to the severity of the matter. A letter will allow me to inform my audience of the issue and then allow me to persuade them on how personal it can be and express my passion for the issue without being limited to length. Step 2: Explain Your Proposed Solution and Rhetorical Considerations 1. Alternative Solutions and Drawbacks: One solution was adding more facilities and incorporating private facilities to provide healthcare to veterans. The drawback is that it takes time to open up facilities and to work with facilities that are up and running. As of February of this year the VA have announced a partnership with the DOD in Kentucky and Tennessee. Therefore, an estimated timeline of seeing a great amount of change in all 50 states is unknown. Another solution was changing the outlook veterans have on mental health because when active they are informed that seeking mental health will enable them to complete their duties. The drawback is that there are still individuals who feed into the stigma and it continues to discourage personnel from seeking help while active and after separation. “When soldiers seek help for mental illnesses, they fall short of the standards set by the military and are largely stigmatized”(Roscoe 2021). 2. The Best Solution : My proposed solution is conducting a course a week prior to separation, thus to inform personnel of their healthcare system they are afforded and harp on the importance of getting help and shredding stigmas that are aimed towards their downfall. This course will be the sole focus of the military members and their
Destiny Perez ENG102 04/07/2024 Module 4: Argument Plan - Rhetorical Considerations units can no longer call them in for work because this would technically be their separation unit. The USMC requires their members to take a course prior to separating but it is usually done weeks or months before there actual separation date. This course I’m suggesting can take place of that course or be added as its own because of the severity of the matter. This will allow the member to only focus on the course because it won't require any strict attire or assignments, unlike their current course. 3. Justification for the Best Solution : Provide 2-3 convincing reasons why your audience should accept your proposed solution and act on it. Explain what evidence you might use to support each reason. Don't forget evidence; all personal opinions and claims should be backed up with convincing, audience-specific evidence and research. 4. Counter-Arguments and Rebuttal: Two possible objections could be that there is not enough funding and also what guarantees that the members will take in the information. As far as finances I do believe that groups will help finance this course and or go over budgeting and find the money to establish a course that can implement change. When it comes to members taking the information, there is a slight chance that they won't but there's also a chance that they will. Members are eager to volunteer and share their testimonials on mental health, especially since they are family. The military community is one big family that all share something that the rest of the 99% population does not. Therefore, finding the financial support can be managed and implementing change in military members' thinking is possible by using testimonials and reiterating that it is important to seek help before it gets too far. 5. Concluding Call to Action: I can use the strategy pathos to provoke their emotions through persuasion in my writing and the testimonials and research of members and individuals who are affected. Ultimately my goal is to inform them of their role, which is to advocate for the military members and help make some changes on strategies that are outdated. Step 3: Compose a Preliminary Thesis Military members put their mental health on the line to protect our country and then they are forced to put it in further risk after completing their duties they were charged. Many lives have been lost and are at stake because of the lack of change in the Veteran Affairs mental healthcare system as well as the stigma behind mental health as a whole. Military members who have devoted their lives so that others don't have to are
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